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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 72: n’oublient jamais

A long one, and slow paced. Follow along with 50 words and many many questions. Follow along with: “pose plusieurs questions”, “ceux des autre”, and “n’oublient jamais”. Fill in the blanks and hone your ear for French questions.

This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

26 seconds, 50 words

This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

never forget

What’s opening up for you with this clip?

The snippet in English

Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

Petite psychologie de l’anniversaire, où il pose plusieurs questions comme : Préférez-vous fêter vos anniversaires ou ceux des autres ? Savez-vous d’où viennent les bougies, le gâteau et les cadeaux ? Avez-vous remarqué que les femmes n’oublient jamais les dates anniversaires ? Voulez-vous découvrir votre âge subjectif ? La liste continue.

A little birthday psychology, where he asks questions such as Do you prefer to celebrate your own birthdays or those of others? Do you know where the candles, cake and presents come from? Have you noticed that women never forget their birthdays? Would you like to find out your subjective age? The list goes on.

The above translation from Deepl. Source

What does “poser plusieurs questions” mean?


  • “Peux-tu me poser une question ?” (Can you ask me a question?)
  • “J’ai envie de lui poser une question importante.” (I want to ask him an important question.)
  • “Lors de la conférence, plusieurs personnes ont posé des questions.” (During the conference, several people asked questions.)

Usage & Nuances: The verb “poser” in this context is specifically used for questions. It’s worth noting that while “ask” in English has broader applications, “poser” in French becomes more specific when paired with “question.”

Cultural or Additional Notes: The act of “poser une question” is culturally neutral and is a straightforward way of seeking information in French-speaking contexts. Like in many cultures, the art of questioning is essential in academic, professional, and day-to-day environments.

In Summary: The phrase “poser une question” is a direct translation of “ask a question” and is a commonly used expression in the French language for seeking information or clarity.

What does “ceux des autres” mean?

The phrase “ceux des autres” can be translated to “those of others” or “others’.” The term “ceux” is the masculine plural form of the demonstrative pronoun, which corresponds to “those” in English. “Des autres” means “of the others.” Put together, they refer to things, ideas, or qualities that belong to or are associated with other people, different from the one(s) previously mentioned.


  • “J’aime mes habits, mais je préfère ceux des autres.” (I like my clothes, but I prefer those of others.)
  • “Nos idées sont bonnes, mais nous devrions aussi considérer celles des autres.” (Our ideas are good, but we should also consider those of others.) Note: “celles” is used here because “idées” is feminine.

Usage & Nuances:

The phrase “ceux des autres” is neutral and can be used in a wide variety of contexts, from casual to formal situations. Its use can reflect a comparison between two sets of things or ideas, one belonging to the speaker or a referenced group, and another belonging to a different group.

Related Phrases:

  • “Ceux-ci”: these (masculine plural)
  • “Ceux-là”: those (masculine plural)
  • “Celles des autres”: feminine version of “those of others,” used when referring to feminine nouns.

Cultural or Additional Notes:

The usage of “ceux des autres” or its variations reflects the rich system of gender and number agreement in French. The pronoun has to match in gender (masculine/feminine) and number (singular/plural) with the noun it represents.

In Summary:

“Ceux des autres” is a French phrase meaning “those of others.” It’s a way to compare or refer to things or ideas that belong to or are associated with people different from the speaker or the group previously mentioned.

What does “n’oublient jamais” mean?

The phrase “n’oublient jamais” is a negated verb form that translates to “never forget” in English. It is composed of “ne” (contracted to “n'” before a vowel sound), which is a negation marker, “oublient,” which is the third person plural form of the verb “oublier” (to forget), and “jamais,” which means “never.”


  • “Les éléphants n’oublient jamais.” (Elephants never forget.)
  • “Ils n’oublient jamais leur première rencontre.” (They never forget their first meeting.)

Usage & Nuances:

In French, to create a negative phrase with the verb “oublier,” you surround the verb with “ne” and “pas” (e.g., “ne … pas”). However, when you want to convey the idea of “never” in a negative phrase, you replace “pas” with “jamais,” forming “ne … jamais.”

It’s worth noting that while “jamais” means “never” in negative contexts like this, in some positive contexts, “jamais” can mean “ever.”

Related Phrases:

  • “Je n’oublie pas” – I don’t forget.
  • “Tu n’oublies pas” – You don’t forget.

Cultural or Additional Notes:

The phrase “n’oublient jamais” can be used both in a literal sense, as in not forgetting an event, and in a figurative sense, emphasizing the importance or emotional impact of a memory.

In Summary:

“N’oublient jamais” is the French expression for “never forget,” used when emphasizing that something is always remembered. It highlights the permanence of a memory or the importance of not letting something slip from one’s mind.

What is opening up for you?

Comment below with the words you thought you heard, where you struggled, where you surprised yourself, or what you thought about this clip. Every little bit inspires other learners, thank you for being that inspiration to others on their French fluency journey!

A long one, and slow paced. Follow along with 50 words and many many questions. Follow along with: “pose plusieurs questions”, “ceux des autre”, and “n’oublient jamais”. Fill in the blanks and hone your ear for French questions.

2 thoughts on “Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 72: n’oublient jamais”

  1. Many of the plaques on buildings in Paris that commemorate the deportation of Jewish people during WWII end with the phrase “Ne les oublions jamais.” Powerful.

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