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Manger ep. 1, Quiz 67: tous frais payés

    “Tous frais payés en Espagne”, what would you do? Hear more in this clip of French in real life and improve your French listening skills with us! Start at any level, select how much of the transcript you can see and fill in the blanks of our quiz as you listen an improve your French…

    This clip is from Manger Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    18 seconds, 54 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Manger ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

    all expenses paid

    What’s opening up for you in this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Et dernièrement, il y a une grande, grande marque de céréales du petit-déjeuner, qui m’avait très gentiment proposé de venir un colloque sur la nutrition où j’allais apprendre plein de choses et c’est un week-end tous frais payés en Espagne. Eh bien j’ai quand même refusé et mes amis m’ont dit que j’étais héroïque.

    And recently, a big, big brand of breakfast cereals very kindly offered me to come to a conference on nutrition where I was going to learn lots of things, and it was an all-expenses-paid weekend in Spain. Well, I turned them down and my friends told me I was heroic.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “dernièrement” mean?

    The word “dernièrement” in French translates to “lately” or “recently” in English. “Dernièrement” is an adverb that indicates something that has happened or occurred in the recent past, typically within a relatively short timeframe from the present moment.

    “Dernièrement” is commonly used to describe or refer to activities, experiences, or developments that have occurred in the recent past. It provides a temporal context and allows speakers to highlight the timeliness or relevance of a particular event or occurrence.


    “J’ai rencontré un ami intéressant dernièrement.” (I met an interesting friend lately.)

    “Dernièrement, j’ai commencé à m’intéresser à la cuisine végétalienne.” (Recently, I’ve started to take an interest in vegan cooking.)

    Other similar expressions that can convey a similar meaning to “dernièrement” include “récemment” (recently), “dans les derniers temps” (in recent times), or “ces derniers temps” (these last times).

    The use of “dernièrement” is common in everyday conversation, as it allows individuals to share and discuss recent events, experiences, or developments. It contributes to the temporal dimension of storytelling and exchanging personal anecdotes.

    What does “m’avait très gentiment” mean?

    Overall, the phrase “m’avait très gentiment” can be translated as “had very kindly” in English. It expresses an action that was done in a very kind or considerate manner toward the person represented by the pronoun “me.”

    Example: “Elle m’avait très gentiment offert un cadeau” (She had very kindly given me a gift).

    In this example, “m’avait très gentiment” emphasizes the kindness or thoughtfulness with which she had given the gift.

    Here’s a breakdown of the phrase:

    • “M’avait”: This is a contracted form of the pronoun “me” (meaning “to me” or “for me”) and the auxiliary verb “avait” (the third-person singular form of the verb “avoir,” meaning “to have”). Together, “m’avait” translates to “had” or “had given” in English.
    • “Très”: This is an adverb meaning “very” in English. It is used to intensify the adjective or adverb that follows it, in this case, “gentiment.”
    • “Gentiment”: This is an adverb derived from the adjective “gentil” (meaning “kind” or “nice”). “Gentiment” translates to “kindly” or “nicely” in English. It describes the manner or way in which an action is performed.

    What does “un colloque” mean?

    “Un colloque” in French refers to a conference, symposium, or seminar. “Un colloque” is an event where experts, researchers, professionals, or individuals with common interests gather to discuss and exchange knowledge on a specific topic.

    The term “colloque” is commonly used in academic and professional contexts. It is prevalent in fields such as science, technology, humanities, social sciences, and business, where scholars and experts come together to present their research, exchange ideas, and foster collaboration.


    • “Le colloque sur le changement climatique” (The conference on climate change)
    • “Le colloque international sur la littérature francophone” (The international symposium on Francophone literature).

    The word “colloque” comes from the Latin word “colloquium,” which means a conversation or dialogue. It emphasizes the interactive nature of these events, where participants come together to exchange ideas and engage in discussions.

    What does “j’allais” mean?

    “J’allais” in this context represents the imperfect tense conjugation of the verb “aller”.

    The phrase “j’allais” in French is a conjugated form of the verb “aller” in the imperfect tense. “J’allais” translates to “I was going” or “I used to go” in English. In other contexts it can express an ongoing or habitual action.

