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Transfert s01e22, Quiz 28: la vie quotidienne

    I don’t condone these opinions, I’m simply interested in thsi podcast and this episode. When understanding a langauge, it’s not about what you like and don’t like, it’s about setting that all aside for

    Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    14 seconds, 60 words

    The above audio sample and transcription is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    everyday life

    I don’t mind the everyday life. Just because this clip is on site, it does not mean I condone or support her opinions. When we seek to understand and get fluent in a language, we need to understand everything. That includes some things we don’t agree with. This clip is in no way meant to offend anyone, I simply am interested in this style of podcast (almost like “This American Life” in English) and that it’s real life French for real French people.

    I hope you can get something from it as I am.

    What’s opening up for you with this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    C’est pour ça que les hommes mariés, ça m’intéressait, parce que (…) il n’y avait pas la vie quotidienne. il n’y avait pas le … Moi, j’ai toujours eu peur de me lasser, euh j’ai toujours eu envie d’une vie. S’il y a une seule chose dont j’ai rêvé, c’est d’avoir une vie excitante, et c’est la vie que j’ai.

    That’s why married men interested me, because (…) there was no daily life. there was no … I’ve always been afraid of getting bored, uh I’ve always wanted a life. If there’s one thing I’ve ever dreamed of, it’s having an exciting life, and that’s the life I have.

    The above translation from Deepl

    What does “la vie quotidienne” mean?

    “La vie quotidienne” translates to “daily life” or “everyday life” in English. It refers to the regular, day-to-day activities, routines, and experiences of an individual or community.


    This phrase is commonly used to discuss habits, routines, lifestyle, and the mundane aspects of life that occur regularly. It is neutral and can be used in both formal and informal contexts.


    • “La technologie joue un rôle important dans la vie quotidienne.” (Technology plays an important role in daily life.)
    • “Elle parle souvent des défis de la vie quotidienne dans ses livres.” (She often talks about the challenges of everyday life in her books.)

    Cultural Notes:

    Understanding “la vie quotidienne” of a place can give deep insights into the culture, values, and social norms of its people. In France, for example, “la vie quotidienne” might include details like buying fresh bread from the boulangerie, the importance of mealtimes, or the typical work-life balance.

    In Summary: “La vie quotidienne” is a phrase encompassing the typical experiences and activities that make up one’s daily routine. It’s a universal concept that highlights the normalcy and regularity of day-to-day existence.

    What does “eu peur de me lasser” mean?

    This phrase is a combination of two elements: “eu peur” and “me lasser,” each with its own meaning and usage.

    “Eu peur”

    Basic Meaning: “Eu peur” is the past participle of the verb “avoir peur,” which means “to be afraid” or “to have fear.” So, “eu peur” translates to “was afraid” or “had fear.”

    Usage and Context: The phrase “avoir peur” is used to express fear or apprehension about something, and “eu peur” places this emotion in the past.


    • “J’ai eu peur pendant l’orage.” (I was afraid during the storm.)
    • “Il a eu peur de la réaction de ses parents.” (He was afraid of his parents’ reaction.)

    “Me lasser”

    Basic Meaning: “Me lasser” means “to tire of” or “to grow weary of” something. It comes from the reflexive verb “se lasser,” which indicates that the subject is becoming tired or weary of something.

    Usage and Context: You use “se lasser” to express that someone is losing interest in an activity or subject over time. “Me lasser” is the first person singular, reflecting a personal experience.


    • “Je commence à me lasser de manger la même chose tous les jours.” (I’m starting to tire of eating the same thing every day.)
    • “Elle ne se lasse jamais d’écouter de la musique.” (She never grows weary of listening to music.)

    Combined Phrase: “Eu peur de me lasser”

    Complete Meaning: When combined, “eu peur de me lasser” translates to “was afraid of getting tired of” or “had fear of growing weary of.” It expresses a past concern that one might lose interest or enthusiasm for something over time.

    Usage in Full Context: This phrase would typically be used to reflect on past worries that an activity or situation would become less engaging or enjoyable.


    • “J’ai eu peur de me lasser de ce travail, mais finalement, il est très varié.” (I was afraid of growing tired of this job, but in the end, it’s very varied.)
    • “Il a eu peur de se lasser de courir chaque jour, mais c’est devenu une habitude saine.” (He was afraid of getting tired of running every day, but it became a healthy habit.)

    In Summary: The phrase “eu peur de me lasser” combines a past fear or apprehension with the concern of losing interest or enjoyment in something. It reflects a self-reflective emotion where someone was concerned about their own potential to become disinterested or bored with an ongoing activity or situation.

    What does “eu envie” mean?

    The phrase “eu envie” is the past participle form of “avoir envie,” which translates to “felt like” or “had the desire/wish” in English. It’s used to express a past desire to do something or a craving for something.

    Usage and Context:

    “Eu envie” can be used in a variety of contexts, from casual to formal, and it often precedes de + [infinitive verb] or de + [noun] to specify what the desire was directed towards.


    • “J’ai eu envie de voyager après avoir vu ce film.” (I felt like traveling after seeing that movie.)
    • “Elle a eu envie d’une glace malgré le froid.” (She had a craving for ice cream despite the cold.)

    When to Use:

    This phrase is appropriate when you want to express a past feeling of want or wish. It can refer to simple, fleeting cravings or more profound desires.

    Related Phrases:

    • “J’avais envie” (I felt like/I wanted)
    • “Il/Elle avait envie” (He/She felt like/He/She wanted)

    Cultural Notes:

    Expressing desires and wants is a part of daily conversation in French, and “avoir envie” is a common and versatile phrase. The past participle “eu envie” signifies that the desire is no longer present but was a notable feeling at a previous time.

    In Summary: “Eu envie” describes a past moment of wanting or wishing for something and is often used to reflect on past desires or cravings that were significant or memorable.

    What is opening up for you?

    Comment below with the words you thought you heard, where you struggled, where you surprised yourself, or what you thought about this clip. Every little bit inspires other learners, thank you for being that inspiration to others on their French fluency journey!

    I don’t condone these opinions, I’m simply interested in thsi podcast and this episode. When understanding a langauge, it’s not about what you like and don’t like, it’s about setting that all aside for

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