Improve your French listening comprehension with this clip from Balades. It’s 50 words in 18 seconds. How many can you hear and understand?
This clip is from Balades Episode 3. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Find the full podcast here.
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The above audio sample and transcription is from Balades ep. 3. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.
but I don’t mind
I had to choose this expression. I’m not sure how common it is, or at least how common it is translated like this. But there seem to be a number of examples.
If you’re just joining us as a beginner, I recommend you start with the first episode of Balades and work forward. Follow along daily for new clips.
How did you find today’s clip compared to yesterday’s clip? I tend to be most comfortable when the clip is around 150wpm. This clip, with 50 words, is a bit faster than the average clip from Balades.
The Balades podcast continues to be one of the best options for beginners learning French. I love it for myself, at A1-A2 level of French. Hopefully you’re enjoying these clips too. Even when there’s a fast clip, it’s still manageable. The right amount of challenge. What do you think? Join us for the next quiz.
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The snippet in English
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Sa voisine lui répond : « Ah, c’est bon la soupe au pistou, mais ça prend du temps. En plus, mon mari, il, il n’aime pas ça. Mais ça m’est égal, j’en fais quand-même de temps en temps et si ça ne lui plaît pas, il peut manger ailleurs. »
Her neighbor answers: “Ah, it’s good the soup with pistou, but it takes time. Besides, my husband, he, he doesn’t like it. But I don’t care, I still make it from time to time and if he doesn’t like it, he can eat elsewhere.”
The above translation from Deepl. Source
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Mais ça m’est égal
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