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Transfert s01e22, Quiz 41: un truc exceptionnel

Practice your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life! How much can you follow? Listen and see if you can catch: “piquers de morphine”, “les infirmiers”, “comme si”, and “un truc exceptionnel”. Start at any level, select how much of the clip is visible and fill in the blanks as you…

Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

10 seconds, 40 words

The above audio sample and transcription is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

something exceptional

What’s opening up for you with this clip?

The snippet in English

Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

Et puis il se faisait avait des piqûres de morphine tous les jours, euh plusieurs fois par jour, et quand les infirmiers venaient, il disait « Ma fille, elle court tous les jours ! » Comme si c’était un truc exceptionnel !

And then he had morphine spikes every day, uh several times a day, and when the nurses came, he’d say “My daughter, she runs every day!” As if that was something out of the ordinary!

The above translation from Deepl

What does “piqûres de morphine” mean?

“Piqûres de morphine” translates to “morphine injections” in English.

Meaning and Usage

This term refers to the administration of morphine through injections. Morphine, a powerful pain reliever, is often used in medical settings for severe pain management.


  • “Le médecin a prescrit des piqûres de morphine pour soulager la douleur intense du patient.” (The doctor prescribed morphine injections to relieve the patient’s intense pain.)
  • “Après l’opération, ils lui ont donné des piqûres de morphine.” (After the surgery, they gave him morphine injections.)


“Piqûres de morphine” are used in medical contexts, particularly in hospitals or during medical treatments where severe pain relief is required.

Synonyms and Antonyms

  • Synonyms: “Injections de morphine” (morphine injections), “Doses de morphine” (doses of morphine).
  • Antonyms: There are no direct antonyms, but non-narcotic pain relief methods could be considered opposites.

Cultural Notes

In France, as in many countries, morphine is strictly controlled due to its potency and potential for addiction. Its use is typically reserved for severe pain and under careful medical supervision.


“Piqûres de morphine” means “morphine injections,” used in medical settings for managing severe pain. The term is specific to the context of healthcare and pain management, reflecting the careful use of this potent pain reliever.

What does “par jour” mean?

“Par jour” translates to “per day” in English. It’s used to indicate frequency or quantity within the timeframe of a single day.

Usage and Context:

  • Quantifying Frequency or Amount: “Par jour” is commonly used to describe how often something occurs or how much of something is used or consumed in a day.
  • Versatile Application: It can be applied to various contexts, including diet, work, habits, and more.


  1. Dietary Intake: “Je bois deux litres d’eau par jour.” (I drink two liters of water per day.)
  2. Work or Activity: “Elle travaille huit heures par jour.” (She works eight hours per day.)


  • Regular Occurrence: The phrase often implies regularity or a part of a routine.
  • Measurement and Planning: “Par jour” is useful in planning, scheduling, and measuring daily activities or requirements.

Cultural Notes:

  • Daily Life and Routine: In French, as in many languages, quantifying daily activities is common, reflecting the importance of routine and regularity in daily life.


“Par jour” means “per day” in French, used to express frequency or amount within a day. It’s a common phrase for quantifying how often something happens or how much of something is done or consumed each day, applicable in a wide range of contexts from dietary habits to work routines.

What does “les infirmières” mean?

“Les infirmiers” translates to “the nurses” in English. The term refers to medical professionals who are trained to care for the sick or injured, typically in a hospital, clinic, or similar healthcare settings.

Gender and Number:

  • Masculine Plural Form: “Les infirmiers” is the masculine plural form of “infirmier,” which means “nurse.”
  • Inclusive of Both Genders: Despite being grammatically masculine, “les infirmiers” can refer to nurses of any gender, although “les infirmières” would specifically denote female nurses.

Usage and Context:

  • Healthcare Professionals: Nurses play a crucial role in healthcare, providing medical care, support, and assistance to patients.
  • Varied Responsibilities: Their responsibilities can include administering medication, monitoring patient health, assisting with procedures, and providing emotional support to patients and families.


  • “Les infirmiers de cet hôpital sont très compétents.” (The nurses in this hospital are very competent.)
  • “Les infirmiers travaillent en équipe avec les médecins.” (Nurses work in a team with doctors.)

