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Vivons Heureux Numéro 1, Quiz 35: après l’entretien

    Improve your ear for spoken French with today’s clip. While slower than the previous posts of the interview, this one offers some challenging vocab, names, and conjugations. Set your level and listen, how much can you pick up?

    Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is is from Vivons Heureux avant le fin de le monde podcast Numéro 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    18 seconds, 36 words

    The above audio sample and transcription is from Vivons Heureux avant le fin de le monde podcast Numéro 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    after the interview

    What’s opening up for you with this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Après l’entretien je rentre à pied, en réfléchissant à ce que vient de m’expliquer Julia Faure. Franchement elle m’a convaincue : consommer moins, la frugalité, se mettre en cohérence, ça me soulagerait beaucoup. J’en suis sûre.

    After the interview, I walk home, thinking about what Julia Faure has just explained to me. Frankly, she’s convinced me: consuming less, being frugal, being consistent, it would be a great relief. I’m sure it would.

    The above translation from Deepl

    What does “l’entretien” mean?

    “L’entretien” in French has a couple of primary meanings, both significant and widely used in various contexts. It can refer to “maintenance” or “upkeep” as well as to an “interview” or “meeting.” Here’s a detailed look at its usage:

    In this context, interviews and meetings:

    1. Job Interview: “L’entretien” is commonly used to refer to a job interview, where potential employees meet with employers to discuss job opportunities.
      • Example: “Elle a un entretien d’embauche demain matin.” (She has a job interview tomorrow morning.)
    2. Professional Meetings: More broadly, it can refer to any professional meeting or discussion, particularly those that are somewhat formal in nature.
      • Example: “Nous avons un entretien avec le directeur demain.” (We have a meeting with the director tomorrow.)

    but also, maintenance and upkeep:

    1. General Maintenance: “l’entretien” can also refer to the actions taken to keep something in good working order or condition. This could be maintenance of buildings, vehicles, machinery, or gardens.
      • Example: “L’entretien des voitures est essentiel pour assurer leur bon fonctionnement.” (The maintenance of cars is essential for ensuring their proper functioning.)
    2. Care and Upkeep: It may also refer to the care of something to prevent deterioration, such as cleaning, repairing, or servicing.
      • Example: “L’entretien régulier de la maison peut prévenir les gros problèmes plus tard.” (Regular maintenance of the house can prevent major problems later.)

    Usage in Sentences:

    • “L’entretien de ce parc est la responsabilité de la commune.” (The upkeep of this park is the responsibility of the municipality.)
    • “J’ai préparé des questions pour l’entretien.” (I have prepared questions for the interview.)

    What does “se mettre en cohérence” mean?

    The phrase “se mettre en cohérence” in French translates roughly to “to align oneself” or “to become consistent” in English. It’s used to describe the process of ensuring that one’s actions, beliefs, strategies, or methods are in agreement or harmony with each other or with a set of standards or expectations. This phrase isn’t a fixed expression in the sense of a proverb or an idiomatic saying, but it is a common phrase used in both personal development and professional contexts.

    Contexts and Usage:

    1. Personal Development: In personal growth or self-improvement contexts, “se mettre en cohérence” refers to the act of aligning one’s actions with one’s values or goals. It involves introspection and adjustment to ensure that behavior matches with personal ethics or desired outcomes.
      • Example: “Il est important de se mettre en cohérence avec ses valeurs pour éprouver un sentiment de satisfaction personnelle.” (It’s important to align oneself with one’s values to experience personal satisfaction.)
    2. Professional and Business Settings: In business or organizational contexts, this phrase can refer to aligning strategies, practices, or policies with the company’s goals, market demands, or regulatory requirements.
      • Example: “L’entreprise doit se mettre en cohérence avec les nouvelles normes environnementales.” (The company must align itself with the new environmental standards.)
    3. Academic and Scientific Research: In academic or scientific discussions, aligning theories, methodologies, or findings to ensure consistency and reliability is often referenced using this phrase.
      • Example: “Les chercheurs s’efforcent de se mettre en cohérence avec les données empiriques existantes.” (Researchers strive to align themselves with existing empirical data.)

    This clip is from the “Vivons Heureux” podcast

    “Vivons heureux avant la fin du monde” is an intriguing French podcast that delves into themes of happiness and existentialism in the face of life’s transience.

    Produced with a blend of humor and depth, the podcast explores the idea of living joyfully and meaningfully, even with the awareness of life’s inevitable end. Each episode features discussions, interviews, and stories that examine different aspects of happiness and human experience, encouraging listeners to embrace the present moment. Its thoughtful and often lighthearted approach makes it an excellent listen for those interested in personal growth, philosophy, and living a fulfilled life.

    For French learners, it offers a rich resource to improve comprehension skills while engaging with contemporary and thought-provoking topics.

    Improving your French Listening Comprehension with Podcasts

    Welcome to Bitesize French, where fast spoken French is finally accessible! We break podcasts into short clips, like lively chats in French that fit into your day. They’re perfect for anyone, from advanced students to those just starting. Join us and enjoy French, one short clip at a time. Let’s learn together!

    Make the most of the site:

    1. Daily Podcast Listening: Start your day with a French podcast from our collection. Choose episodes that align with your interests to keep it engaging.
    2. Active Listening Practice: As you listen, try to pick out key phrases and vocabulary. Use our daily quizzes to test your understanding and reinforce learning.
    3. Repeat and Shadow: Listen to the same podcast segment multiple times. Try to mimic the pronunciation and intonation to improve your spoken French.
    4. Note-taking: Jot down new words or phrases you encounter. Review these notes regularly to enhance vocabulary retention.
    5. Reflect and Respond: After each episode, summarize the main points in French, either in writing or aloud. This helps in consolidating your learning and improving your expressive skills.

    I created the Bitesize French project because I wanted to understand more than just my teacher and youtubers who cater to learners. I wanted to understand the French I hear in France. I hope you can benefit as much as I am. Become a supporting member for access to all clips.

    What’s opening up for you?

    Comment below with what’s opening up for you with this clip. What do you love about this? What was challenging? What was easy? Share your learning progress below!

    Improve your ear for spoken French with today’s clip. While slower than the previous posts of the interview, this one offers some challenging vocab, names, and conjugations. Set your level and listen, how much can you pick up?

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