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Balades ep. 2, Quiz 13: on nous présente

Improve your ear for French with this snippet from Balades (ep. 2, 13). It’s 67 words in 33 seconds. How many can you hear and understand? Improve your French listening comprehension!

Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is from Balades Episode 2. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Find the full podcast here.

33 seconds, 67 words

The above audio sample and transcription is from Balades ep. 2. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

We were shown

I’ll be honest, not sure this snippet has any really fun expressions.

However, the use of Nous throughout is interesting. As I’m learning French, I find I use conjugations, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person singular often. I do not use 1st & 2nd plural that much. So to see this many cojugations here in 1st plural is interesting.

One of my teachers said “right now, you might be tempted to only remember the singular conjugations, but soon the 1st and 2nd plural will be important!” So don’t forget them… I think they are needed for other tenses.

All the same, remembering all the conjugations is tricky, and just requires more exposure.

I bring up the “nous” constructions, and yet the phrase I chose is “on nous présente”. This construction is new to me, and that’s why I wanted to highlight it. What phrase stands out to you in this snippet?

What about you? Have you thought about how you learn the language? And, how did you find this snippet?

The snippet in English

Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

Nous sommes arrivés au camping en fin d’après-midi. À la réception on nous présente les installations.

Et on nous demande ce que nous voulons pour le petit-déjeuner le lendemain matin.

Ensuite, une employée nous accompagne jusqu’à notre arbre.

En fait, ce sont deux arbres côte à côte avec deux cabanes reliées par une terrasse.

Sur cette terrasse se trouve une grande table. Nous nous installons, puis nous allons nous promener.

We arrived at the campsite in the late afternoon. At the reception we were shown the facilities.

And we are asked what we want for breakfast the next morning.

Then, an employee accompanies us to our tree.

In fact, it is two trees side by side with two cabins connected by a terrace.

On this terrace there is a big table. We settle down, then we go for a walk.

The above translation from Deepl. Source

What does “on nous présente les installations” mean?

“On nous présente les installations” translates to “We are shown the facilities” or “The facilities are being presented to us” in English.

Breakdown of the Phrase

  • On: An indefinite pronoun often used in French in the same way as “one” or “they” in English. In this context, it’s equivalent to “someone” or “people.”
  • Nous présente: From the verb “présenter,” meaning “to present” or “to show.” Combined with “nous,” it means “presents to us” or “shows us.”
  • Les installations: Refers to “the facilities” or “the installations,” which can mean equipment, buildings, or amenities depending on the context.

Usage and Context

  • The phrase is typically used in contexts where a group of people, including the speaker, is being shown around a place, like during a tour of a facility, building, or complex.
  • It implies that someone is explaining or displaying the features, functions, or layout of the facilities to the speaker and their group.


  • In a school setting: “Lors de la journée portes ouvertes, on nous présente les installations de l’école.” (During the open house, we are shown the school’s facilities.)
  • In a business context: “À notre arrivée à l’usine, on nous présente les installations.” (Upon our arrival at the factory, the facilities are presented to us.)


“On nous présente les installations” means “We are shown the facilities” or “The facilities are being presented to us” in French. It’s commonly used in situations where a group is being introduced to or familiarized with a place’s facilities, highlighting the act of being shown around and informed about the place.

What does “le lendemain” mean?

“Le lendemain” translates to “the next day” or “the following day” in English.

Usage and Interpretation

  • This phrase refers to the day immediately following a certain event or a mentioned day.
  • It is used to indicate the sequence of events in time, focusing on what happens after a specific day.


  • “Nous sommes partis le lendemain.” (We left the next day.)
  • “Le lendemain, il a plu toute la journée.” (The following day, it rained all day.)


  • “Le lendemain” is commonly used in narratives, both spoken and written, to describe events in chronological order.
  • It’s a temporal marker and is suitable for a wide range of contexts, from casual storytelling to formal writing, such as in historical accounts, diaries, or reports.


“Le lendemain” means “the next day” or “the following day” in French. It’s used to refer to the day immediately after a mentioned day or event, serving as a temporal marker to sequence events in time. This phrase is versatile and commonly used in various narrative contexts to indicate continuity from one day to the next.

What does “côte à côte” mean?

“Côte à côte” translates to “side by side” in English.

Usage and Interpretation

  • This phrase is used to describe two or more entities (people, objects, etc.) being next to each other in close proximity.
  • It often implies a sense of partnership, equality, or collaboration.


  • “Ils marchaient côte à côte le long de la plage.” (They walked side by side along the beach.)
  • “Les deux bâtiments sont construits côte à côte.” (The two buildings are constructed side by side.)


  • “Côte à côte” can be used in various contexts, including physical positioning, relationships, or metaphorical scenarios indicating cooperation or togetherness.
  • It’s a common expression in both spoken and written French, suitable for casual as well as formal situations.


“Côte à côte” means “side by side” in French. It’s used to describe two or more entities being next to each other, often conveying a sense of closeness, partnership, or collaboration. The phrase is versatile, fitting into a range of contexts from literal physical proximity to metaphorical togetherness.

What does “reliées” mean?

“Reliées” translates to “connected” or “linked” in English.

Usage and Interpretation

  • “Reliées” is the feminine plural form of the past participle “relié,” from the verb “relier,” which means “to connect” or “to link.”
  • It is used to describe how things (objects, concepts, places, etc.) are connected or joined together.


  • “Les deux pièces sont reliées par un couloir.” (The two rooms are connected by a corridor.)
  • “Ces idées sont étroitement reliées.” (These ideas are closely linked.)


  • “Reliées” can be used in various contexts, such as physical connections between objects, conceptual links between ideas, or relational ties between individuals or entities.
  • It’s applicable in both technical and abstract discussions, making it a versatile term in French.


“Reliées” means “connected” or “linked” in French. It’s used to describe how different things are joined or associated with each other. This term is versatile and can be used in a variety of contexts, ranging from physical connections to conceptual and relational links.

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2 thoughts on “Balades ep. 2, Quiz 13: on nous présente”

  1. Heya,

    Not sure if this is a bug but this quiz is showing as the daily quiz today.

    Additionally, there’s only one space for the words “le lendemain”.

    1. Hi, I’m updating the site to show a random quiz each day. You can still find your episodes from Transfert by going to search, transfert and sort by newest first. Thanks for your patience as the project grows and morphs!

      It was a bug with le lendemain thank you for pointing that out!

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