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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 26: plutôt

    Are you confident you can use all of these A1 words? Do you know all their meanings in different contexts? Hear these “simple” words along with more challenging vocab in today’s clip. Find words like “À l’origine”, “dans”, “comme”, “plutôt”, and “ou”. Start at any level with our transcription quiz, choose how much of the…

    This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    12 seconds, 22 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode


    It is interesting in this transcript that Deepl doesn’t even translate the “plutôt” but the subtext of “preference”.

    What’s opening up for you with this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    À l’origine, dans les religions monothéistes, comme le judaïsme, le christianisme et l’islam, on fête plutôt l’anniversaire des saints ou des prophètes.

    Originally, monotheistic religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam celebrated the birthdays of saints or prophets.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “à l’origine” mean?

    “À l’origine” is a common French phrase that translates to “originally” or “at the origin” in English. It is used to refer to the beginning or initial point of something, indicating the starting point of a process, idea, or situation.

    Here’s how to use it:

    • “Ce restaurant était à l’origine une petite boulangerie.” (This restaurant was originally a small bakery.)
    • “À l’origine, cette idée était très simple.” (Originally, this idea was very simple.)

    Culturally, “à l’origine” is frequently used in various contexts, such as history, storytelling, and explanations of how things came to be. It allows speakers to provide insights into the origins of events, concepts, or objects.

    It is a versatile phrase that can be used in both formal and informal settings to convey the concept of origin.

    The term “à l’origine” is often used to trace the roots of popular sayings or customs, giving people a glimpse into the historical context of various traditions and practices.

    What does “dans” mean?

    “Dans” is a common and versatile word in French that translates to “in” or “inside” in English. The word “dans” is used to indicate location or position inside an enclosed space or within a specific area. It can also convey the idea of being contained within something. Additionally, “dans” is employed to describe a time frame, indicating an event or action taking place within a certain period.


    • “Le chat est dans la boîte.” (The cat is inside the box.)
    • “Je vais te voir dans une heure.” (I will see you in an hour.)

    Expressions: “Dans” is frequently used in various idiomatic expressions and phrases, some of which include: “Dans la vie” (in life) “Dans le monde” (in the world) “Dans l’ensemble” (on the whole, overall)

    In certain cases, “dans” can be used to express a manner of speaking, such as “parler dans son sommeil” (to talk in one’s sleep).

    Overall, “dans” is an essential preposition in French, and mastering its various uses and expressions is crucial for effective communication in the language.

    What does “comme” mean?

    “Comme” is a versatile word in the French language that can serve various functions depending on the context. In the context here it serves to introduce examples.

    Here are some examples of its different uses:


    • “Elle est grande comme sa sœur.” (She is as tall as her sister.)
    • “Il court aussi vite comme un cheval.” (He runs as fast as a horse.)

    Cause or Reason:

    • “Il est fatigué comme il a beaucoup travaillé.” (He is tired because he has worked a lot.)
    • “Elle pleure comme elle est triste.” (She cries because she is sad.)

    Manner or Way:

    • “Elle chante comme un oiseau.” (She sings like a bird.)
    • “Il parle comme un expert.” (He speaks like an expert.)


    • “Il a environ 30 ans, comme ça.” (He is about 30 years old, more or less.)

    Introducing Examples:

    • “Elle aime les fruits, comme les pommes, les oranges et les bananes.” (She likes fruits, such as apples, oranges, and bananas.)

    Expressing Preference:

    • “Je préfère le thé comme boisson chaude.” (I prefer tea as a hot beverage.)


    • “Il joue de la guitare comme il chante.” (He plays the guitar while he sings.)

    Idiomatic Expressions:

    • “Comme si de rien n’était.” (As if nothing had happened.)
    • “Comme d’habitude.” (As usual.)

    Remember that the meaning of “comme” can vary depending on the context, so it’s essential to pay attention to the overall structure of the sentence to understand its function in each case.

    What does “plutôt” mean?

    “Plutôt” is a versatile adverb in French that can be used in various contexts. Here are some of its common meanings and usages:

    Rather or Instead:

    • “Je préfère le thé plutôt que le café.” (I prefer tea rather than coffee.)
    • “Plutôt que de sortir, je vais rester à la maison.” (Instead of going out, I’ll stay home.)

    Quite or Quite a bit:

    • “Il fait plutôt chaud aujourd’hui.” (It’s quite warm today.)
    • “J’aime assez ce film, il est plutôt intéressant.” (I quite like this movie; it’s rather interesting.)

    Expressing Preference:

    • “Préfères-tu aller au cinéma ou au théâtre ?” – “Je préfère plutôt aller au théâtre.” (Would you rather go to the cinema or the theater? – I’d rather go to the theater.)

    Expressing Agreement or Confirmation:

    • “Tu viendras à la fête, n’est-ce pas ?” – “Oui, plutôt deux fois qu’une !” (You’ll come to the party, won’t you? – Yes, definitely!)

    Softening a Statement:

    • “C’est plutôt bien, je dirais.” (It’s quite good, I would say.)
    • “Il est plutôt sympathique.” (He’s rather nice.)

    “Plutôt que” Idiomatic Construction:

    • “Je vais marcher plutôt que de prendre le bus.” (I’m going to walk rather than taking the bus.)

    Overall, “plutôt” is a useful word for expressing preferences, degrees, and nuances in different situations. Paying attention to the context and the structure of the sentence will help you understand its precise meaning in a given context.

    What does “ou” mean?

    “Ou” is a simple but essential word in French. It is a conjunction, which means it is used to connect words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence. Here’s how “ou” is commonly used:

    1. Or:
      • “Tu veux du thé ou du café ?” (Do you want tea or coffee?)
      • “Il fait chaud ou froid.” (It’s hot or cold.)
    2. Either…or:
      • “Tu peux choisir la pomme ou l’orange.” (You can choose either the apple or the orange.)
    3. Used in Questions:
      • “Veux-tu du lait ou du sucre avec ton café ?” (Do you want milk or sugar with your coffee?)
    4. Expressing Options:
      • “Il peut étudier l’histoire ou la géographie.” (He can study history or geography.)
    5. Exclusive or:
      • “Il va à la plage ou à la montagne, pas les deux.” (He’s going to the beach or the mountains, not both.)
    6. Used with “soit” to Express Alternatives:
      • “Il peut choisir soit le rouge, soit le bleu.” (He can choose either red or blue.)

    It’s important to note that in French, “ou” is used as an inclusive or, meaning both options can be chosen. If you want to express an exclusive or, you can use “ou…ou bien” or “soit…soit.”

    For example:

    • “Tu peux aller au cinéma ou bien rester à la maison.” (You can either go to the cinema or stay at home.)
    • “Il peut choisir soit la pomme, soit la poire.” (He can choose either the apple or the pear.)

    Overall, “ou” is a versatile word that allows for various options and choices in French sentences. Its correct usage can make your communication more effective and clear.

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    Are you confident you can use all of these A1 words? Do you know all their meanings in different contexts? Hear these “simple” words along with more challenging vocab in today’s clip. Find words like “À l’origine”, “dans”, “comme”, “plutôt”, and “ou”. Start at any level with our transcription quiz, choose how much of the…

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