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Manger ep. 1, Quiz 29: tranquilou

    The phrases “hein tranquilou”, “prix d’or”, & “poursuivi en justice” … Do you know what they mean? Hear them in this clip from Manger and improve your listening skills in French with French in real life!

    This clip is from Manger Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    23 seconds, 82 words

    The above audio sample and transcription is from Manger ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.


    Ok, now I may be venturing into unknown territory here. I think this is some slang that really dates someone. It may be from “Tranquilou bilou”. Like. may be a bit older or not cool. Though, GQ has an article about it. It may be, along with filler words mentioned yesterday, another expression your teachers will HATE.

    Here’s my proof it’s something that will date you if you use it… From Reddit user Ffif_fr “Moi perso, j utilise un petit “tranquilou loulou” de temps en temps. Oui je suis un boomer je sais…”

    It’s an interesting expression here as Deepl skips over it. Linguee.com has nothing on this word. Even Google suggests you made a typo. However, that does seem to be what the speaker is saying here. What did you pick up?

    What’s opening up for you in this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Revenons maintenant à notre John Harvey Kellogg. Celui qui voulait donc trouver un remède à la masturbation. Alors lui, il crée une version plus digeste de ces céréales vendues à prix d’or, toujours avec du blé, mais en ajoutant du maïs et de l’avoine. Et il appelle ça du Granula, hein tranquilou, comme si personne n’y avait pensé avant. Et il est bien obligé de les rebaptiser. Il les rebaptise Granola parce qu’il est poursuivi en justice par James Caleb Jackson, surprise.

    Let’s go back to our John Harvey Kellogg. The one who wanted to find a cure for masturbation. So he creates a more digestible version of these cereals sold at a high price, still with wheat, but with the addition of corn and oats. And he calls it Granula, as if nobody had thought of it before. And he has to rename them. He renames them Granola because he’s being sued by James Caleb Jackson, surprise.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “à prix d’or” mean?

    “À prix d’or” is a French phrase that literally translates to “at a golden price” in English. It is used to describe something that is very expensive, often exorbitantly so. The phrase is commonly used in the context of luxury goods, such as high-end fashion items, jewelry, and luxury cars.

    The origin of the phrase is not entirely clear, but it is believed to have originated in France during the reign of King Louis XIV, who was known for his lavish spending on extravagant goods and services. The phrase has since become a popular expression in the French language and is often used in everyday conversations to describe anything that is deemed to be excessively expensive.

    One interesting fact about the phrase is that it has been used in various forms of media, including literature, music, and film. For example, the French writer Alexandre Dumas used the phrase in his novel “The Count of Monte Cristo,” while the famous French singer Edith Piaf used it in one of her songs, “A Quoi Ca Sert l’Amour?”

    In conclusion, “à prix d’or” is a French expression used to describe something that is very expensive. While its exact origin is unknown, the phrase has become a popular expression in French language and culture, appearing in various forms of media over the years.

    What does “hein tranquilou” mean?

    “Hein tranquilou” is a colloquial French expression that is often used to indicate that things are going smoothly or to express a sense of ease or nonchalance about a situation. “Hein” is an interjection used to seek confirmation or agreement, and “tranquilou” is a slang term that means “calmly” or “relaxed”.

    The expression is often used in a casual and playful tone among friends or in situations where the atmosphere is relaxed. For example, if someone asks how your day is going and you respond with “hein tranquilou”, you are saying that things are going smoothly and there is nothing to worry about. It can also be used to express a sense of confidence or nonchalance in the face of a challenge or difficult situation.

    Overall, “hein tranquilou” is a lighthearted and informal expression that conveys a sense of ease and relaxation.

    Tell me about “bien” as an adverb?

    In the phrase “il est bien obligé”, “bien” is an adverb that means “indeed” or “certainly”. It emphasizes the fact that the subject (in this case “il”) has no choice but to do something. “Il est bien obligé” could be translated to “He is indeed forced to” or “He certainly has to”. The word “bien” is commonly used in French to add emphasis or to strengthen the meaning of a statement.

    What does “il est poursuivi en justice” mean?

    The phrase “il est poursuivi en justice” is a French expression that means “he is being prosecuted” or “he is being sued in court.” It usually refers to a legal situation in which someone is accused of committing a crime or breaking a law, and legal action has been taken against them. The phrase can be used in both criminal and civil cases, and it implies that the person is facing serious legal consequences, such as fines, imprisonment, or damages. In some cases, the phrase may also suggest that the person is innocent, and that the legal action against them is unjustified or unfair.

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    The phrases “hein tranquilou”, “prix d’or”, & “poursuivi en justice” … Do you know what they mean? Hear them in this clip from Manger and improve your listening skills in French with French in real life!

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