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Balades ep. 1, Quiz 9: amassés pendant des semaines

    Learn French with this podcast! Listen and transcribe 64 words in 29 seconds from this clip of Balades Episode 1. Practice your listening skills, try it today!

    Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is from Balades Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Find the full podcast here.

    29 seconds, 64 words

    Why this clip of Balades?

    I am continuing to work my way through this first podcast one bite at a time.

    This longer clip might be a bit challenging. It was for me, especially keeping up between the three sentences. The pronunciation of “semaines” also threw e for a loop.

    I will be adding more detail to the below vocabulary and pronunciations soon, these are all words I had to double check or lookup.

    See if you can challenge yourself with this longer snippet. Or click the tag to find other long snippets from all podcasts.

    Please note there should be a comma after “trié” however it throws an error in my tool, so I removed it to keep the content on site.

    How much of this snippet are you understanding?
    Can you only hear the articles or are you catching keywords?

    There’s absolutely no way that I could get through an entire podcast in French without melting my brain, that’s why I broke it up into snippets like this. Join me for the next snippet.

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    En effet, ces derniers temps, avant Noël, beaucoup de paperasse s’était accumulée. Et comme c’est une période de l’année où je manque toujours de temps, mon bureau n’était plus visible sous les papiers en tout genre, magazines à peine feuilletés et autres documents amassés pendant des semaines. J’ai donc décidé de faire table rase : j’ai trié, jeté et rangé tout ce qui traînait.

    Indeed, lately, before Christmas, a lot of paperwork had accumulated. And since it’s a time of year when I’m always short of time, my desk was no longer visible under all kinds of papers, barely leafed magazines and other documents piled up for weeks. So I decided to make a clean sweep: I sorted, threw and put away everything that was lying around.

    The above text courtesy of Google Translate. Source

    What does “amassés pendant des semaines” mean in French?

    “Amassés pendant des semaines” is a French phrase that translates to “amassed for weeks” in English. The verb “amasser” means “to amass” or “to accumulate”, it refers to the action of gathering or collecting something over time. “Pendant des semaines” is an adverbial phrase that indicates the duration of time, it means “for weeks”.

    The phrase “amassés pendant des semaines” implies that something has been gathered or accumulated over a period of several weeks. It is used to describe a state where something has been accumulated over a period of time.


    “Il a amassé des piles de livres pendant des semaines” (He amassed stacks of books for weeks)

    “Ils ont amassé des preuves contre lui pendant des semaines” (They amassed evidence against him for weeks)

    “Il a amassé des idées pour son projet pendant des semaines” (He amassed ideas for his project for weeks)

    In general, “amassés pendant des semaines” is used to indicate that something has been accumulated over a period of weeks and it implies that a process of collection over a period of time has been done.

    Keywords from the snippet?

    Find keywords for this snippet below, sourced from fr.wiktionary.org.

    En effet



    à peine feuilletés




    table rase

    trié, jeté et rangé


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