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Balades ep. 1, Quiz 33: c’est bien

Learn French with a podcast! This clip from Balades is 6 seconds long and although it has 20 words, it’s fit for any beginner. Test your French listening!

Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is from Balades Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Find the full podcast here.

6 seconds, 20 words

The above audio sample and transcription is from Balades ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

It’s good

Let’s continue with lesson 33. I feel like I couldn’t have this site without some classic beginner posts. This bit of dialogue fits the bill.

I love her going from meandering to actual dialogue with her grandma. I picture someone pulling her cigarrette out of her mouth and looking down chuckling, happy to have someone doing free labor, as my grandma would have been. Except my Mamie was not French nor in Paris.

It’s good to have some shorter and more beginner posts. I feel like I’m really making progress with this project. And it feels like I am.

In this clip, it’s also interesting to hear her as her grandma hit the “vous avez” so quickly.

How much of this snippet are you understanding?
Can you only hear the articles or are you catching keywords?
What’s your favorite part about this?

There’s absolutely no way that I could get through an entire podcast in French without melting my brain, that’s why I broke it up into snippets like this. Join me for the next snippet.

The snippet in English

Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

« Regarde, Mamie, on revoit les mosaïques. »
« C’est bien, les filles, vous avez fait du bon travail. »

“Look, Grandma, we’re seeing the mosaics again. “
“It’s good girls, you did a good job. “

The above text courtesy of Google Translate. Source

What does “c’est bien” mean?

“C’est bien” is a French phrase that can be translated to “That’s good” or “That’s great” in English. It is an expression of approval or satisfaction, indicating that something is good or desirable. The word “bien” means “good” or “well” and “c’est” means “it is”. It is often used as a simple response to something or an expression of agreement.

For example:

  • “J’ai réussi mon examen, c’est bien” which means “I passed my exam, that’s good”
  • “Il a décidé de prendre des vacances, c’est bien” which means “He decided to take a vacation, that’s great.”

It is a simple and neutral way to express approval or satisfaction with something, it can be used in a wide range of contexts, from everyday conversations to more formal situations.

“C’est bien” has been a standard phrase in French for a long time. It is a common and simple way to express approval or satisfaction with something, and it has been used in the French language for many years.

It is a phrase that can be used in a wide range of contexts, from everyday conversations to more formal situations, and it’s considered a classic phrase in French. It is a phrase that has been used for a long time and it’s not recent, and it’s considered a classic phrase in French, that has been used for a long time.

This clip is from the Balades podcast

“Balades” is a great podcast for those new to French. Its slow pace and clear speech make it easy to follow and understand. The episodes are fun and cover a variety of topics, ideal for beginners. While designed for learners, the podcast stays in French, offering a full-dive into the language. It’s part of a wider group of French podcasts aimed at all levels, focusing on real-life use rather than just vocab and grammar. Regular listening, along with tools like transcripts and quizzes, helps boost understanding and speaking skills. “Balades” is a top pick for anyone starting their French learning journey.

Improving your French Listening Comprehension with Podcasts

Welcome to Bitesize French, where fast spoken French is finally accessible! We break podcasts into short clips, like lively chats in French that fit into your day. They’re perfect for anyone, from advanced students to those just starting. Join us and enjoy French, one short clip at a time. Let’s learn together!

Make the most of the site:

  1. Daily Podcast Listening: Start your day with a French podcast from our collection. Choose episodes that align with your interests to keep it engaging.
  2. Active Listening Practice: As you listen, try to pick out key phrases and vocabulary. Use our daily quizzes to test your understanding and reinforce learning.
  3. Repeat and Shadow: Listen to the same podcast segment multiple times. Try to mimic the pronunciation and intonation to improve your spoken French.
  4. Note-taking: Jot down new words or phrases you encounter. Review these notes regularly to enhance vocabulary retention.
  5. Reflect and Respond: After each episode, summarize the main points in French, either in writing or aloud. This helps in consolidating your learning and improving your expressive skills.

I created the Bitesize French project because I wanted to understand more than just my teacher and youtubers who cater to learners. I wanted to understand the French I hear in France. I hope you can benefit as much as I am. Become a supporting member for access to all clips.

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