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37 words

bourgeois apartment

Transfert s01e01, Quiz 11: bourgeois

    How do you translate bourgeois? Hear it in today’s clip, straight from French in real life (this one comes from the Transfert podcast). How much of the clip can you pick up? Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen. These words stood out to me: “bourgeois”, “j’avais toujours vécu”, “un truc”, “tu vois”, “réussite”.

    au resto

    Transfert s01e22, Quiz 98: au resto

      Improve your ear for fast spoken French with this clip from Transfert podcast. Do you know how to say feed the cats? Can you catch it here? Words that stood out to me: “quelques mois plus tard”, “fêter ses 60 ans” and “au resto”. Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen!

      et puis

      Transfert s01e22, Quiz 64: et puis

        Use French podcasts to improve your French listening – we make it easy! Short clips of fast spoken French with transcription quizzes. Listen and fill in the blanks with what you hear! From today’s clip, these phrases stood out: “leur”, “et puis”, and “je prends le téléphone”. Take on today’s clip and improve your understanding of French in real life!

        donc quoi

        Transfert s01e22, Quiz 37: quoi

          Can you catch all 7 filler words in this clip of 36 words? That’s basically 20% filler words and might be more common than your teacher will let you believe in fast spoken French. This demonstrates how someone might speak through a more difficult topic like the death of a parent. Take a listen and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Start from any level, simply choose how much of the clip you can see to start!

          c'était que du fun

          Transfert s01e22, Quiz 27: c’était que du fun

            Hear some reminiscing about past relationships with these words: “C’était fabuleux”, “on se retrouvait”, “de temps en temps”, and “c’était que du fun.” I love that last phrase because I haven’t seen (or heard) the “que” used that like that before. What’s opening up for you in today’s clip? Take on this fast clip and practice your ear for fast spoken French with us!

            un foyer

            Transfert s01e22, quiz 2: un foyer

              I’m loving some of the nuance in this clip. Hear phrases like: “débarque”, “un foyer”, “auprès des”, and “malmenés et meurtris”. I wanted to highlight foyer because it is different from our word foyer in English, even our use of “hearth” in English doesn’t contain the depth of meaning here. Take on today’s fast quiz!

              choisir au hasard

              Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 49: choisir au hasard

                “pour dire les choses autrement”, “percevoir”, “choisis pas au hasard”. and “prendre une décision”. How many of those phrases do you recognize? How many can you pick up in this slow paced clip from Passerelles? Hear them all and explore their meaning in today’s quiz.

                ça veut dire

                Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 16: ça veut dire

                What does “ça veut dire” mean? Hear it in this clip of French in real life. Choose your level then fill in the blanks of the transcript while you listen. Improve your French listening skills with French as it’s spoken in the wild.