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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 55: en tout cas

    Ever been told ‘en tout cas’ and pondered its depth? It adds a layer of ‘in any case’ or ‘anyhow’ to the conversation. Dive deeper as it’s used in the context of ‘tu fais pas ton âge’, where someone appears younger than their age. Understanding such nuances helps us grasp the beauty of the French…

    This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    15 seconds, 39 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

    At any rate

    What’s opening up for you with this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Si je dis à quelqu’un tu fais pas ton âge en général ça signifie que la personne paraît plus jeune qu’elle ne l’est en réalité. Plus jeune selon les images qu’on associe à son âge chronologique en tout cas.

    If I say to someone that you don’t look your age in general, it means that the person looks younger than they really are. Younger according to the images we associate with their chronological age, anyway.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “tu fais pas ton âge” mean?

    “Tu fais pas ton âge” is a popular colloquial expression in French. Let’s explore it in detail. “Tu fais pas ton âge” directly translates to “You don’t do your age”. In more idiomatic English, it means “You don’t look your age”.

    It’s a comment on someone’s appearance suggesting they look younger than their actual years. As a Compliment: Predominantly, the expression is used as a compliment to tell someone they appear younger than their actual age. Example: “Vraiment? Tu as 50 ans? Tu fais pas ton âge!” (Really? You’re 50? You don’t look it at all!)

    This phrase is casual in nature. You’d typically use it with friends, acquaintances, or in less formal settings. For more formal conversations, you might use the complete form: “Tu ne fais pas ton âge.”

    “Tu fais pas ton âge” is a more colloquial version of the previously discussed “ne pas faire son âge”. The sentiment is the same, but the phrasing is more relaxed and direct.

    Faire” is one of those multi-functional verbs in French. Apart from its standard meanings like “to do” or “to make”, it’s employed in various idiomatic expressions, especially ones related to age and appearance. The key to understanding this phrase lies in the verb “faire”, which in this context relates to giving off an impression, particularly related to age.

    “Tu fais pas ton âge” is a casual way in French to tell someone they look younger than their actual age. It’s a compliment and showcases the versatility of the verb “faire”. It’s a pleasant phrase to know, especially if you want to make someone’s day a little brighter. But as always, be aware of the context and use it sincerely!

    What does “paraît” mean?

    Is it hearsay, an appearance, or a publication? This verb has a number of applications in the French language.

    At its core, “paraître” translates to “to appear” or “to seem” in English. Often for appearances and first Impressions: When describing someone or something’s appearance or the impression it gives off. Example: “Il paraît fatigué ce matin.” (He seems tired this morning.)

    Or in hearsay: “Paraître” can also be used to convey the idea of something you’ve heard or been told. Example: “Il paraît que le film est excellent.” (I’ve heard that the movie is excellent.)

    And in publications: The verb can be used to indicate the act of publishing, especially for books, newspapers, or magazines. Example: “Son nouveau livre paraîtra le mois prochain.” (Her new book will be published next month.)

    Past Participle – Paru: Used as a past participle, “paru” can indicate something that has appeared or been published. Example: “Ce journal est paru hier.” (This newspaper was published yesterday.)

    Consider also, Apparaître: A related verb which also means “to appear”, but usually in the sense of coming into view, like a star appearing in the night sky. “La lune apparaît derrière les nuages.” (The moon appears behind the clouds.)

    The phrase “il paraît” (or “il semblerait”) is often used to start gossip or share something one has heard, similar to the English “word has it” or “apparently”. Understanding the Expression: The versatility of “paraître” means it’s crucial to focus on context. Whether someone is discussing a recent rumor, noting an impression, or mentioning a publication, understanding the situation will help decipher the exact meaning.

    “Paraître” is a multifaceted verb that covers appearances, impressions, hearsay, and the act of publishing in the French language. Its varied uses make it a vital verb to master for anyone looking to sharpen their French skills. So the next time someone starts a sentence with “il paraît”, get ready for some juicy news or a keen observation!

    What does “selon” mean?

