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Inner French ep. 001, quiz 40: quelque chose

    Start at any level and improve your French listening skills with this clip from the Inner French podcast. It’s 61 words in 33 seconds. Take our quiz and hear words in French.

    This clip is from the Inner French podcast Episode 001. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Find the full podcast here.

    33 seconds, 61 words

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    The above audio sample and transcription is from the Inner French podcast episode 001. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.


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    The snippet in English

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    Donc un filtre, c’est quelque chose qui permet de retenir, de garder certaines choses, et de laisser passer d’autres choses. «Affectif», c’est quelque chose qui est lié aux sentiments, aux émotions, ça vient de «l’affection». Donc un «filtre affectif», ça veut dire que quand vous ressentez des émotions positives ou négatives, ça a une influence sur votre acquisition de la langue.

    So a filter is something that allows you to retain, to keep certain things, and to let other things through. “Affective” is something that is linked to feelings, to emotions, it comes from “affection”. So an “affective filter” means that when you feel positive or negative emotions, it has an influence on your language acquisition.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “quelque chose” mean?

    “Quelque chose” is a French phrase that translates to “something” or “anything” in English. It is a commonly used expression that has a few different meanings and uses.

    Background: The phrase “quelque chose” is composed of two words: “quelque” meaning “some” or “a few” and “chose” meaning “thing.” Together, they form a phrase that can be used to indicate the presence of an unspecified object or concept.

    Usage: “Quelque chose” can be used in a variety of contexts, and its exact meaning will depend on the situation. Here are some common ways it is used:

    1. To indicate the presence of an unspecified object or concept:
    • J’ai oublié quelque chose chez toi. (I forgot something at your place.)
    • Je veux quelque chose à manger. (I want something to eat.)
    1. To suggest an idea or solution without being specific:
    • Il faut faire quelque chose pour résoudre ce problème. (We need to do something to solve this problem.)
    • Peut-être que quelque chose ne va pas avec l’ordinateur. (Maybe something is wrong with the computer.)
    1. To express doubt or uncertainty:
    • Il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas avec cette histoire. (There’s something wrong with this story.)
    • J’ai le sentiment que quelque chose ne tourne pas rond ici. (I have a feeling that something’s not right here.)

    “Quelque chose” is a common phrase in French, but it can be difficult for English speakers to remember because it does not have an exact equivalent in English.

    The phrase “quelque chose” is often used in combination with the word “de” to create the expression “quelque chose de” (something of), which can be used to describe the nature or quality of something. For example, “C’est quelque chose de magnifique” (It’s something magnificent).

    The phrase “quelque chose” can be used in both formal and informal settings, and it is a versatile expression that can be used in a variety of contexts.

    What does “ressentez des émotions” mean?

    The phrase “ressentez des émotions” is a French expression that translates to “feel emotions” in English. It is a common phrase that is used to encourage someone to experience or express their emotions.

    Background: The phrase “ressentez des émotions” is composed of two words: “ressentez” meaning “feel” and “émotions” meaning “emotions.” Together, they form a phrase that can be used to encourage someone to express their feelings or connect with their emotional state.

    Usage: “Ressentez des émotions” can be used in a variety of contexts, and its exact meaning will depend on the situation. Here are some common ways it is used:

    1. To encourage someone to be more open about their emotions:
    • Ressentez des émotions et partagez-les avec nous. (Feel emotions and share them with us.)
    • Ne soyez pas timide, ressentez vos émotions. (Don’t be shy, feel your emotions.)
    1. To acknowledge the emotional impact of a situation:
    • Cette chanson me fait ressentir des émotions intenses. (This song makes me feel intense emotions.)
    • J’ai ressenti tellement d’émotions en voyant ce film. (I felt so many emotions while watching this movie.)
    1. To encourage self-awareness and emotional connection:
    • Prenez le temps de ressentir vos émotions et de comprendre ce qu’elles signifient pour vous. (Take the time to feel your emotions and understand what they mean to you.)
    • Ressentez vos émotions et utilisez-les pour guider vos choix. (Feel your emotions and use them to guide your choices.)

    The phrase “ressentez des émotions” is often used in the context of art, music, and film, where it is seen as important to connect with the emotions being expressed in the work.

    In French, there are many other expressions that are used to describe emotions, including “être ému” (to be moved), “être heureux” (to be happy), and “être triste” (to be sad).

    The French language places a strong emphasis on emotional expression, and it is common to use phrases like “ressentez des émotions” to encourage people to be more open and authentic in their emotional experiences.

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