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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 82: la chasse

    Dive into “À cette époque” and hear how it sets the scene. Listen for “vénéraient” and the importance of “des dieux et des déesses”. Don’t miss out on ‘la chasse’ too. Test your ears with our quiz. Can you catch all these phrases in real French talk?

    This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    12 seconds, 26 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode


    What’s opening up for you with this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    À cette époque, les Grecs vénéraient des dieux et des déesses comme Artémis, par exemple. Artémis, c’était la déesse de la chasse et de la fertilité.

    In those days, the Greeks worshipped gods and goddesses like Artemis, for example. Artemis was the goddess of hunting and fertility.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “À cette époque” mean?

    The phrase “À cette époque” translates to “At that time” or “In that era” in English. It’s used to refer to a specific period in the past.

    Usage & Nuances:

    • “À cette époque” is often used to start a sentence or a clause to set the historical or temporal context.
    • It’s a neutral expression, suitable for both formal and informal contexts.


    • “À cette époque, les chevaux étaient le principal moyen de transport.” (“At that time, horses were the primary means of transport.”)
    • “Elle a vécu à Paris à cette époque.” (“She lived in Paris at that time.”)

    Related Phrases:

    • “Autrefois” – “In the past” or “Once”
    • “Dans le temps” – “Back in the day”
    • “Jadis” – “Long ago”

    Cultural or Additional Notes:

    • “À cette époque” is versatile and can refer to a wide range of time periods, from a decade ago to ancient history. Its meaning is inferred from context.
    • The phrase can be particularly evocative in historical discussions or personal stories, setting the scene for listeners or readers. For example, older generations might use “À cette époque” to start anecdotes about their youth or to compare past and present times.
    • In literature or historical recounting, “À cette époque” is a useful tool to transport readers to a particular moment, giving them a sense of the conditions, mindset, or circumstances of that period.

    In Summary:
    “À cette époque” is a French phrase referring to a specific time in the past. It’s a flexible expression, used to set a temporal or historical context, and is commonly found in both everyday conversations and more formal recountings of history or personal experiences.

    What does “vénéraient” mean?

    Vénéraient” is the third person plural, imperfect tense form of the French verb “vénérer.” “Vénérer” is a verb in French that translates to “to venerate” or “to revere” in English. It denotes a profound respect, admiration, or reverence for someone or something, often with a religious or spiritual connotation.

    Usage & Nuances:

    • While “vénérer” can be used in a religious context, such as venerating saints or deities, it can also be applied in secular contexts to express deep admiration or respect.
    • It carries a stronger emotional weight than simply “respecter” (to respect).
    • Be cautious when using “vénérer” in casual contexts, as its weighty connotation might make it sound overly dramatic when discussing everyday matters.


    • “Dans certaines cultures, les ancêtres sont vénérés.” (“In some cultures, ancestors are venerated.”)
    • “Il vénère son professeur pour tout ce qu’il lui a appris.” (“He venerates his teacher for all he has taught him.”)
    • “Les anciens Égyptiens vénéraient de nombreux dieux.” (“The ancient Egyptians venerated many gods.”)
    • “Beaucoup vénéraient l’artiste pour son talent exceptionnel.” (“Many revered the artist for his exceptional talent.”)

    Related Phrases:

    • “Admirer” – “To admire”
    • “Respecter” – “To respect”
    • “Idolâtrer” – “To idolize”


    • “Mépriser” – “To despise”
    • “Dédaigner” – “To disdain”
    • “Rejeter” – “To reject”

    Cultural or Additional Notes:

    • In French-speaking countries with a Christian tradition, “vénérer” is often associated with the veneration of saints, relics, and icons. However, its usage isn’t limited to religious contexts.
    • Using “vénérer” inappropriately, especially in trivial matters, can make one sound insincere or overly dramatic. For example, saying “Je vénère cette chanson” (I venerate this song) for a trendy pop song might sound over the top, unless you genuinely believe it has had a profound impact on music.

    In Summary:
    “Vénérer” is a verb in French denoting profound respect or admiration, often used in religious contexts but also applicable to secular subjects. It’s more intense than simply “respecting” someone or something. Care should be taken with its usage to avoid sounding overly dramatic in inappropriate contexts.

