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Transfert s01e22, Quiz 22: j’ai jamais le manque

A trickier clip on site, how many listens will it take you to get all the words spoken? Dive into our transcription quiz from any level and check what you hear. Start from any level!

Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

13 seconds, 51 words

The above audio sample and transcription is from Transfert s01ep22. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

I never missed

This one took me quite a few listens thanks to the seeming slurring of words and liaisons where I didn’t know you could put them… ” I tried to make it as word for word as possible.

I expect native speakers may hear what she means not what is being said. For example, they might subconciously add (or actually hear) a “pas ce que” after je ne sais (pas ce que) c’était. I don’t hear it there, but it would seem to help make that sentence make more sense. Also, that same phrase, she seems to liaise “sais c’était”. I kept the word “c’était” even though the “c” seems to (to my ear, at least) dissappear with the liaison.

What’s opening up for you with this clip?

The snippet in English

Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

j’ai jamais de manque d’être de … J’ai jamais le manque de de d’être amoureuse parce que je sais parce que je ne sais c’était. euh Je n’étais pas tombée amoureuse euh à 20 ans, je n’étais toujours pas tombée amoureuse à 30 et je n’étais toujours pas amoureuse à 40.

I never miss being in … I never miss being in love because I know because I didn’t know (what) it was. uh I hadn’t fallen in love uh at 20, I still hadn’t fallen in love at 30 and I still wasn’t in love at 40.

The above translation from Deepl

What does “j’ai jamais le manque” mean?

The phrase “j’ai jamais le manque” can be translated as “I never lack,” “I am never in want,” or, as suggested by DeepL, “I never miss.” The meaning can vary depending on the context in which it is used.

Basic Meaning and Usage

  • Translation: “J’ai jamais le manque” can mean “I never lack,” “I am never in want,” or “I never miss.”
  • Usage: This phrase expresses a feeling of completeness or sufficiency, indicating that the speaker does not feel a lack or need for something. When interpreted as “I never miss,” it could imply that the speaker never fails to achieve or attain something.


  • “J’ai tout ce qu’il me faut dans la vie, j’ai jamais le manque.” (I have everything I need in life, I am never in want.)
  • “Avec mes amis et ma famille, j’ai jamais le manque d’amour.” (With my friends and family, I never lack love.)
  • “Quand il s’agit de saisir des opportunités, j’ai jamais le manque.” (When it comes to seizing opportunities, I never miss.)


  • Informal/Formal: The phrase is relatively informal and might be more commonly heard in casual conversations.
  • Situational: It can be used in various contexts, especially when someone is expressing contentment, gratitude, or confidence in their abilities.


  • “Je ne manque de rien” (I lack nothing)
  • “J’ai tout ce qu’il me faut” (I have everything I need)
  • “Je ne rate jamais” (I never miss)

Cultural Notes

Expressing contentment and gratitude is valued in French culture, and phrases like “j’ai jamais le manque” reflect a positive outlook on life. It’s a way of showing appreciation for what one has and confidence in one’s abilities.


“J’ai jamais le manque” is a versatile phrase that can communicate a sense of contentment, sufficiency, or confidence depending on the context. It reflects a positive outlook and a feeling of gratitude, whether for life’s circumstances or one’s own abilities.

What does “tombée amoureuse” mean?

The phrase “tombée amoureuse” is the feminine form of the past participle of “tomber amoureux,” which translates to “fallen in love” in English. This phrase is used to describe the emotional state of a woman who has developed deep romantic feelings for someone.

Basic Meaning and Usage

  • Translation: “Tombée amoureuse” means “fallen in love.”
  • Usage: This phrase is used to express that a woman has developed strong romantic and affectionate feelings for someone. It captures the intensity and passion of falling in love.


  • “Elle est tombée amoureuse de lui dès le premier regard.” (She fell in love with him at first sight.)
  • “Ma meilleure amie est tombée amoureuse, et elle est maintenant très heureuse.” (My best friend has fallen in love, and she is now very happy.)
  • “Après plusieurs mois d’amitié, je suis tombée amoureuse.” (After several months of friendship, I fell in love.)


