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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 27: être fier

    Let’s get a little heavy. Are you ready? What do “chez les chrétiens”, “un péché”, “l’orgueil”, and “être fier” mean? Hear them all in today’s clip. Start from any level, choose how much of the transcript is hidden, and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Use our listening quiz to improve your understanding…

    This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    20 seconds, 34 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

    to be proud

    What’s opening up for you with this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Chez les chrétiens, fêter son anniversaire, c’est décrit comme un péché d’orgueil. Un péché, c’est une transgression de la loi divine. L’orgueil, être orgueilleux ou orgueilleuse, ça signifie être fier, mais de manière excessive.

    Among Christians, celebrating one’s birthday is described as a sin of pride. A sin is a transgression of divine law. Pride means being proud, but in an excessive way.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “chez” mean?

    “Chez” is a versatile and essential word in French that is used in various contexts. It can be challenging to find a direct equivalent in English, as its meaning depends on the context in which it is used. Here are some of the primary ways “chez” is used in French:

    1. Location: “Chez” is often used to indicate someone’s home or a specific location, similar to “at” or “to” in English. For example:
      • Je vais chez mon ami. (I’m going to my friend’s house.)
      • On se retrouve chez le restaurant. (We’re meeting at the restaurant.)
    2. In the style of: “Chez” can be used to describe a place or establishment in a certain style or belonging to a particular category. In this sense, it can be translated as “at” or “among” in English. For example:
      • Chez le coiffeur, on peut se faire couper les cheveux. (At the hairdresser’s, you can get your hair cut.)
      • Chez nous, on aime beaucoup la cuisine italienne. (Among us, we really like Italian cuisine.)
    3. In someone’s possession or domain: “Chez” can also indicate that something belongs to or is under the control of someone or something. For example:
      • Chez moi, c’est moi qui décide. (At my place, I’m the one who decides.)
      • Chez eux, on respecte les règles. (At their place, they follow the rules.)
    4. At a certain person’s or entity’s place of work or business: “Chez” is commonly used to indicate where someone works or to refer to a specific company or business. For example:
      • Elle travaille chez Google. (She works at Google.)
      • J’ai acheté ce livre chez le libraire du coin. (I bought this book at the local bookstore.)

    What does “les chrétiens” mean?

    “Les chrétiens” is a French term that translates to “Christians” in English. The spelling difference between “chrétiens” and “Christian” is due to the phonetic and orthographic conventions of the French language.

    In French, the word “chrétiens” is derived from the Latin word “christianus,” which was later adopted into Old French as “cristiens.” Over time, the spelling evolved, and the modern form “chrétiens” emerged. The pronunciation of the word “chrétiens” follows French phonetic rules, where the letter “ch” is pronounced as /ʃ/ (similar to the English “sh” sound), and the final “s” is silent.

    On the other hand, in English, the term “Christian” comes directly from the Latin “christianus” without significant spelling changes. English pronunciation follows different phonetic rules, and the letter “ch” is typically pronounced as /k/ or /tʃ/ (as in “cat” or “check”) depending on the word’s origin.

    These spelling and pronunciation differences are common in languages that have evolved separately and have distinct phonetic systems. As a result, the word for “Christians” in French is spelled “chrétiens” following French phonetic rules, while the English term “Christian” remains more similar to its Latin origin.

    What does “chez les chrétiens” mean?

    “Chez les chrétiens” is a French expression that translates to “among Christians” or “in the Christian community” in English. It refers to activities, beliefs, or customs that are prevalent or specific to Christians or the Christian community.

    When using “chez les chrétiens,” the word “chez” indicates that something is happening within the context or sphere of influence of Christians. It can be used to talk about various aspects related to Christianity, such as traditions, practices, celebrations, or beliefs.

    Example sentences:

    • Chez les chrétiens, Noël est une fête importante célébrée le 25 décembre. (Among Christians, Christmas is an important celebration celebrated on December 25th.)
    • Chez les chrétiens, la messe est un rituel religieux qui a lieu le dimanche. (Among Christians, the Mass is a religious ritual that takes place on Sundays.)

    It’s worth noting that “chez les chrétiens” is a specific expression, and the word “chez” is not used in this context in the same way as in other instances (e.g., “chez le coiffeur” for “at the hairdresser’s” or “chez moi” for “at my place”). Instead, in this context, “chez” is used to refer to the specific community or group of Christians.

    What does “un péché” mean?

    “Un péché” is a French noun that translates to “a sin” in English. In religious and moral contexts, it refers to an action or behavior that is considered to be a violation of divine or moral law. The concept of “un péché” is prevalent in various religious traditions, including Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, where certain actions or thoughts are deemed to be morally wrong and require repentance or atonement.