    What does “des dieux et des déesses” mean?

    The phrase “des dieux et des déesses” translates to “gods and goddesses” in English. It refers to male and female deities, often within polytheistic religions.

    Usage & Nuances:

    • “Dieux” refers to male deities, while “déesses” refers to female deities.
    • The phrase invokes ideas of ancient religions, myths, and legends where multiple deities presided over different realms, elements, or human activities.


    • “Dans la mythologie grecque, il y a de nombreux dieux et déesses, chacun avec son propre domaine et histoire.” (“In Greek mythology, there are many gods and goddesses, each with their own domain and story.”)
    • “Les anciens Égyptiens vénéraient une panthéon de dieux et de déesses.” (“The ancient Egyptians worshipped a pantheon of gods and goddesses.”)

    Related Phrases:

    • “Divinité” – “Deity”
    • “Mythologie” – “Mythology”
    • “Panthéon” – “Pantheon”

    Cultural or Additional Notes:

    • Figurative Usage: While discussing someone’s exceptional abilities or beauty, someone might use “dieu” or “déesse” metaphorically. For instance, “Elle danse comme une déesse” (She dances like a goddess) or “Il est le dieu du football” (He is the god of football) are ways to emphasize someone’s prowess or beauty in a particular field.
    • Fashion and Beauty Industry: Especially in the world of haute couture, where designs are often inspired by various themes, a collection might be inspired by the grace and power of “déesses.” A model showcasing an elegant look might be described in a magazine as having an allure “digne d’une déesse” (worthy of a goddess).

    In Summary:
    “Des dieux et des déesses” refers to the male and female deities of polytheistic religions. Rooted deeply in ancient cultures and traditions, these figures often offer a window into the values, beliefs, and societal structures of bygone eras. Their tales continue to inspire and inform contemporary arts and thought.

    What does “la chasse” mean?

    “La chasse” translates to “hunting” in English.


    • Literal: “Il pratique la chasse depuis son adolescence.” (He has been hunting since his adolescence.)
    • Figurative: “La chasse aux bonnes affaires commence demain avec les soldes.” (The hunt for good deals starts tomorrow with the sales.)

    Usage & Nuances:

    • Sport and Tradition: For some, “la chasse” is considered a sport and a tradition, especially in rural areas. It can be a communal activity that fosters social connections.
    • Controversy: “La chasse” is a topic of debate in many countries, including France. Environmentalists and animal rights activists often oppose it due to concerns over animal welfare and biodiversity.
    • Regulations: In many places, hunting is regulated to ensure sustainable wildlife populations. In France, for instance, there are specific hunting seasons and rules to follow.
    • Figurative Sense: Beyond its literal meaning, “la chasse” can also be used figuratively in French to imply a pursuit or search for something, as seen in the example about sales above.

    Idioms and Expressions:

    • “Être à la chasse de”: To be on the lookout for. Example: “Il est toujours à la chasse de nouvelles opportunités.” (He’s always on the lookout for new opportunities.)
    • “Partir à la chasse aux…”: To go hunting for… or to set out to find… Example: “Partir à la chasse aux trésors.” (To go treasure hunting.)
    • “La chasse gardée”: A preserved area or an exclusive domain. Example: “Ce sujet est sa chasse gardée.” (This subject is his exclusive domain.)

    Cultural or Additional Notes: With the shift towards urban living and changing views on animal rights, hunting has become more recreational and, in some cases, controversial. France has a diverse range of fauna, and hunting practices and traditions vary by region. In some areas, hunting events, like “battues” (driven hunts), can be significant social gatherings.

    In Summary: “La chasse” primarily refers to hunting animals but can also signify the act of pursuing or searching for something in a broader sense. It has cultural and historical significance in France, and various idioms in the language incorporate this term, reflecting its deep-rooted presence in French society.

    What is opening up for you?

    Comment below with the words you thought you heard, where you struggled, where you surprised yourself, or what you thought about this clip. Every little bit inspires other learners, thank you for being that inspiration to others on their French fluency journey!

    Dive into “À cette époque” and hear how it sets the scene. Listen for “vénéraient” and the importance of “des dieux et des déesses”. Don’t miss out on ‘la chasse’ too. Test your ears with our quiz. Can you catch all these phrases in real French talk?

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