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Inner French ep. 001, quiz 14: très, très, très importante

    Improve your ear for French with this clip from the Inner French podcast. It’s 40 words in 28 seconds, that’s a slow easy to follow pace. How much can you follow in our transcription quiz?

    This clip is from the Inner French podcast Episode 001. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Find the full podcast here.

    28 seconds, 40 words

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    The above audio sample and transcription is from the Inner French podcast episode 001. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    very, very, very important

    The repeated “très” seems like a very French thing. I’m not sure how much I say “very” three times in a row to anyone. But then again, I’m not a teacher. Even with my own kids, I’m not saying it that much. I guess I might use another word, or another expression. “This is SO very important”. Nothing against the speaker here, I only comment that it FEELS so French.

    Haven’t you noticed there are some expressions, even though they’re in French, of course, but they still feel so embodying of French culture? This, for me, is one of them.

    I also love this passage opening up the difference between acquisition and learning. I guess I haven’t really thought about that distinction, and maybe that’s why I’m not a tenured professor at USC. I care FAR more about acquisition. I want to use the language, hear it spoken in the wild, understand it, and be able to respond. I don’t care about using grammar correctly. I don’t care about being able to write essays. I just want to communicate. That to me is the difference.

    What’s opening up for you in this clip?

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    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Pour comprendre la théorie de Stephen Krashen, il y a cinq hypothèses. La première hypothèse, c’est une hypothèse centrale, très, très, très importante. Dans la première hypothèse, Stephen Krashen dit qu’il faut différencier, faire la différence, entre acquisition et apprentissage.

    To understand Stephen Krashen’s theory, there are five assumptions. The first hypothesis is a central, very, very, very important hypothesis. In the first hypothesis, Stephen Krashen says that we must differentiate, make a difference, between acquisition and learning.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “très, très, très importante” mean?

    “Très, très, très importante” is a French phrase that means “very, very, very important” in English. The word “très” means “very” or “extremely” in French, and repeating it three times in a row is a way to emphasize just how important something is. The phrase is often used to indicate that something is of great significance, and that it should not be taken lightly.

    For example, you might hear someone say “Cette réunion est très, très, très importante” to indicate that a meeting is crucial and that everyone needs to be present and prepared.

    Similarly, a teacher might tell their students that an upcoming exam is “très, très, très importante” to emphasize the need to study and prepare thoroughly. The repetition of “très” can also add a sense of urgency or seriousness to the statement.

    That’s interesting: entre acquisition et apprentissage

    In the context of language learning, “acquisition” and “apprentissage” are two related but distinct concepts.

    The term “apprentissage” is used to describe the process of learning a language via focused and methodical effort. This refers to the process of learning a language in an organized setting, such as a school, using printed materials and the instruction of a qualified teacher. When used in this context, the term “apprentissage” refers to a more formal, systematic method of learning a language that emphasizes the memorization of grammar rules and the use of a large vocabulary.

    The term “acquisition” is used to describe the more organic, subconscious method of picking up a new language that takes place through prolonged exposure and immersion. As children, we pick up our first language by being immersed in it and picking up words and phrases as we go along. In this context, “acquisition” refers to a method of learning a language that is less prescriptive and more reliant on exposure to the target language and its culture.

    While both “acquisition” and “apprentissage” can be useful while learning a new language, they are more often applied in distinct situations. A more controlled “apprentissage” technique might help someone learn a specific set of vocabulary or grammar rules fast, while a more immersing “acquisition” approach might be better for someone who wants to become fluent in a language over time.

    It’s important to keep in mind that the words “acquisition” and “apprentissage” can have a variety of distinct connotations depending on the language they’re being used in. However, “apprentissage” in the context of French language learning often refers to intentional, purposeful learning, whereas “acquisition” refers to passive, organic growth.

    What does “faut différencier” mean?

    In French, “faut différencier” means “we need to differentiate” or “it’s necessary to distinguish”. The phrase is often used to indicate that there are important differences between two or more things, and that it’s important to recognize and acknowledge those differences.

    For example, someone might say “Faut différencier les deux concepts” to suggest that there are two related but distinct concepts that need to be treated separately. Or someone might say “Faut différencier entre les deux types de produits” to emphasize that there are two types of products with important differences that need to be considered.

    In general, “faut différencier” is a way of pointing out that things may look similar or be related in some way, but there are important distinctions that should not be overlooked.

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