    Navigating sources, opinions, or references in French? This small word carries weight in conversations and formal discussions alike in French. “Selon” might be the bridge you need to express “according to” or “depending on”.

    The preposition “selon” can be translated to “according to” or “depending on” in English. It introduces a reference or basis for the information that follows.

    When referring to an external source of information, be it a person, a book, a research study, or any authoritative entity. Example: “Selon le New York Times, la conférence aura lieu demain.” (According to the New York Times, the conference will take place tomorrow.)

    It can also be used to relay someone else’s opinion or viewpoint on a particular matter. Example: “Selon Marie, ce restaurant est le meilleur en ville.” (According to Marie, this restaurant is the best in town.)

    “Selon” can express the variability of a situation based on different conditions or factors. Example: “Les résultats peuvent varier selon la méthode utilisée.” (The results can vary depending on the method used.)

    D’après: It’s another way to say “according to” in French and can often be used interchangeably with “selon”. However, “d’après” might sometimes carry a slightly more informal tone. “D’après lui, il va pleuvoir demain.” (According to him, it’s going to rain tomorrow.)

    While “selon” serves a critical function in conveying information based on sources, it’s crucial in academic and journalistic contexts. Accurately quoting and referencing sources is an integral part of French academic and journalistic integrity.

    The placement of “selon” often comes at the beginning of a statement, leading with the source of information. But it’s flexible and can also be placed mid-sentence.

    “Selon” is an essential connector in the French language, used to tie statements or opinions to their sources. Whether you’re reading the news, diving into academic papers, or just chatting about what a friend thinks, “selon” will often guide you to the origin of that information. So, the next time you share information, remember to give credit where credit is due with this handy word!

    What does “en tout cas” mean?

    A phrase that’s bound to pop up in many a French conversation, the versatile “en tout cas” is your go-to phrase!

    “En tout cas” translates to “in any case”, “anyway”, or “at any rate” in English. It’s used to express a conclusion, a contrast, or to shift the focus from one topic to another.

    After discussing multiple aspects of a topic, you might use “en tout cas” to provide a summarizing statement or to introduce your final opinion on the matter. Example: “Il a peut-être raté son examen, mais en tout cas, il a essayé de son mieux.” (He might have failed his exam, but in any case, he tried his best.)

    If you’re in a conversation and want to move away from a particular topic or if you’re sidestepping a topic, “en tout cas” can be your segue. Example: “Je ne sais pas si elle viendra à la fête, mais en tout cas, j’ai déjà acheté le gâteau.” (I don’t know if she will come to the party, but anyway, I’ve already bought the cake.)

    “En tout cas” can be used to introduce an opposing or contrasting idea. Example: “Il dit qu’il n’aime pas le chocolat; en tout cas, il a mangé tout le gâteau hier!” (He says he doesn’t like chocolate; in any case, he ate all the cake yesterday!)

    Quoi qu’il en soit: A slightly more formal way of saying “en tout cas”, it translates to “be that as it may” or “nevertheless”. “Il se pourrait qu’il pleuve demain. Quoi qu’il en soit, je vais faire une randonnée.” (It might rain tomorrow. Be that as it may, I’m going for a hike.)

    “En tout cas” is a commonly used phrase in everyday French speech. It’s a handy expression to pivot within conversations or to sum things up, making interactions smoother and more natural. Literally, “en tout cas” translates to “in every case”. While this literal translation can be misleading, it captures the essence of the phrase: regardless of the specifics, here’s a broader point or a change in direction.

    “En tout cas” is one of those small but mighty phrases in French that aids in creating fluidity in speech, allowing speakers to summarize, contrast, or transition with ease. So, if you find yourself in a French conversation anytime soon, remember to sprinkle in some “en tout cas” to sound more like a native!

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    Ever been told ‘en tout cas’ and pondered its depth? It adds a layer of ‘in any case’ or ‘anyhow’ to the conversation. Dive deeper as it’s used in the context of ‘tu fais pas ton âge’, where someone appears younger than their age. Understanding such nuances helps us grasp the beauty of the French…

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