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Balades ep. 1, Quiz 11: avec le cœur léger et l’esprit libéré

Learn French with the podcast Balades. Listen and transcribe this clip, it’s 17 seconds long and has 42 words. Can you understand them all? Try it!

Learn French with a podcast snippet! This clip is from Balades Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Find the full podcast here.

17 seconds, 42 words

Why this clip of Balades?

I am continuing to work my way through this first podcast one bite at a time.

There’s a reason Marie Kondo is so popular. It’s that feeling of cleaning up. I’ve decided recently, I don’t really like cleaning, or starting to clean, but I do love the feeling of clean. That makes it so worth it to start cleaning.

Love this snippet for a couple of the expressions it has in it. Expressions I know I’d use in French. Expressions like “me débarrasser de choses inutiles” and “avec le cœur léger et l’esprit libéré”. That is exactly how I feel after cleaning, and why it makes starting worthwhile.

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There’s absolutely no way that I could get through an entire podcast in French without melting my brain, that’s why I broke it up into snippets like this. Join me for the next snippet.

The snippet in English

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Et le fait de me débarrasser de choses inutiles me procure un sentiment de soulagement. C’est donc avec le cœur léger et l’esprit libéré que je commence cette nouvelle année. Et vous, avez-vous aussi des rituels pour commencer la nouvelle année ?

And getting rid of unnecessary things gives me a feeling of relief. It is therefore with a light heart and a free spirit that I begin this new year. And you, do you also have rituals to start the new year?

The above text courtesy of Google Translate. Source

What does “avec le cœur léger et l’esprit libéré” mean in French?

“Avec le cœur léger et l’esprit libéré” is a French phrase that translates to “with a light heart and a freed mind” in English. It means that someone is feeling free from worries, stress and anxiety and feeling happy and content. It describes a state of emotional and mental freedom.

The phrase “avec le cœur léger” refers to the feeling of having a light heart, which means being free from worries, stress and anxiety. The phrase “l’esprit libéré” refers to the feeling of having a freed mind, which means feeling happy and content. Together, the phrase “avec le cœur léger et l’esprit libéré” describes a state of emotional and mental freedom.


“Il est parti en vacances avec le cœur léger et l’esprit libéré” (He went on vacation with a light heart and a freed mind)

“Elle a démissionné avec le cœur léger et l’esprit libéré” (She resigned with a light heart and a freed mind)

“Il a fini son examen avec le cœur léger et l’esprit libéré” (He finished his exam with a light heart and a freed mind)

In general, “avec le cœur léger et l’esprit libéré” is an idiomatic phrase that expresses the feeling of being free from worries, stress and anxiety and feeling happy and content. It’s often used to describe someone who is relieved from something and feeling very satisfied.

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