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Manger ep. 1, Quiz 58: faire perdre

    “perdre 2kg par semaine” what does that mean? And what is not going to cause you to do that? Hear it in this short clip of French in real life. Take our transcription quiz at any level and see how much you can hear.

    This clip is from Manger Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    7 seconds, 24 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Manger ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

    make (you) lose

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    The snippet in English

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    Manger du granola ne va pas vous faire perdre 2 kg par semaine. C’est ce que nous a expliqué Ariane Grumbach, diététicienne à Paris.

    Eating granola won’t make you lose 2 kg a week. That’s what Paris-based dietician Ariane Grumbach explained to us.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “faire perdre” mean?

    The phrase “faire perdre” is a French expression that can be translated as “to cause to lose” or “to make someone lose” in English. It is used to describe the action of leading or causing someone to experience a loss or defeat. Here’s some information about “faire perdre”:


    • “Son mauvais coaching a fait perdre l’équipe de football.” (His poor coaching caused the football team to lose.)
    • “La distraction a fait perdre le joueur dans le jeu d’échecs.” (The distraction made the player lose in the chess game.)

    The phrase “faire perdre” is not commonly used to refer to losing weight in French. In the context of weight loss, a more appropriate phrase would be “perdre du poids” or “maigrir.” These expressions specifically convey the idea of losing weight.

    For example:

    • “Elle a fait des exercices réguliers pour perdre du poids.” (She did regular exercises to lose weight.)
    • “J’essaie de maigrir en suivant un régime équilibré.” (I’m trying to lose weight by following a balanced diet.)

    “Faire perdre” is commonly used in sports, competitions, or any situation where someone’s actions or circumstances contribute to the defeat or loss of another person or team. It emphasizes the role of an external factor or influence in causing the loss.

    Similar expressions to “faire perdre” include “causer une défaite” (to cause a defeat), “conduire à la perte” (to lead to loss), or “provoquer une défaillance” (to provoke a failure).

    Overall, “faire perdre” is an expression used to describe the action of causing someone to lose or experiencing a loss. It is often used in sports or competitive contexts to emphasize the influence of external factors or actions that contribute to a defeat or loss.

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    “perdre 2kg par semaine” what does that mean? And what is not going to cause you to do that? Hear it in this short clip of French in real life. Take our transcription quiz at any level and see how much you can hear.

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