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Inner French ep. 001, quiz 48: plein de

    Improve your French listening skills with this clip from the Inner French podcast, start at any level! A1 to DELF! Listen with our transcription quiz and fill in what you hear

    This clip is from the Inner French podcast Episode 001. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Find the full podcast here.

    25 seconds, 53 words

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    The above audio sample and transcription is from the Inner French podcast episode 001. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

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    This site is full of exercises at all levels. Whether you’re looking for slow or super fast content, it’s here. This is clip 264. I’d love to see a lot more on the site, but it’s still respectable, right?

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    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Les meilleures méthodes pour apprendre une langue étrangère, ce sont les méthodes qui proposent plein de contenus, par exemple des articles, des vidéos, des textes etc., plein de contenus intéressants, dans une atmosphère sans stress. Ne faites pas confiance à une méthode qui est centrée sur la grammaire. Ça, ça ne marche pas.

    The best methods for learning a foreign language are the ones that offer lots of content, for example articles, videos, texts etc., lots of interesting content, in a stress-free atmosphere. Don’t trust a method that focuses on grammar. That doesn’t work.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “plein de” mean?

    “Plein de” is a French phrase that can be translated into English as “full of” or “a lot of.” It is a common expression in the French language and is used in a variety of contexts.

    In French, “plein” means “full” or “filled,” and “de” means “of.” When used together, “plein de” describes a quantity or amount of something. It can be used to describe both tangible and intangible things.

    Here are some examples of how “plein de” is used in French:

    • J’ai plein de travail à faire. (I have a lot of work to do.)
    • Cette ville est pleine de touristes en été. (This city is full of tourists in the summer.)
    • Il a les yeux pleins de larmes. (He has eyes full of tears.)
    • Mon sac est plein de livres. (My bag is full of books.)

    “plein de” can also be used in a figurative sense to describe a state of mind or emotion, as in “Je suis plein de joie” (I am full of joy) or “Il est plein de courage” (He is full of courage).

    Interestingly, “plein de” is often used in colloquial French as a filler phrase or a way to add emphasis to a sentence. For example, “C’est plein de bonnes idées, ton projet” (Your project is full of good ideas).

    In conclusion, “plein de” is a French phrase that means “full of” or “a lot of.” It is used to describe both tangible and intangible things and is commonly used in everyday French language.

    What does “ça ne marche pas” mean?

    “Ça ne marche pas” is a French expression that translates to “it doesn’t work” in English. The phrase is commonly used to indicate that something is not functioning properly or that a plan has failed.

    This expression is widely used in various contexts, such as when a piece of machinery, electronic device, or software fails to operate as expected. For example, if a printer is not printing, one may say, “Ça ne marche pas.” Similarly, if a plan or an idea does not work out, one may use this expression to express the failure.

    In addition to its practical use, “Ça ne marche pas” is also a common expression in everyday French conversation, where it can be used in a variety of situations. For example, if someone is trying to convince you of something and their argument is not persuasive, you might say, “Ça ne marche pas avec moi” (“It doesn’t work with me”). Similarly, if someone tells a joke that falls flat, you might say, “Ça ne marche pas” to indicate that the joke was not funny.

    Interestingly, the phrase “Ça ne marche pas” has its roots in the industrial revolution. The expression originally referred to steam engines that were not functioning correctly. The French verb “marcher” means “to walk” or “to function,” so when a machine was not working, it was said to “not marcher.” Over time, the expression evolved to become a more general phrase used to indicate any type of failure or malfunction.

    In conclusion, “Ça ne marche pas” is a versatile and widely used French expression that conveys the idea of something not working or failing. Whether you’re troubleshooting a technical issue or expressing disappointment at a failed plan, this phrase is an essential part of the French language and culture.

    What does “tous les jours” mean?

    “Tous les jours” is a French expression that translates to “every day” in English.

    Here are a few examples of how the phrase might be used in context:

    • “Je fais de l’exercice tous les jours.” (I exercise every day.)
    • “Elle mange des fruits tous les jours.” (She eats fruit every day.)
    • “Tous les jours, je me réveille à 6 heures.” (Every day, I wake up at 6 o’clock.)

    The expression “tous les jours” is often used to indicate the frequency of an action or occurrence that happens daily. It can be used to talk about habits, routines, or schedules.

    One fun fact about “tous les jours” is that it’s sometimes shortened to “TLJ” in French texts or messages for brevity. This abbreviation is especially popular among French teenagers and young adults who often use it as a shortcut when chatting with friends.

    What about “sans stress”?

    “Sans stress” is actually a French phrase, which directly translates to “without stress” or “stress-free” in English. It is commonly used in French-speaking countries, but it has also made its way into English vernacular, especially in the realm of wellness and relaxation.

    The phrase “sans stress” is often used in marketing campaigns for products or services that aim to reduce stress levels, such as spa treatments, meditation classes, or stress-management apps. It is also used in everyday language as a way to describe a lifestyle or mindset that prioritizes relaxation and self-care.

    Interestingly, the popularity of the phrase “sans stress” in English-speaking countries is part of a larger trend towards incorporating French phrases into the English language. Other examples include “joie de vivre” (meaning “joy of living”), “bon appétit” (meaning “enjoy your meal”), and “raison d’être” (meaning “reason for being”).

    In conclusion, “sans stress” is a French phrase that has become popular in English-speaking countries as a way to describe a stress-free lifestyle or promote products and services that aim to reduce stress levels.

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