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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 83: une forme

Listen for the phrases: “chaque année”, “gâteaux au miel”, “une forme”, “évoquer”, and “puisque”. How many can you pick up in this slower paced clip? Take today’s quiz and follow along with our fill in the blanks quiz.

This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

15 seconds, 32 words

This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

a form

What’s opening up for you with this clip?

The snippet in English

Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

En l’honneur de cette déesse, chaque année, les Grecs fabriquaient des gâteaux au miel. Ces gâteaux avaient une forme ronde pour évoquer la lune, puisque la lune est un symbole de fertilité.

In honor of this goddess, the Greeks made honey cakes every year. These cakes were round to evoke the moon, since the moon is a symbol of fertility.

The above translation from Deepl. Source

What does “chaque année” mean?

“Chaque année” translates to “every year” in English.

Usage & Nuances

  • Frequency: It emphasizes an event, action, or phenomenon that repeats or occurs once annually.
  • Position in a Sentence: Typically, it can be found at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence, much like its English counterpart.


  • Beginning: “Chaque année, je voyage en France pour les vacances.” (Every year, I travel to France for vacation.)
  • Middle: “Il fait une grande fête chaque année pour son anniversaire.” (He throws a big party every year for his birthday.)
  • End: “Je fais un check-up médical chaque année.” (I get a medical check-up every year.)

Related Phrases & Synonyms

  • “Tous les ans” – Another way to say “every year” in French.
  • “Annuellement” – Annually.

In Summary:

“Chaque année” means “every year” and can be used to describe something that happens or is done once a year. It’s a common expression in French, similar to its English counterpart, and can be found in various contexts, from traditions to personal habits.

What does “gâteaux au miel” mean?

Grammar: Use of “au”

  • The preposition “au” is a contraction of “à” and “le,” which means “to the” or “at the” when translated individually. However, in this context, “au” is used to indicate the ingredient (miel = honey) used in the cakes.
  • This is a common construction in French when talking about the primary ingredient or flavor of a food item.
  • The use of “à” or “au” and “de” in French can sometimes be challenging because their usage can shift based on the context and the fixed expressions in the language.

In the Context of Ingredients

  • When describing the main ingredient or flavor of a food item, French tends to use “à” or “au/aux” instead of “de.”
    • Example: “gâteaux au miel” (honey cakes), “glace à la vanille” (vanilla ice cream)
  • The use of “à/au” implies a certain characteristic or ingredient that defines the item.

Other Contexts

  • “De” can also be used in different contexts when discussing ingredients, but it might have a slightly different meaning or usage.
    • Example: “gâteau de riz” (rice cake) – Here, “de” is used because it’s more about the substance the cake is made of rather than a flavor or characteristic added to it.

Exceptions and Variability

  • There are exceptions, and sometimes “de” and “à/au” can be used interchangeably, but with a slight nuance in meaning.
    • Example: “soupe de poisson” (fish soup) versus “soupe au poisson” (soup with fish) – The first implies a soup made primarily of fish, while the second could imply a soup with fish added to it.

What does “une forme” mean?

  • “Une forme” translates to “a shape” or “a form” in English. It refers to the physical, external configuration or appearance of something.
    • Example: “Cette table a une forme ovale.” (This table has an oval shape.)

Indefinite Article Usage in French vs. English

  • Indefinite Article Requirement: In French, the indefinite article (“un” or “une”) is usually required before a noun. This contrasts with English where articles can often be omitted, especially when making generalizations.
    • English: “They’re round.”
    • French: “Ils sont de forme ronde.” or “Ils ont une forme ronde.”
  • Generality vs. Specificity: French tends to be more explicit in specifying a noun’s count or form, hence the use of the indefinite article to specify the shape or form of something.
  • Adjectival Usage: While English might use adjectives directly, French often requires a more structured construction. However, there are instances where French can use adjectives directly.
    • Example: “Ils sont ronds.” (They are round.)

Exceptions and Variability

  • Direct Adjective Usage: As shown in the example above, French does allow for direct adjective usage in certain contexts, but it might require a greater level of familiarity with the language to know when it’s appropriate.
  • Context Dependence: The requirement for “une forme” may depend on the context and the level of formality or precision desired.

In Summary

The phrase “une forme” is used to specify the shape or form of an object in French, reflecting a more explicit linguistic structure compared to English. While French does require the use of indefinite articles before nouns more often, there are situations where adjectives can be used directly, similar to English, depending on the context and the level of linguistic familiarity.

What does “évoquer” mean?

  • The verb “évoquer” translates to “evoke” or “mention” in English. It is used to refer to bringing a feeling, a memory, or an image into the mind or to mention or refer to something briefly.
    • Example: “Ce parfum évoque des souvenirs d’enfance.” (This perfume evokes childhood memories.)
    • Example: “Il a évoqué le problème lors de la réunion.” (He mentioned the problem during the meeting.)

Conjugation and Grammatical Notes

  • “Évoquer” is a regular -er verb, so it follows the typical conjugation pattern of French -er verbs.
    • Example: “Je évoque, tu évoques, il/elle/on évoque, nous évoquons, vous évoquez, ils/elles évoquent.”
  • Synonyms: Mentionner (mention), rappeler (remind), susciter (raise).
  • Antonyms: Omettre (omit), ignorer (ignore).

Nuances and Context

  • “Évoquer” is often used when talking about stirring up memories or emotions, whereas in a more formal or literal context, it might be used similarly to “mentionner” (mention).
  • Sentimental Usage: “Évoquer” is often used in a sentimental or nostalgic context in French, particularly when referring to memories or feelings.
    • Example: “Ce lieu évoque beaucoup de souvenirs heureux.” (This place evokes many happy memories.)
  • Formal or Informal Contexts: “Évoquer” can be used in both formal and informal contexts making it a versatile verb.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • “Évoquer le bon vieux temps” which translates to “reminisce about the good old days” is an example of an idiomatic expression where “évoquer” is used.

Cultural or Additional Notes

  • In French literature or poetry, “évoquer” is a commonly used verb as it helps in creating vivid imagery or emotional resonance.

In Summary

“Évoquer” in French refers to bringing forth memories, emotions, or mentioning something briefly in both sentimental and formal contexts. It’s a versatile verb akin to “evoke” or “mention” in English, useful in various situations.

What does “puisque” mean?

  • Puisque is a French conjunction that is usually translated to English as “since” or “because.” It’s used to introduce a reason or to explain the cause of something.


  • Puisque is used in both formal and informal contexts. It precedes a clause (group of words with a subject and a verb) that explains the reason for something mentioned in the main clause.


  • Puisque tu es ici, tu peux m’aider. (Since you are here, you can help me.)
  • Puisque nous avons du temps, nous pouvons visiter le musée. (Since we have some time, we can visit the museum.)


  • Car (because)
  • Comme (since/as)

Comparison to “Parce que”:

  • While both puisque and parce que can be translated as “because,” puisque is more akin to “since” and often used when the reason is already known to both the speaker and the listener or is obvious from the context. On the other hand, parce que is used when the reason is being newly introduced or clarified.

In Summary:

  • Puisque introduces a known or obvious reason and is interchangeable with “since” or “because” in English, differing slightly from “parce que” in usage.

What is opening up for you?

Comment below with the words you thought you heard, where you struggled, where you surprised yourself, or what you thought about this clip. Every little bit inspires other learners, thank you for being that inspiration to others on their French fluency journey!

Listen for the phrases: “chaque année”, “gâteaux au miel”, “une forme”, “évoquer”, and “puisque”. How many can you pick up in this slower paced clip? Take today’s quiz and follow along with our fill in the blanks quiz.

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