  • Romantic Context: “Tombée amoureuse” is used in romantic contexts to talk about the emotions of a woman who is in love.
  • Emotional Intensity: The phrase conveys a deep level of affection and emotional investment in the relationship.


  • “Éprise” (enamored)
  • “Amoureuse” (in love)

Idiomatic Usage

  • “Tomber éperdument amoureux” (to fall madly in love)
  • “Tomber follement amoureux” (to fall deeply in love)

Cultural Notes

Falling in love is a universal experience, but the French language is particularly rich in expressions to describe this intense emotion. “Tomber amoureux” is a classic phrase that captures the uncontrollable and overwhelming nature of love.


“Tombée amoureuse” describes the state of a woman who has fallen in love, capturing the depth of her emotions and the transformative experience of falling in love. This phrase is a poignant way to express one of the most profound human experiences.

What does “je n’étais toujours pas” mean?

The phrase “je n’étais toujours pas” translates to “I still was not” in English. It is used to express the continuity of a negative state or condition over a period of time, indicating that a change or development one might have expected to happen has not yet occurred.

Basic Meaning and Usage

  • Translation: “Je n’étais toujours pas” means “I still was not.”
  • Usage: This phrase is used to describe a situation where a person is talking about a particular state or condition that has not changed over time, despite expectations to the contrary.


  • “Après des mois de recherche, je n’étais toujours pas capable de trouver un emploi.” (After months of searching, I still was not able to find a job.)
  • “Même après la formation, je n’étais toujours pas à l’aise avec le nouveau logiciel.” (Even after the training, I still was not comfortable with the new software.)
  • “Je n’étais toujours pas prêt à m’engager dans une nouvelle relation.” (I still was not ready to commit to a new relationship.)


  • Continuation of a Negative State: The phrase is used to express that a particular negative state or condition has continued over a period of time.
  • Expectation of Change: It often implies that there was an expectation of change or improvement, which has not yet occurred.


  • “Je n’avais toujours pas” (I still had not)
  • “Je ne suis toujours pas” (I am still not)


  • “Je n’étais pas encore” (I was not yet) – This phrase is used when there is an expectation that the change or development will occur in the future.

Cultural Notes

In French, expressing the continuation of a state over time is commonly done using phrases like “toujours pas” or “encore.” These phrases help to convey the speaker’s feelings and expectations about the situation.


“Je n’étais toujours pas” is a useful phrase for expressing the continuation of a negative state or condition over time, highlighting the speaker’s ongoing experience and the expectations they had for change.

What is opening up for you?

Comment below with the words you thought you heard, where you struggled, where you surprised yourself, or what you thought about this clip. Every little bit inspires other learners, thank you for being that inspiration to others on their French fluency journey!

A trickier clip on site, how many listens will it take you to get all the words spoken? Dive into our transcription quiz from any level and check what you hear. Start from any level!

4 thoughts on “Transfert s01e22, Quiz 22: j’ai jamais le manque”

  1. Heya,

    I’m quite sure the opening line features (both times) “J’ai jamais eu” de/le manque, and then the second clause is “parce que je savais pas ce que c’étais”. Both these corrections would make more grammatical sense.

    1. Alex – thanks as always for the feedback, just starting to get through your previous notes… I agree this would make it more grammatically correct, but wouldn’t she liaise the jamais eu to jamais-eu ? with a “z” sound on the s? She is quite good at liaisons when she doesn’t drop a pause in or an “euh” that’s what makes me hesitate to add at this time, but agree – and this isn’t the best clip (or podcast!) for formal grammar… 🙂

      1. Hey,

        I’m not sure about the liaison, I pay relatively little attention to them. I find it very unnatural to liaise “jamais eu” given how common it is, but not a stock liaison expression. Just on grammatical grounds, and the fact that I hear an “eu”, I prefer my transcription, but it doesn’t really change the meaning … unless she does turn out to fall in love at some point in the future of this podcast haha.

  2. As you said in the note/description, it definitely sounds a lot more like “je sais parce que.. je sais pas que ce c’était” rather than her slurring through an additional “..je ne sais pas c’était.” (not a native speaker, just my opinion) that tripped me up too but I enjoyed this one a lot haha.

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