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Manger ep. 1, Quiz 79: siègent l’après-midi

    Do you know what “siègent l’après-midi” means? What would you do if you were going to miss lunch? Find out the origin of French breakfast in this clip of French in real life. Improve your French listening skills at any level! Choose how much of the transcript you can see and fill in the blanks.

    This clip is from Manger Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    19 seconds, 63 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Manger ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

    hold a meeting through the afternoon

    What’s opening up for you in this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    À l’origine, en fait, ça été pensé pour les députés, pas pour la France entière. Parce qu’après la révolution, les députés siègent l’après-midi de 13 h à 18 h à l’assemblée à Paris, et un jour, la patronne du café d’à côté leur propose un repas léger avant le déjeuner avec une boisson chaude et un peu de pain. C’est déjà du marketing.

    In fact, it was originally designed for MPs, not for the whole of France. After the revolution, the deputies sat in the Assembly in Paris from 1pm to 6pm, and one day, the owner of the café next door offered them a light meal before lunch, with a hot drink and some bread. It’s already marketing.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “députés” mean?

    “Les députés” in French refers to members of the National Assembly, which is the lower house of the French Parliament.

    “Député” translates to “deputy” or “member of parliament” in English. The term specifically refers to individuals who have been elected to represent their constituencies in the National Assembly.

    Députés are responsible for drafting, proposing, and voting on legislation. They represent the interests and concerns of their constituents and participate in parliamentary debates and committees.

    Députés are elected by the citizens in their respective constituencies through general elections, which take place every five years. France follows a two-round voting system, where a candidate must secure an absolute majority in the first round or a relative majority in the second round to be elected.

    The National Assembly is composed of 577 députés who represent different political parties. They play a crucial role in shaping laws and policies that impact the country. Each député represents a specific constituency, typically defined by geographical boundaries. They serve as the voice and advocate for their constituents at the national level.

    Députés belong to various political parties, which reflect the diverse political landscape in France. Parties may form coalitions or alliances to gain majority support and influence decision-making in the National Assembly.

    Députés actively participate in the legislative process, introducing bills, proposing amendments, and engaging in discussions and voting on proposed laws. Députés also engage in oversight functions, monitoring government actions, questioning ministers, and examining policies through parliamentary committees.

    Députés have a vital role in representing their constituents’ interests, concerns, and aspirations in the legislative process. They engage with their communities, address constituents’ issues, and act as a link between the people and the government.

    Députés are integral to the democratic system in France, ensuring the representation of citizens’ voices and shaping the laws that govern the nation.

    What does “siègent l’après-midi” mean?

    “Siègent” comes from the verb “siéger,” which means “to sit” or “to hold a meeting.” In this context, it refers to the action of sitting or holding a meeting during a specific time period. “L’après-midi” means “the afternoon,” and “de 13 h à 18 h” specifies the time frame from 1 pm to 6 pm.

    The phrase is used to indicate the hours during which a group or organization holds meetings or conducts their activities in the afternoon.

    Example: “Les membres du comité siègent l’après-midi de 13 h à 18 h.” (The committee members sit in the afternoon from 1 pm to 6 pm.)

    The phrase suggests that the group or organization is actively engaged in their work or discussions during the specified afternoon hours. Siègent l’après-midi de 13 h à 18 h” implies that the group or organization holds their meetings or conducts their work specifically in the afternoon, between 1 pm and 6 pm.

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    Do you know what “siègent l’après-midi” means? What would you do if you were going to miss lunch? Find out the origin of French breakfast in this clip of French in real life. Improve your French listening skills at any level! Choose how much of the transcript you can see and fill in the blanks.

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