Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is from Balades Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Find the full podcast here. The above audio sample and transcription is from Balades ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode…
Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is from Balades Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Find the full podcast here.
The above audio sample and transcription is from Balades ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.
We loved to play
Let’s continue with lesson 25. I love to play, that’s why I’ve got this site up and running. I put this in the past tense in English, but the translation seems to be in present tense.
This one seems simple, but moves at a good clip. The new expression for me here is “tout près de la Seine”. Where tout is in this instance an adverb meaning very.
I’ll keep playing and trying to dive further into this podcast, stick with me!
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There’s absolutely no way that I could get through an entire podcast in French without melting my brain, that’s why I broke it up into snippets like this. Join me for the next snippet.
The snippet in English
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C’était une grande maison avec un très vaste jardin tout près de la Seine. Ma sœur Stéphanie et moi, nous adorons jouer dans ce jardin.
It was a large house with a very large garden very close to the Seine. My sister Stéphanie and I love to play in this garden.
The above text courtesy of Google Translate. Source
What does “nous adorons jouer” mean in French?
“Nous adorons jouer” is a French phrase that can be translated to “We adore playing” in English.
It is a way to express that a group of people, in this case “nous” which means “we”, have a strong liking for an activity, in this case “jouer” which means “to play”. It’s a way to express that someone enjoy a lot doing something.
For example:
- “Nous adorons jouer aux cartes le soir” which means “We adore playing cards in the evening”
- “Les enfants adorent jouer dehors” which means “The children adore playing outside”
It is a polite and normal way to express fondness or enjoyment of an activity in French.
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tout près de la
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