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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 54: ne pas faire son âge

“Ça me fait penser” and “ne pas faire son âge”, two phrases that will be perfect for flattering and filling conversation. Take on today’s quiz and a slightly faster clip, with our fill-in-the-blanks quiz!

This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

6 seconds, 16 words

This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

Don’t show your age

What’s opening up for you with this clip?

The snippet in English

Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

Ça me fait penser à une expression qu’on utilise en français ne pas faire son âge.

It reminds me of the French expression ne pas faire son âge. [don’t look your age]

The above translation from Deepl. Source

What does “Ça me fait penser” mean?

Have you ever been reminded of something mid-conversation and wished to share it? “Ça me fait penser” is your go-to phrase in French to express just that!

“Ça me fait penser” translates to “That reminds me” or “It makes me think of” in English. It’s often used to introduce a related thought, story, or comment that springs to mind due to the ongoing discussion.

Introducing a related anecdote: This phrase can serve as a transition to a related memory or story. Example: “Ça me fait penser, la dernière fois que j’ai visité Paris, il a plu tous les jours!” (That reminds me, the last time I visited Paris, it rained every day!)

Bringing up a related topic: When a conversation triggers a thought about a related topic, this phrase is a perfect segue. Example: “Ça me fait penser, as-tu vu le nouveau film du réalisateur dont nous avons parlé?” (That reminds me, have you seen the new film by the director we talked about?)

Making comparisons: The phrase can be used to draw parallels or comparisons between different subjects. Example: “Cette chanson, ça me fait penser au style de Edith Piaf.” (This song makes me think of Edith Piaf’s style.)

Extensions of the Phrase: Ça me fait penser à: This can be followed by a specific noun or subject. Example: “Ça me fait penser à notre voyage en Espagne.” (It reminds me of our trip to Spain.)

“Ça me fait penser” can be used in both casual and formal conversations. However, in very formal situations or written contexts, one might opt for more elaborate ways to draw comparisons or introduce related subjects. The phrase is flexible and adaptable, allowing speakers to smoothly divert the conversation to relevant tangents, making discussions richer and more connected.

“Ça me fait penser” is a valuable phrase in the French language, connecting dots between the present conversation and related memories, thoughts, or topics. It’s a tool that brings fluidity and cohesion to conversations, enabling the speaker to weave together different subjects seamlessly. The next time something sparks a memory in a French conversation, you’ll know just how to share it!

What does “ne pas faire son âge” mean?

Have you ever met someone who doesn’t seem to look their age? In French, there’s a perfect phrase for that!

“Ne pas faire son âge” directly translates to “not to (do/)show one’s age”. In a more natural English expression, it would be “to not look one’s age”. It’s a comment on someone’s appearance suggesting they look younger or sometimes older than their actual age.

As a compliment:

  • Most of the time, it’s used as a compliment, indicating that someone looks younger than they actually are.
  • Example:
    • “Tu as 40 ans? Incroyable, tu ne fais vraiment pas ton âge!” (You’re 40? Unbelievable, you really don’t look your age!)

As an observation:

  • Sometimes, it might not necessarily be a compliment, but merely an observation.
  • Example:
    • “Il a l’air fatigué et ne fait pas son âge.” (He looks tired and doesn’t look his age.)

The concept of noting that someone doesn’t look their chronological age is not unique to French culture. English speakers might say “You don’t look a day over 30” or simply “You don’t look your age”. However, the phrasing in French, using “faire” (to do/make) in this context, is distinctly French and showcases the versatility of the verb “faire”.

The verb “faire” in French is incredibly versatile and is used in a myriad of expressions related to age, weather, and many other contexts. In “ne pas faire son âge”, “faire” is essentially about giving off a certain impression related to age.

Age and appearance are sensitive subjects in many cultures, so while this expression can often be used as a compliment, it’s essential to be aware of the context and ensure it’s received as intended.

In Summary: “Ne pas faire son âge” is a common French expression used to describe someone who doesn’t seem to match their chronological age in terms of appearance. While not exclusive to French culture in terms of the underlying sentiment, the specific phrasing provides insight into the many uses of the verb “faire”. When using it, always ensure your context is clear, especially since age can be a delicate topic for some!

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“Ça me fait penser” and “ne pas faire son âge”, two phrases that will be perfect for flattering and filling conversation. Take on today’s quiz and a slightly faster clip, with our fill-in-the-blanks quiz!

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