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un foyer

Transfert s01e22, quiz 2: un foyer

    I’m loving some of the nuance in this clip. Hear phrases like: “débarque”, “un foyer”, “auprès des”, and “malmenés et meurtris”. I wanted to highlight foyer because it is different from our word foyer in English, even our use of “hearth” in English doesn’t contain the depth of meaning here. Take on today’s fast quiz!

    a strong cheese

    Manger ep. 1, Quiz 70: des fois

      “des fois”, “des fromages très forts”, and “des restes”. Do you know these phrases? Hear them in this clip of French in the wild. Set your level (A1 to DALF prep) and fill in the blanks of our transcription quiz. Updated daily with a FREE listening quiz!

      hungry again in 2hrs, and what will you reach for? improve your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life

      Manger ep. 1, Quiz 63: dans la mesure

        “dans la mesure” and “très vite”, do you know what these phrases mean? Hear them in this clip of French in real life. Improve your French listening skills at any level (A1 to DALF prep). Listen and fill in the blanks of our transcription quiz

        do you know how to say "as far as" in French? hear it in this clip from the Manger podcast. Whether beginner A1 or advanced DELF preppre, choose your level with our transcript quiz and improve your French listening skills

        Manger ep. 1, Quiz 12: aller jusqu’à

          Beginner A1 or advanced DELF prepper? Choose your level with our transcript quiz and improve your French listening skills with this clip from Manger. It’s 37 words in 11 seconds.

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