    The notion of “un péché” is often associated with guilt and the need for redemption. In religious teachings, it is believed that committing sins can lead to spiritual consequences or separation from the divine. Individuals may seek forgiveness through prayer, confession, and acts of penance to reconcile with God or their moral principles.

    In a broader sense, “un péché” can also be used metaphorically to refer to any wrongdoing or regrettable action, regardless of religious connotations. For example, in everyday language, one might use the phrase “c’est un péché de gaspiller de la nourriture” (it’s a sin to waste food) to express disapproval of wasteful behavior.

    While the concept of sin and “un péché” is deeply rooted in religious and moral beliefs, it remains an essential element in understanding ethical and moral standards across various cultures and societies.

    What does “loi divine” mean?

    “Loi divine” is a French phrase that translates to “divine law” in English. It refers to laws or principles believed to be established or dictated by a higher power, typically God or a deity. In various religious and spiritual contexts, “loi divine” represents the moral and ethical guidelines that followers are expected to adhere to as part of their faith.

    For example, in Christianity, the Ten Commandments are often considered divine laws given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai. These commandments serve as fundamental ethical guidelines for believers.

    It is essential to note that the interpretation and significance of “loi divine” vary across different religious beliefs and traditions. The phrase emphasizes the spiritual and sacred aspect of these laws, which are considered to be beyond human authority and judgment.

    In a cultural and linguistic context, “loi divine” is used to discuss religious principles and teachings, reflecting the relationship between individuals and their faith.

    What does “l’orgueil” mean?

    “L’orgueil” is a French noun that translates to “pride” or “arrogance” in English. It refers to the feeling of deep satisfaction or pleasure derived from one’s achievements, qualities, or possessions. “L’orgueil” can also be associated with an exaggerated sense of self-importance or superiority, leading to arrogance and a lack of humility.

    In its positive sense, “l’orgueil” can represent healthy self-esteem and confidence in one’s abilities. It can motivate individuals to strive for excellence and take pride in their accomplishments.

    On the other hand, in its negative sense, “l’orgueil” can lead to boastfulness, haughtiness, and a disregard for others’ opinions or feelings. When excessive, it can become a character flaw, causing individuals to become self-centered and unwilling to acknowledge their own faults.

    In literature and philosophy, “l’orgueil” has been a common theme, often depicted as one of the seven deadly sins or a negative trait to be overcome. It is essential to find a balance between self-confidence and humility to avoid falling into the negative aspects of pride.

    What does “être fier” mean?

    “Être fier” is a common French expression that translates to “to be proud” or “to take pride” in English. It is used to express a sense of satisfaction and joy about one’s achievements, qualities, or accomplishments. Here’s how “être fier” is commonly used:

    1. “Je suis fier/fière de toi.” – “I am proud of you.”
    2. “Il est fier de son travail.” – “He is proud of his work.”
    3. “Elle est fière de sa réussite.” – “She is proud of her success.”
    4. “Nous sommes fiers de notre équipe.” – “We are proud of our team.”
    5. “Ils sont fiers de leur pays.” – “They are proud of their country.”

    The expression “être fier” is often used in a positive context, expressing admiration, approval, and a sense of accomplishment. It can refer to personal achievements, the achievements of others, or even a sense of pride in one’s culture, heritage, or identity.

    It’s worth noting that the adjective “fier/fière” can agree in gender with the subject of the sentence. For example, “fier” is used with masculine subjects, and “fière” is used with feminine subjects. The past participle “fier/fière” is also used in compound tenses, such as “j’ai été fier/fière” (I have been proud).

    And, “être fier” can be used in a negative context as well. While the primary meaning of the expression is to convey a positive sense of pride and satisfaction, it can also be used sarcastically or ironically to express disapproval or criticism. In such cases, the tone of voice and the context play a crucial role in conveying the intended meaning.

    For example:

    1. “Il est fier de lui, mais il n’a rien accompli.” – “He’s proud of himself, but he hasn’t achieved anything.” (Here, the tone might suggest that the person’s pride is unwarranted or excessive.)
    2. “Elle est fière de ses mensonges.” – “She is proud of her lies.” (In this context, the pride is seen as negative because it relates to dishonesty.)

    In these instances, “être fier” is used sarcastically or critically to highlight the negative aspect of someone’s pride or to express disagreement with their actions.

    Overall, “être fier” can carry both positive and negative connotations depending on the context and the speaker’s intention. As with many expressions, it’s essential to consider the tone and the situation in which it is used to accurately understand its meaning.

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    Let’s get a little heavy. Are you ready? What do “chez les chrétiens”, “un péché”, “l’orgueil”, and “être fier” mean? Hear them all in today’s clip. Start from any level, choose how much of the transcript is hidden, and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Use our listening quiz to improve your understanding…

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