    In this context, “j’allais” translates to “I was going” or “I was about to” in English. It expresses an action or intention that was in progress or about to happen in the past.

    “J’allais” is formed by combining the subject pronoun “je” (I) with the imperfect tense conjugation of the verb “aller” (to go). It remains the same as previously explained.

    “J’allais” here describes the intention or expectation of attending the colloque, emphasizing the plan or the upcoming event in the past.


    • “L’entreprise m’a proposé de venir à un colloque sur la nutrition où j’allais apprendre plein de choses.” (The company offered me to attend a nutrition conference where I was going to learn many things.)
    • “Je venais de prendre ma décision quand j’ai reçu l’invitation au colloque où j’allais retrouver mes collègues.” (I had just made my decision when I received the invitation to the conference where I was going to meet my colleagues.)
    • “Hier soir, j’allais au cinéma quand j’ai reçu ton appel.” (Last night, I was going to the cinema when I received your call.)

    In this context, “j’allais” indicates the intention or expectation of attending the colloque, highlighting the plan or the upcoming action that was about to take place. It adds a temporal dimension and sets the stage for the subsequent events or experiences mentioned.

    The verb “aller” is highly irregular and is one of the most frequently used verbs in the French language.

    What does “tous frais payés” mean?

    The phrase “tous frais payés” in French translates to “all expenses paid” or “all costs covered” in English. Here’s some information about this phrase:

    This expression is commonly used in contexts where an individual or organization is offering a fully sponsored opportunity. It could be a trip, a scholarship, a business venture, or any situation where all the costs are provided or reimbursed.


    • “J’ai été invité à participer à une conférence internationale, tous frais payés.” (I have been invited to attend an international conference, all expenses paid.)
    • “Le prix comprend un voyage de luxe, un hébergement dans un hôtel cinq étoiles, et tous les repas, tous frais payés.” (The prize includes a luxury trip, accommodation in a five-star hotel, and all meals, all expenses paid.)

    Practical use: If you come across the phrase “tous frais payés,” it typically indicates a favorable and desirable situation where you can enjoy an experience or participate in an activity without having to worry about any associated costs.

    In summary, “tous frais payés” means “all expenses paid” and signifies that all costs related to a particular activity or event will be covered.

    What does “quand même” mean?

    “Quand même” is a versatile expression in French that can have different meanings depending on the context. “Quand même” can be translated as “still,” “yet,” “anyway,” or “nevertheless” in English. It is used to introduce a contrasting or concessive element in a sentence.

    “Quand même” is often used to acknowledge a counterargument or a contrasting viewpoint while maintaining one’s own perspective or opinion. It conveys a sense of acknowledgment or acceptance of a situation despite potential challenges or contrary circumstances.


    • “Je n’ai pas envie de sortir, mais je vais le faire quand même.” (I don’t feel like going out, but I will do it anyway.)
    • “C’est risqué, mais il a quand même décidé de tenter sa chance.” (It’s risky, but he still decided to give it a try.)

    In colloquial usage, “quand même” can also be used to add emphasis or intensify a statement. It conveys a sense of surprise, admiration, or strong emotion.

    • “Il a quand même réussi à terminer le projet en un temps record !” (He managed to finish the project in a record time after all!)

    “Quand même” can be employed to soften the impact of a request or complaint, making it sound less demanding or confrontational.

    • “Tu pourrais faire la vaisselle, quand même.” (You could do the dishes, at least.)

    “Quand même” is widely used in spoken French and adds a touch of informality and authenticity to conversations.

    The expression “quand même” is often associated with the French art of persuasion, where individuals use it to make a point or express their resilience despite challenging circumstances.

    In summary, “quand même” is a versatile expression in French that can convey contrasting viewpoints, emphasize intensity, or soften requests. Understanding and using “quand même” allows you to navigate conversations, express concessions, and add nuance to your French expressions.

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    “Tous frais payés en Espagne”, what would you do? Hear more in this clip of French in real life and improve your French listening skills with us! Start at any level, select how much of the transcript you can see and fill in the blanks of our quiz as you listen an improve your French…

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