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Manger ep. 1, Quiz 53: m’a interpellé

    What does “m’a interpellé” mean? Hear it in this 16 second clip. Fill in the blanks of our transcription quiz at your level: A1? B2? DALF prep? Start here, we’ve got you. Improve your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life.

    This clip is from Manger Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    16 seconds, 45 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Manger ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

    Made me wonder

    I like this phrase in French and wanted to highlight it. It made me wonder how common this is in French. I know this is a foreign speaker of French, that always adds nuance to the language with another culture in the mix. There is so much in communication that comes from culture.

    In France I quickly realized that anyone entering a shop will offer a salutation to the shopkeeper when they enter and give a valediction at their exit. Seems common sense, of course. Then this week I was reading in Pamela Druckerman’s Bringing Up Bébé that while English has two magic words (please and thank you, our p’s and q’s), French has four. Please, Thank you, Hello, and Goodbye.

    And in France, each is so essential beginning from a very young age. It made me wonder about my daily interactions. In actually listening, it hit me how often I omit the Hello and Goodbye. When I’m shopping or out and about in Taiwan. And it made me see how I let my child skip those two words when we’re meeting friends or seeing anyone. And those two words, especially a strong “Hello”, can dramitically alter any interaction.

    That’s not to downplay the power of what the speaker is saying here. I just wanted to share some other societal requirements in France beyong how a woman must look good and how companies played to that… A very fascinating argument, for sure.

    What’s opening up for you in this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Et ça c’était plutôt axé sur la femme. Ça n’a jamais été axé sur l’homme. ca m’a interpellé sur le fait qu’on a profité de cette exigence sociétale en fait que la femme soit toujours en forme, pour vendre en fait des produits du petit-déjeuner.

    And that was more focused on women. It was never focused on men. It made me wonder how they took advantage of this societal requirement that women should always be in shape, to sell breakfast products.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “axé sur” mean?

    “Axé sur” is a French phrase that can be translated as “focused on” or “centered on” in English. It is composed of the verb “axer” (to focus) and the preposition “sur” (on).

    The phrase “axé sur” indicates that something is primarily centered, oriented, or directed toward a specific topic, theme, or objective. It implies a strong emphasis or concentration on a particular aspect or target.

    Here are a few examples to illustrate the usage of “axé sur”:

    1. “Ce programme de formation est axé sur le développement des compétences en leadership.” (This training program is focused on the development of leadership skills.)
    2. “Le film est axé sur l’exploration de thèmes sociaux et politiques.” (The film is centered on the exploration of social and political themes.)
    3. “Ce projet de recherche est axé sur l’étude des effets du changement climatique.” (This research project is focused on the study of the effects of climate change.)

    An antonym that helps illustrate the meaning of “axé sur” is “sans orientation” (without orientation) or “non centré sur” (not centered on). These terms indicate a lack of focus or concentration on a specific subject or objective.

    An interesting aspect of the phrase is its frequent use in various contexts, such as business, education, arts, and more. “Axé sur” implies a deliberate and intentional direction or purpose, highlighting the importance of a specific area of interest or goal.

    Overall, “axé sur” denotes a strong focus or emphasis on a particular subject or objective, indicating a dedicated approach or concentration on a specific aspect.

    What does “interpellé” mean?

    “M’a interpellé” indicates that something or someone has provoked a reaction, caused a strong impression, or sparked curiosity or interest in the speaker. It suggests that the subject matter or situation has caught their attention or triggered a personal response.

    Some examples:

    • “Ce livre m’a interpellé par sa vision originale du monde.” (This book caught my attention with its original worldview.)
    • “La scène de l’accident m’a interpellé et m’a fait réfléchir sur la sécurité routière.” (The accident scene grabbed my attention and made me reflect on road safety.)
    • “Son discours m’a interpellé, et j’ai décidé d’agir en conséquence.” (His speech called out to me, and I decided to take action accordingly.)

    An antonym that contrasts with the meaning of “m’a interpellé” would be “m’a laissé indifférent(e)” (left me indifferent). It indicates that the subject did not provoke any strong reaction or interest.

    “M’a interpellé” is commonly used to express personal engagement or emotional impact. It can be employed in various contexts, such as literature, art, public speeches, news events, or personal experiences.

    It’s worth noting that “m’a interpellé” is in the past tense, indicating that the action or event has already occurred and had an effect on the speaker. The gender agreement of “interpellé” would depend on the gender of the speaker and the noun being referred to.

    Overall, “m’a interpellé” highlights the speaker’s personal response to something that has caught their attention, made an impression, or prompted further reflection or action.

    What does “exigence sociétale” mean?

    “Exigence sociétale” represents the set of expectations, needs, or obligations that society places on individuals, organizations, or institutions. It reflects the prevailing social norms, values, and aspirations of a particular community or society.

    Some Examples:

    • “L’éthique environnementale est devenue une exigence sociétale croissante.” (Environmental ethics has become a growing societal demand.)
    • “Les entreprises doivent répondre aux exigences sociétales en matière de responsabilité sociale.” (Companies must meet societal demands in terms of social responsibility.)
    • “L’égalité des genres est une exigence sociétale importante à promouvoir.” (Gender equality is an important societal demand to promote.)

    “Exigence sociétale” is often used in discussions related to social issues, ethics, corporate social responsibility, public policy, and cultural norms. It highlights the expectations that society has regarding various aspects of life, including ethics, sustainability, equality, and justice.

    It’s important to note that “exigence sociétale” represents a collective perspective and may vary across different societies, cultures, and time periods. The concept reflects the evolving values and priorities of a given society.

    In summary, “exigence sociétale” refers to the societal demands or expectations that shape behavior, values, and standards within a community or society. It encompasses the collective aspirations and requirements that individuals and organizations are expected to meet in accordance with prevailing social norms and values.

    What does “en forme” mean?

    “En forme” refers to being in good physical condition, feeling energetic, and being healthy. It implies that the person is physically fit and capable of engaging in physical activities without difficulty or fatigue.

    Some Examples:

    • “Je vais à la gym tous les jours pour rester en forme.” (I go to the gym every day to stay in shape.)
    • “Après avoir suivi un régime et fait de l’exercice, je me sens beaucoup plus en forme.” (After following a diet and exercising, I feel much more fit.)
    • “Les athlètes s’entraînent régulièrement pour être en forme lors des compétitions.” (Athletes train regularly to be in shape for competitions.)

    The antonym of “en forme” would be “en mauvaise forme” or “en méforme,” which means “out of shape” or “unfit.” It describes a state of poor physical condition or low energy.

    “En forme” is commonly used in conversations related to health, fitness, exercise, and general well-being. It can also be used to describe someone who appears lively, energetic, or vibrant.

    It’s worth noting that “en forme” can also be used metaphorically to describe someone’s mental or emotional well-being, indicating that they are feeling positive or in a good mood.

    Overall, “en forme” emphasizes a state of physical well-being and fitness, suggesting that someone is in good shape and capable of engaging in physical activities with ease.

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    What does “m’a interpellé” mean? Hear it in this 16 second clip. Fill in the blanks of our transcription quiz at your level: A1? B2? DALF prep? Start here, we’ve got you. Improve your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life.

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