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Inner French ep. 001, quiz 27: ça n’est pas très grave

    Improve your French listening skills in a fun way with this mini transcription quiz. It’s from Inner French podcast, 65 words in just 26 seconds. How many can you hear? Start at any level!

    This clip is from the Inner French podcast Episode 001. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Find the full podcast here.

    26 seconds, 65 words

    Press play and take the transcription quiz to practice your French listening comprehension.
    (You can use the ⋮ to adjust playback speed)

    The above audio sample and transcription is from the Inner French podcast episode 001. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    It’s not a big deal

    My goal with this project is to keep it fun. That’s often what I’m reading online, the fun has been lost and language learning feels like a grind. The learning has become significant, it’s like Hugo’s case on errors – if errors are a big deal, then it’ll stop us in our tracks. So how do we keep it light and fun?

    I’m not sure I know the answer. When I feel the fun is gone, I think about what was the main reason I started learning the language in the first place? I love it, I want to speak it like a native speaker, I want to live and function seamlessly in France. All fine reasons, and that tends to bring back the fun – imagining my life speaking the language in France.

    But with a project like this, it’s trickier. I think my current mode of going through entire podcasts, while helpful for learners that want to hear a full episode in bits and pieces, can be a slog for me! Hopefully that slog isn’t too perspicuous for you, dear reader! I want to keep this fun, that’s really the possibility I see for this site, and any ideas to keep it in that fun mode are welcome. For now, I’ll keep on keeping on and remembering the fun of bitesize pieces of French.

    What’s opening up for you in this clip? I’m open to any and all feedback, as always. Let me know.

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Donc ça n’est pas très grave de faire des erreurs, il ne faut pas avoir peur de faire des erreurs, c’est normal. Même les personnes qui sont les plus talentueuses, qui ont le plus de talent pour parler des langues étrangères, même ces personnes font des erreurs. Donc ça, ça n’est pas grave. Pour résumer cette deuxième hypothèse : il faut limiter l’influence du contrôleur.

    So it’s not a big deal to make mistakes, you shouldn’t be afraid to make mistakes, it’s normal. Even the people who are the most talented, who have the most talent to speak foreign languages, even these people make mistakes. So that’s okay. To summarize this second hypothesis: the influence of the controller must be limited.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “ça n’est pas très grave” mean?

    “Ça n’est pas très grave” is a common French phrase that translates to “It’s not very serious” or “It’s not a big deal” in English.

    The phrase is often used to downplay a situation that may seem serious or concerning to others. For example, if someone makes a small mistake or forgets something, someone else may respond with “ça n’est pas très grave” to reassure them that the mistake is not significant and can be easily fixed.


    1. Exemple de minimisation d’une erreur : Personne 1 : “Oh non, j’ai oublié d’apporter le document pour la réunion !” Personne 2 : “Ne t’inquiète pas, ça n’est pas très grave. On peut toujours l’envoyer par email.”

    Traduction : “Don’t worry, it’s not a big deal. We can always send it by email.”

    1. Exemple d’expression d’indifférence : Personne 1 : “Est-ce que tu veux voir ce film avec moi ce soir ?” Personne 2 : “Mouais, pourquoi pas. Mais ça n’est pas très grave si on ne le voit pas.”

    Traduction : “Eh, why not. But it’s not a big deal if we don’t watch it.”

    1. Exemple de rassurance : Personne 1 : “Je suis désolé, je ne peux pas venir à ta fête d’anniversaire demain soir.” Personne 2 : “Ne t’en fais pas, ça n’est pas très grave. On pourra fêter ça une autre fois.”

    Traduction : “Don’t worry, it’s not a big deal. We can celebrate another time.”

    The phrase can also be used to express a sense of nonchalance or indifference towards a situation, particularly if it does not affect the person directly. In this context, it may come across as dismissive or insensitive if used inappropriately.

    It is important to note that while “ça n’est pas très grave” is a common and accepted phrase in French, it may not be appropriate in all situations. If someone is expressing genuine concern or distress, it is important to respond with empathy and sensitivity, rather than dismissiveness.

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