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Paris o’clock 042920 Quiz 27: Il fait un jeu de mot

    Improve your ear for French with this clip from the Paris o’clock podcast. It’s 97 words in 44 seconds, how many can you hear and understand? Improve your French listening comprehension with us

    Learn French with a podcast! This clip is from Paris o’clock 29 April 2020 Episode. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Find the full episode here.

    44 seconds, 97 words

    The above audio sample and transcription is from Paris o’clock Podcast 29 Apr 2020 Episode. We do not own this content, nor do we pretend to own it. The above is for entertainment and educational purposes only. Register on Paris o’clock site to read the full text and hear the full audio.

    He made a pun

    I love puns and clever turns of phrase. They really make my day.

    I also love that they don’t always translate. When it comes to jokes and humor when learning a language, I’ve found it’s best to have a flexible and open sense of humor. My bar for what’s funny is incredibly low. I laugh at almost anything. I think this helps me with jokes in other languages. China loves their “cold humor”, what we in English might refer to as dad jokes. Taiwan, which also speaks Chinese, goes in a different direction with many many puns.

    France has a different take. While this pun is from nearly 160 years ago, it still seems like something that some of my (older) French friends might say. A dry wit that encapsulates a disdain, in a clever way. I love it.

    I know very little about French humor, and the humor I do hear has been translated, mind you. All the same, I find the humor incredibly funny. But don’t take my word for it. I love humor from around the world.

    How did you find this snippet? Let us know how we’re doing below or send us any feedback. We’d love to hear it.

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Il écrit un article dans un journal pour raconter sa visite et il se moque d’une toile en particulier qu’il n’a pas du tout aimée : « Impression, soleil levant » de Claude Monet.

    Il fait un jeu de mot avec le titre de la toile et il écrit : « Je me disais aussi, puisque je suis impressionné, il doit y avoir de l’impression là-dedans… ».

    Il intitule son article « L’exposition des impressionnistes ». Et c’est comme ça que le mot « impressionniste » commence à être utilisé pour décrire Claude Monet et ses amis.

    He writes an article in a newspaper to tell about his visit and he makes fun of a painting in particular that he did not like at all: “Impression, soleil levant” by Claude Monet.

    He makes a play on words with the title of the painting and he writes: “I also said to myself, since I am impressed, there must be some impression in there…”.

    He titled his article “The Impressionist Exhibition”. And that’s how the word “Impressionist” began to be used to describe Claude Monet and his friends.

    The above text translated using Google Translate. Translation Link. The content in French is courtesy of Paris o’clock.

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    se moque

    d’une toile

    n’a pas du tout aimée

    Il fait un jeu de mot


    je suis impressionné


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    Improve your ear for French with this clip from the Paris o’clock podcast. It’s 97 words in 44 seconds, how many can you hear and understand? Improve your French listening comprehension with us

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