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SNCF Pour Nous Tous, Quiz 5: sous la dent

    Improve your ear for French with this snippet from SNCF’s Pour Nous Tous advert. It’s 23 words in 9 seconds. How many can you hear and understand? Improve your French listening comprehension with us.

    This clip is from SNCF advert “Pour Nous Tous”. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full ad here.

    9 seconds, 31 words

    The above audio sample and transcription is from SNCF advert “Pour Nous Tous”. We do not own the content. See the full ad here.

    under the tooth

    I found this ad on Youtube and wanted to share it. It’s like spoken word set to train track beat talking about the French. An interesting take as a learner looking to dive into the culture.

    This one has got me stumped. Even with Googling (and I’m generally a pretty good sleuth), I’m not seeing some of these. Cicada on the tongue? How would you translate that? What does that mean?

    My hunch is that this is referring to 6 diferent areas of France, implying the 6 corners of France. EG, Provence loves cicadas. La choucroute is the Alsatian dish. Tripe is a favorite in …. somewhere? Normandy? The ocean and le maroilles cheese for two more, one Normandy one the Atlantic coast. I’m not sure about the fingernails… but this is just my hunch. French tips aren’t called that in France, after all. That’s not really 6 corners, two from Normandy, one from the Atlantic, one Provence, one Alsace… kind of 6 corners…

    I had to grab “sous la dent” as it is wild. How would you translate it? “In our teeth?” “in our mouth” “under our teeth?”. I kind of like “in our teeth”, but didn’t translate it that way.

    What do you think about this snippet?

    Here’s the full ad for your reference, but follow along over the coming “lessons” as we dive into it.

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    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Humaniste jusqu’au bout des ongles, humain jusqu’au fond des tripes. Des cigales sur la langue, de l’océan sur les lèvres, du maroilles dans la bouche de la choucroute sous la dent.

    Humanist to the end of his fingernails, human to the bottom of his guts. Cicadas on the tongue, ocean on the lips, maroilles in the mouth and choucroute under the tooth.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

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