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Manger ep. 1, Quiz 48: à un moment donné

    Do you know what “dans la pratique” means? Hear it in this clip from the podcast Manger about the typical French breakfast. Start from any level! Choose how much of the transcript you see and fill in the rest.

    This clip is from Manger Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    16 seconds, 46 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Manger ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

    At some point

    This quiz is arriving a little bit late. At some point I hope to have systems in place to prevent that. At this point, I don’t have it yet. Happy learning and listening!

    What’s opening up for you in this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Pas dans la pratique parce qu’on a toujours en France plus consommer le petit-déjeuner à la française. Je dis petit-déjeuner à la française parce que ce terme il est vraiment apparu à un moment donné. On a toujours préféré donc boissons chaudes, beurre, tartines et confiture.

    Not in practice because in France we have always consumed more the French breakfast. I say French breakfast because this term really appeared at a certain moment. We have always preferred hot drinks, butter, toast and jam.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “dans la pratique” mean?

    “Dans la pratique” is a French phrase that translates to “in practice” in English. It is used to describe the actual implementation or application of something in real-life situations, as opposed to theory or abstract concepts. It refers to how things work or function in reality, taking into account practical considerations and experiences.

    The phrase “dans la pratique” is a common expression that has been used in the French language for a long time. Its origin can be traced back to the usage of the word “pratique,” which means practical or practicality.

    Some examples of its usage:

    1. “Cette idée semble bonne sur le papier, mais dans la pratique, elle présente des difficultés.” (This idea seems good on paper, but in practice, it presents difficulties.)
    2. “Les théories économiques peuvent être intéressantes, mais dans la pratique, il y a souvent des variables inattendues.” (Economic theories can be interesting, but in practice, there are often unexpected variables.)
    3. “On peut discuter de cela théoriquement, mais dans la pratique, cela ne fonctionne pas.” (We can discuss this theoretically, but in practice, it doesn’t work.)

    “Dans la pratique” can be contrasted with “dans la théorie” (in theory), which refers to the abstract or idealized concept rather than its practical application.

    “Dans la pratique” is commonly used in various contexts, such as business, sports, science, and everyday life, to highlight the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-life implementation.

    The phrase emphasizes the importance of considering practical considerations, challenges, and outcomes when assessing the effectiveness or feasibility of an idea or approach.

    It is often used in discussions, debates, or evaluations to evaluate the practicality or effectiveness of a concept or strategy.

    What does “à un moment donné” mean?

    “À un moment donné” is a French phrase that translates to “at a given moment” or “at some point” in English. It is used to indicate an unspecified or indefinite moment in time when something happens or occurred. It suggests that there is a particular moment or timeframe under consideration, but the exact timing is not specified.

    The phrase “à un moment donné” is a commonly used expression in the French language. It is a combination of the preposition “à” (at) and the noun phrase “un moment donné” (a given moment).

    Here are some examples of its usage:

    1. “Il faut prendre une décision à un moment donné.” (We need to make a decision at some point.)
    2. “À un moment donné, j’ai réalisé que j’étais sur la mauvaise voie.” (At a certain point, I realized that I was on the wrong path.)
    3. “Elle était présente à la réunion, mais à un moment donné, elle est partie précipitamment.” (She was present at the meeting, but at one point, she left abruptly.)

    The opposite of “à un moment donné” could be phrases like “constamment” (constantly), “tout le temps” (all the time), or “en permanence” (permanently), which imply continuous or ongoing occurrences.

    “À un moment donné” is a versatile phrase used in various contexts, such as storytelling, discussions, or explanations, to refer to an unspecified point in time.

    It can be used to introduce a change, realization, or event that occurred during a particular period without specifying exact dates or duration.

    The phrase adds a sense of temporal ambiguity or flexibility, allowing for a general reference to a moment in time without being overly specific.

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    Do you know what “dans la pratique” means? Hear it in this clip from the podcast Manger about the typical French breakfast. Start from any level! Choose how much of the transcript you see and fill in the rest.

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