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Paris o’clock 042920 Quiz 24: Il ne le sait pas encore mais

    Learn French with a podcast snippet from Paris o’clock. This clip is 95 words in 54 seconds. How many can you hear and understand? Improve your French listening comprehension with us today.

    Learn French with a podcast! This clip is from Paris o’clock 29 April 2020 Episode. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Find the full episode here.

    54 seconds, 95 words

    The above audio sample and transcription is from Paris o’clock Podcast 29 Apr 2020 Episode. We do not own this content, nor do we pretend to own it. The above is for entertainment and educational purposes only. Register on Paris o’clock site to read the full text and hear the full audio.

    He doesn’t know it yet, but…

    One fine morning I will wake up and be fluent in French. Wait a second, that’s nothing like this phrase is supposed to be used. I don’t know it yet, but. Keyword: YET.

    It’s interesting to be able to read a passage of French, and know roughly what it says. I can read my daughter’s books in French (granted, they are for children). And I can understand basic headlines in French. It might be my background in Spanish and Latin.

    But, … haha as soon as I hear French. My brain shuts off. I love completing these lessons on Bitesize French as I can feel my brain expanding a bit, I can follow the words, or better still hear words that I didn’t hear at the start of the lesson. Words like “dans”

    This passage doesn’t have those words that I hear after learning it. All the same, there are some idioms or expressions like the one in the title here that I just don’t know yet.

    How did you find this snippet? Let us know how we’re doing below or send us any feedback. We’d love to hear it.

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Parlons maintenant de l’origine du mot « impressionniste ». A cette époque, ce mot n’existe pas encore pour qualifier ce groupe de peintres.

    Monet fait souvent des allers-retours entre Paris et la Normandie. Un beau matin de 1872, pendant un séjour au Havre, il se réveille et voit un paysage magnifique à travers sa fenêtre.

    Le soleil se lève sur le port et la lumière est vraiment très belle. Il décide alors de peindre ce paysage. Il ne le sait pas encore mais il vient de peindre un tableau très important dans l’histoire de l’impressionnisme.

    Now let’s talk about the origin of the word “impressionist”. At that time, this word did not yet exist to qualify this group of painters.

    Monet often goes back and forth between Paris and Normandy. One fine morning in 1872, during a stay in Le Havre, he woke up and saw a magnificent landscape through his window.

    The sun rises over the port and the light is really beautiful. He then decides to paint this landscape. He does not know it yet but he has just painted a very important picture in the history of Impressionism.

    The above text translated using Google Translate. Translation Link. The content in French is courtesy of Paris o’clock.

    What does “n’existe pas encore” mean?

    “n’existe pas encore” is a French phrase that means “does not exist yet” in English. The word “n’existe” comes from the verb “exister” which means “to exist” and the word “encore” means “yet”. This phrase is often used to indicate that something does not yet exist but may exist in the future.

    For example, if someone asks if a new product is available for purchase, the response might be “Non, il n’existe pas encore.” This indicates that the product is not yet available for purchase but may be in the future. This phrase can also be used in a more general sense, such as when discussing the progress of a project or the development of an idea.

    It is a common phrase in French and is often used in everyday conversation.

    What does “souvent des allers-retours” mean?

    “Souvent des allers-retours” is a French expression that means “frequent back and forth trips” or “often going back and forth”. The word “aller” means “to go” and “retour” means “return” or “come back”, so the expression literally translates to “often going and coming back”.

    This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, such as describing a person who frequently travels between two places, or describing a situation where someone is indecisive and keeps changing their mind. For example, “Je fais souvent des allers-retours entre Paris et Londres pour mon travail” (I often make back and forth trips between Paris and London for my job) or “Il y a souvent des allers-retours dans cette conversation, il est difficile de prendre une décision” (There are often back and forths in this conversation, it’s difficult to make a decision).

    While this expression is not considered slang, it is commonly used in everyday conversation in French. It’s a useful phrase to know if you want to describe a situation where there is a lot of back and forth movement or activity.

    What does “il se réveille” mean?

    “il se réveille” is a reflexive verb in French that means “he wakes up” in English. It is derived from the verb “réveiller”, which means “to wake someone up”. The reflexive pronoun “se” indicates that the action of waking up is being performed by the subject on himself. This verb is commonly used to describe the action of waking up in the morning, but can also be used to describe someone waking up from a nap or from unconsciousness.

    Example: “Je me réveille à six heures du matin tous les jours” (I wake up at 6am every day).

    It is important to note that reflexive verbs in French require different conjugations based on the subject pronoun. For instance, “je me réveille” is the first person singular form, while “il se réveille” is the third person singular form.

    THe phrase “il se réveille” is a commonly used reflexive verb in French that means “he wakes up”. It is derived from the verb “réveiller” and is used to describe the action of waking up oneself.

    What does “vraiment” mean?

    “Vraiment” is an adverb in French that means “truly” or “really”. It is commonly used in spoken and written French to emphasize a point or to express strong agreement or disagreement.

    Here are some examples of how “vraiment” can be used in sentences:

    • Il est vraiment doué en musique. (He is really talented in music.)
    • Je n’aime vraiment pas le café. (I really don’t like coffee.)
    • C’est vraiment génial ! (That’s really awesome!)
    • Tu as vraiment besoin de te reposer. (You really need to rest.)

    In some cases, “vraiment” can also be translated as “indeed” or “certainly”, depending on the context:

    • Vraiment, je ne savais pas que tu étais là. (Indeed, I didn’t know you were here.)
    • Vraiment, c’est une excellente idée. (Certainly, that’s an excellent idea.)

    “Vraiment” is a common and useful word for French learners to know, as it can help them express their opinions and feelings more clearly in conversation or writing.

    One interesting fact about the word “vraiment” is that it can be used in different ways to convey different meanings. For example, it can be used to express emphasis, agreement, doubt, or surprise, depending on the context in which it is used.

    In addition, the word “vraiment” is a common filler word in French, similar to “um” or “like” in English. It is often used to give the speaker time to think or to emphasize a point in conversation. However, it is important to use it sparingly and not overuse it, as it can become distracting or make the speaker appear unsure of what they are saying.

    What does “Il ne le sait pas encore” mean?

    “Il ne le sait pas encore” is a French phrase that means “He doesn’t know it yet” in English. It is composed of the subject “il” (he), the negation “ne” (not), the object pronoun “le” (it), the verb “sait” (knows) and the adverb “encore” (yet).

    This phrase is often used to express uncertainty about a future event or to emphasize that someone is not aware of something yet. For example, if someone is about to receive surprising news, you could say “Il ne le sait pas encore” to describe their current lack of knowledge.

    It’s worth noting that “le” in this phrase can refer to any gender, as it is a neuter pronoun. So the phrase can be used to refer to something masculine, feminine, or even abstract.

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    Learn French with a podcast snippet from Paris o’clock. This clip is 95 words in 54 seconds. How many can you hear and understand? Improve your French listening comprehension with us today.

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