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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 44: est-ce que

    Do you remember “le bilan” as in “Le bilan de sa vie”? Hear it again here. Along with everyone’s favorite question word. Whether you’re a beginner or intermediate learner, test your ear with today’s quiz. Level up from any level, listen and fill-in-the-blanks as you go.

    This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    16 seconds, 39 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode


    This phrase always seems to be the question word, signaling an interrogative statement or yes-or-no question. How would you translate it into English?

    What’s opening up for you with this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Faire le bilan de sa vie, c’est se poser des questions comme, “est-ce que je suis en harmonie avec mes attentes, avec mes espérances ? Est-ce que j’ai un sentiment d’accomplissement ou au contraire un sentiment de frustration ?

    Taking stock of your life means asking yourself questions like: am I in harmony with my expectations, with my hopes? Do I have a sense of accomplishment or, on the contrary, a feeling of frustration?

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “faire le bilan de sa vie” mean?

    “Faire le bilan de sa vie” is a French expression that translates to “Taking stock of one’s life” or “Assessing one’s life” in English. It refers to the act of reflecting on one’s life, evaluating past experiences, achievements, and decisions, and considering the overall trajectory of one’s existence.

    To remember this expression, you can think of “bilan” as similar to the English word “balance,” as in finding a balance or evaluating the different aspects of your life. Additionally, associating “bilan” with the idea of a financial balance sheet can help you remember that it involves assessing different aspects, just as a financial balance sheet assesses income and expenses.

    Similar expressions in French include:

    • Faire le point – This expression means “to take stock” or “to assess the situation.” It’s often used in various contexts to evaluate progress or understand where things stand.
    • Faire un état des lieux – Translated as “to take stock of the situation,” this expression is often used to assess the current state of a situation, location, or relationship.
    • Faire un bilan de compétences – This refers to a career assessment or skills evaluation, typically done to help individuals plan their professional development and make informed career decisions.
    • Faire le point sur sa carrière – This means “to assess one’s career” and involves evaluating one’s achievements, goals, and plans in the professional realm.

    These expressions all involve the idea of assessment, evaluation, or reflection, whether it’s about life, a situation, skills, or career.

    What does “est-ce que” mean?

    “Est-ce que” is a common French construction that is particularly useful for beginners as it helps turn a statement into a yes-or-no question. It’s a simple way to ask questions in conversation without altering word order or verb conjugation. Here’s how “est-ce que” works:

    Formation: “Est-ce que” is placed at the beginning of a sentence, followed by the subject of the sentence and the verb. The word order remains the same as in a statement.Example:

    • Statement: Tu parles français. (You speak French.)
    • Question with “est-ce que”: Est-ce que tu parles français? (Do you speak French?)

    Word Order: Notice that the word order doesn’t change from the statement. The subject (“tu”) still comes before the verb (“parles”). This makes it a beginner-friendly way to ask questions without having to worry about complex sentence restructuring.

    Usage: “Est-ce que” can be used with any subject and any tense, making it versatile for various types of questions.Examples:

    • Il aime le chocolat. (He likes chocolate.) Est-ce qu’il aime le chocolat? (Does he like chocolate?)
    • Vous allez au cinéma. (You are going to the cinema.) Est-ce que vous allez au cinéma? (Are you going to the cinema?)

    Pronunciation: When spoken, “est-ce que” is often pronounced as a single unit with a rising intonation at the end of the question.

    Alternatives: While “est-ce que” is a very common way to form questions, there are other methods as well. In informal spoken French, you can also form questions by raising the pitch of your voice at the end of a statement.

    Stylistic Variation: While “est-ce que” is a versatile tool, advanced learners should aim to incorporate a variety of question forms for stylistic variation. This can include inversion, using question words (such as “comment,” “pourquoi,” “quand”), and even employing indirect questions to express curiosity or politeness.

    In summary, “est-ce que” serves as an accessible and practical tool for learners at all levels, with its importance evolving as proficiency increases. Advanced learners should embrace “est-ce que” while also honing their ability to use a range of question structures to enrich their language skills and communicate effectively across diverse contexts.

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    Do you remember “le bilan” as in “Le bilan de sa vie”? Hear it again here. Along with everyone’s favorite question word. Whether you’re a beginner or intermediate learner, test your ear with today’s quiz. Level up from any level, listen and fill-in-the-blanks as you go.

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