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Vivons Heureux

après presque

Vivons Heureux Numéro 1, Quiz 6: après presque

    Improve your ear for fast spoken French with this clip of French in the wild! Straight from the Vivons Heureux podcast. Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen! These words stood out to me: “après presque”, “toutes ces angoisses”, “c’est pas si facile”, & “refiler”.

    pas terrible

    Vivons Heureux Numéro 1, Quiz 5: pas terrible

      Improve your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life. A mother and a daughter discussing jeans. It’s brief and fast, how much can you pick up ? As if you’re overhearing things in a store. Words that stood out to me: “ouais”, “quand même”, “moche”, & “pas terrible”. Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen!

      des avis

      Vivons Heureux Numéro 1, Quiz 4: des avis

        Improve your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life from the Vivons Heureux podcast. It’s a fast pace and filled with useful colloquial expressions. How much can you pick up? Take a listen, set your level and fill in the blanks.

        des soldes

        Vivons Heureux Numéro 1, Quiz 3: des soldes

          Boost your French listening skills with this clip form a French podcast. How much can you pick up? Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen. What words stood out to you? “des soldes”, “la première démarque”, “pas bien glorieux”, “la mode, les tendances, le look”, me préoccupe”, “depuis toujours”, and “trop” for me. Again, while slower that a lot of clips on site, this one still packs a punch!

          point de départ

          Vivons Heureux, Numéro 1, Quiz 2: point de départ

            Improve your ear for French in the wild with this clip from the Vivons Heureux podcast! It takes it’s time, but still has some challenging words. How much can you pick up? Set your level and fill in the blanks. Words that stood out to me: “point de départ”, “les paroles savantes”, & “fast-fashion”.


            Vivons Heureux Numéro 1, Quiz 1: surnager

            Improve your French listening skills with this clip from Vivons Heureux podcast. It’s a moderate pace, but still filled with some challenging vocab. Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen, how much can you pick up? Some vocab that stood out to me: “heureux”, “la fin du monde”, “pistes”, “surnager”, and “ce qui remets en cause”.