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Manger ep. 1, Quiz 26: pas vraiment tort hein

    Start at any level – A1 or DALF prep, and improve your listening skills! This clip from Manger is just 9 seconds long with 41 words, how many can you pick up? Choose your level and fill in the transcript with what you hear.

    This clip is from Manger Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    9 seconds, 41 words

    The above audio sample and transcription is from Manger ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    Not really wrong

    This expression really interests me, and it’s almost impossible for me to pick up in this block. Here’s some background about “tort hein”. It’s a colloquial expression that is used to indicate agreement with a statement or opinion.

    The word “tort” means “wrong” or “incorrect”, but in this context, it is used to convey the idea of being mistaken or incorrect about something. The word “hein” is an interjection that is commonly used in French to seek confirmation or agreement. So when someone says “tort hein”, they are essentially saying “you’re wrong, right?” or “you agree that I’m mistaken, don’t you?” It can also be used sarcastically or in a playful way to challenge someone’s opinion or statement.

    I love that bathroom humor comes into play. Is that a French thing or simply this podcast’s thing? I’m not sure yet…

    What’s opening up for you in this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Alors pour la constipation, il a pas vraiment tort hein. Je me rappelle avoir passé des nuits un peu compliquées quand je me suis découvert une passion pour les All Bran, mais que j’avais pas trop compris le principe des fibres.

    So for constipation, he’s not really wrong. I remember having a few complicated nights when I discovered my passion for All Bran, but I didn’t really understand the principle of fiber.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “il a pas vraiment tort hein” mean?

    “il a pas vraiment tort hein” is a colloquial French expression that roughly translates to “he’s not entirely wrong, you know.” It is a way of acknowledging that someone’s opinion or statement may have some truth to it, even if it is not completely accurate or acceptable.

    The phrase “il a pas vraiment tort” means “he’s not really wrong” and uses the negative form “pas” to soften the statement. The addition of “hein” at the end is a common French interjection that seeks agreement or confirmation from the listener.

    This expression is often used in casual conversations among friends or acquaintances and is a way of expressing a degree of agreement or understanding without fully endorsing someone’s statement. It can also be used to suggest a certain level of respect for someone’s opinion or perspective, even if it is not entirely shared.

    Overall, “il a pas vraiment tort hein” is a useful and versatile phrase in French that can help navigate informal conversations and express nuanced opinions in a friendly and non-confrontational way.

    What does “je me rappelle” mean?

    “Je me rappelle” is a French phrase that translates to “I remember” in English. It is used to refer to a past event or memory that the speaker can recall. The phrase is commonly used in conversation and writing to indicate a personal experience or memory.

    The origin of the phrase can be traced back to the Latin term “recordari,” which means “to remember.” The French language adopted the term and created the phrase “se rappeler,” which means “to recall.” Over time, “se rappeler” was shortened to “rappeler” and “je me rappelle” became the commonly used phrase.

    Examples of usage of “je me rappelle” include:

    • Je me rappelle de la première fois que j’ai vu la mer. (I remember the first time I saw the sea.)
    • Je me rappelle avoir étudié la philosophie en classe de terminale. (I remember studying philosophy in my senior year of high school.)
    • Je me rappelle de notre dernier voyage en famille. (I remember our last family trip.)

    Interesting tidbits about the phrase include that it is often used in the negative form “je ne me rappelle pas” to indicate a lack of memory or forgetfulness. Additionally, in some French-speaking regions, “je me souviens” is used interchangeably with “je me rappelle” to express the same idea of remembering.

    What does “pas trop compris” mean?

    “J’avais pas trop compris” is a common French expression that translates to “I didn’t really understand” or “I didn’t quite get it.” The phrase is a colloquial way of expressing that something was unclear or confusing to the speaker. It is often used in casual conversations with friends or acquaintances. The verb “comprendre” (to understand) is conjugated in the past tense and negated with “pas” to indicate that the speaker did not fully grasp something. The addition of “trop” (too much) adds emphasis to the fact that the understanding was incomplete. Overall, this phrase is a simple way to express confusion or lack of understanding in French.

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