Cultural Notes:

  • Valued Profession: In many cultures, including French-speaking societies, nursing is a highly respected and essential profession within the healthcare system.
  • Gender Dynamics: Historically, nursing has been seen as a predominantly female profession, but this perception has been changing, with more gender diversity in the field.


Les infirmiers: “The nurses” in French, referring to healthcare professionals who provide patient care, applicable to nurses of any gender despite its masculine form.

What does “comme si” mean?

It’s true, “comme si” in French translates directly to “as if” in English. It is used to make a comparison or to describe a situation in a hypothetical or imagined way.

Usage and Context:

  • Making Comparisons: “Comme si” is used to compare a real situation to an imaginary or hypothetical one.
  • Describing Behavior or Situations: It’s often used to describe how someone is acting or a situation is unfolding as though it were different from reality.


  • “Il parle comme s’il savait tout.” (He talks as if he knows everything.)
  • “Elle agit comme si rien ne s’était passé.” (She acts as if nothing happened.)


  • Expressing Irony or Unreal Conditions: “Comme si” can convey a sense of irony or suggest that the real situation is quite different from the one being described or implied.
  • Hypothetical Scenarios: It is often used in discussing hypothetical scenarios or to emphasize a contrast between appearance and reality.

Cultural Notes:

  • Literary and Conversational Use: “Comme si” is commonly used both in literature and everyday conversation in French. It’s a versatile expression for creating vivid descriptions or expressing subtle nuances about situations or behaviors.


Comme si: Translates to “as if” in English, used for comparing real situations to hypothetical or imagined ones, or describing behavior as though it differs from reality.

What does “un truc exceptionnel” mean?

The phrase “un truc exceptionnel” in French translates to “an exceptional thing” or “something exceptional” in English. It is used to describe an object, event, or situation that is outstanding or extraordinary in some way.

Usage and Context:

  • Describing Extraordinary Qualities: “Un truc exceptionnel” is often used to highlight the remarkable or outstanding nature of something.
  • Versatile Use: The word “truc” is informal and broadly means “thing” or “stuff” in English. It can refer to a wide range of items or situations, from physical objects to abstract concepts.


  • “Ce concert était un truc exceptionnel !” (That concert was something exceptional!)
  • “Il a inventé un truc exceptionnel qui pourrait changer la science.” (He invented an exceptional thing that could change science.)


  • Informal Tone: While “exceptionnel” is a formal adjective meaning “exceptional,” “truc” is a more casual term. The combination of the two creates a phrase that is impressive yet informal.
  • Emphasis on Uniqueness: The phrase often conveys a sense of rarity or uniqueness, emphasizing that the subject is not just good but exceptionally so.

Cultural Notes:

  • Common in Everyday Speech: In French, mixing informal and formal language is quite common in everyday speech. Phrases like “un truc exceptionnel” are part of this linguistic dynamic, making the language rich and versatile.
  • Appreciation for Excellence: This phrase reflects the French appreciation for excellence and extraordinary achievements or qualities in various fields.


Un truc exceptionnel: Means “an exceptional thing” or “something exceptional,” combining the informal “truc” (thing) with “exceptionnel” (exceptional) to describe something outstanding or extraordinary.

What is opening up for you?

Comment below with the words you thought you heard, where you struggled, where you surprised yourself, or what you thought about this clip. Every little bit inspires other learners, thank you for being that inspiration to others on their French fluency journey!

Practice your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life! How much can you follow? Listen and see if you can catch: “piquers de morphine”, “les infirmiers”, “comme si”, and “un truc exceptionnel”. Start at any level, select how much of the clip is visible and fill in the blanks as you…

2 thoughts on “Transfert s01e22, Quiz 41: un truc exceptionnel”

  1. Heya,

    Not sure exactly what happens right at the start but I definitely hear “il se faisait” before “d’avait”. Not sure exactly how this parses. Also I believe it’s “piqûres de morphine”, I assumed it was this, and dictionaries give other definitions for piqueur.

    1. Thank you, Alex. Appreciate your ear and correcting me. These changes have been made. piqûres definitely makes more sense!

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