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Inner French ep. 001, quiz 25: par contre

    Improve your French listening comprehension with this clip from Inner French podcast. It’s 37 words in 20 seconds, take our transcription quiz and see how many you can hear!

    This clip is from the Inner French podcast Episode 001. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Find the full podcast here.

    20 seconds, 37 words

    Press play and take the transcription quiz to practice your French listening comprehension.
    (You can use the ⋮ to adjust playback speed)

    The above audio sample and transcription is from the Inner French podcast episode 001. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    on the other hand

    This, to me, seems like the greatest hurdle in learning a language. It isn’t the rules, or the pronunciation, or the vocab, or the grammar. It is actually, by contrast, all in our heads.

    Once we can get over the controller, as Hugo calls it, we can move on. When I lived in China people were always desperate to practice, and eager to improve their English. They would ask me, how did I get so good at Chinese? My advice: step 1, make mistakes. That was always my advice.

    How much of that am I doing in French? Less so. Once I get to France, I’ll be desparate to make mistakes. Why not? It’s the only way, I believe, to really improve.

    What’s opening up for you in this clip? I’m open to any and all feedback, as always. Let me know.

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Par contre, si vous êtes introverti, alors le contrôleur est très, très présent. Dès que vous essayez de parler, vous allez d’abord réfléchir aux règles, penser à une façon parfaite de dire quelque chose sans faire d’erreur.

    On the other hand, if you are an introvert, then the controller is very, very present. As soon as you try to speak, you will first think about the rules, think of a perfect way to say something without making a mistake.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “par contre” mean?

    “Par contre” is a French expression that is commonly used to indicate a contrast or opposition to what has just been said. It can be translated into English as “on the other hand”, “however”, “in contrast”, or “by contrast”.

    The expression “par contre” comes from the French language and can be traced back to the 16th century. The word “par” means “by” or “through”, and “contre” means “against” or “opposite”. Together, “par contre” conveys the idea of something that is opposite or contrasting.

    Here are some examples of how “par contre” can be used in context:

    • “J’aime beaucoup les fruits, par contre je n’aime pas les légumes.” (I really like fruits, however, I don’t like vegetables.)
    • “Le film était excellent, par contre la fin était un peu décevante.” (The movie was excellent, but the ending was a bit disappointing.)
    • “Je suis d’accord avec toi sur certains points, par contre je ne suis pas d’accord sur celui-ci.” (I agree with you on some points, but I don’t agree on this one.)

    In each of these examples, “par contre” is used to introduce a contrasting idea or opinion. It signals to the listener or reader that what is about to be said will be different from what was just said, or will be in opposition to it.

    What does “une personne plutôt extravertie” mean?

    The phrase “une personne plutôt extravertie” means “a rather outgoing person” or “a person who is quite extroverted” in English.

    “Extraverti” is a French word that comes from the Latin word “extra” meaning “outside” and “vertere” meaning “to turn.” In modern French, it means someone who is sociable, talkative, and enjoys being around other people.

    The adjective “plutôt” in this phrase means “rather” or “quite,” and it indicates that the person being described has a tendency towards being outgoing or extroverted.

    Overall, the phrase “une personne plutôt extravertie” is used to describe someone who is comfortable in social situations, enjoys being around others, and is typically outgoing in their interactions with others.

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