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“Des Ingrédients Bien Français” Nos Oignons, Quiz 3: c’est pas vrai ça

    Improve your ear for French with this advertisement. It’s 58 words in 21 seconds. How many can you hear and understand?

    This clip is from Burger King advert “Des Ingredients Bien Français”. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full ad here.

    21 seconds, 58 words

    The above audio sample and transcription is from the Burger Kind advert “Des Ingredients Bien Français”. We do not own the content. See the full ad here.

    Really? Are you serious?

    I’m continuing with this Burger King ad. It’s a series of 5, each are about 20 seconds long, this is number 3. Hope you like it as much as I do. The ad for learning, I mean, not Burger King. Though I am a bit of a sucker for all kinds of junk food.

    Again, like yesterday’s we get some slang and colloquial expressions. This one seems like even more slang and expressions, check out below as I highlight them all. While you might not be using slang in a work environment or when taking your DELF (I hope you’re not), it’s still part of the culture. It’s the way you hear French spoken out in the real world. This is what I love and I celebrate it.

    How much of this French advertisement can you understand?

    Please note, this is for educational purposes: this is not sponsored by Burger King, an attempt to support Burger King, or affiliated with the company in any way. I’m just interested in advertisements for learning. They show a country’s culture and they’re a tool to get natural listening comprehension practice.

    Here’s the full ad for your reference, but follow along over the coming quizzes as we dive into it.

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Ah c’est pas vrai ça, à tous les coups il pleure.
    Tous les matins c’est pareil…
    Eh vas couper des tomates plutôt ! Gnagnana, ça pique les yeux…
    Non et puis genre, ça fait pleurer les oignons quoi, faut arrêter…

    Nos oignons sont 100% français et découpés chaque jour en restaurant pour conserver leur fraîcheur.

    Hmmm Burger King

    Oh that’s not right, he cries every time.
    Every morning it’s the same…
    Hey, go cut some tomatoes instead!
    Gnagnana, it stings the eyes…
    No and then like, it makes the onions cry, you have to stop…

    Our onions are 100% French and cut every day in restaurants to keep them fresh.

    Mmm Burger King

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “c’est pas vrais ça” mean?

    “C’est pas vrai ça” is a French phrase that means “that’s not true” or “that can’t be true”. It is used to express disbelief or surprise. It is a colloquial phrase, and it is informal, often used in spoken language, expressing a reaction of surprise or disbelief. It is a way to express that you find something hard to believe and it is similar to “Really? Are you serious?” in English. It can also be used in a more light-hearted or joking manner.

    Example: “Ffff, ah non c’est pas vrai!” – “Ffff, oh no, that can’t be true!”

    Understanding the difference: “Il pleure” and “Il pleut” in French

    “Il pleure” and “Il pleut” may seem similar at first glance, but they have very different meanings in French.

    “Il pleure” translates to “he is crying” in English. It is used to describe when a person is shedding tears from their eyes, typically as a result of emotions such as sadness or happiness. For example, “Mon fils pleure quand il est triste” (My son cries when he is sad).

    On the other hand, “Il pleut” translates to “it is raining” in English. It is used to describe the weather condition where water droplets fall from the sky. For example, “Il pleut ce matin” (It’s raining this morning).

    It is important to note that while the verb “pleuvoir” means “to rain,” and “pleurer” means “to cry,” the verb conjugation “pleut” and “pleure” are different. One indicates a person crying and the other indicates the weather condition of raining.

    In conclusion, “Il pleure” and “Il pleut” may look similar but have very different meanings in French. “Il pleure” means “he is crying” and “Il pleut” means “it is raining.” It is important to pay attention to verb conjugations when trying to understand the meaning of a sentence in French.

    What words did I look up in this snippet?

    Find keywords for this snippet below

    • c’est pareil

    “C’est pareil” is a French phrase that means “it’s the same” or “it’s identical.” It is used to express that two things are similar or identical. The phrase is composed of two words, “c’est” which is a contraction of “ce” (this) and “est” (is) and “pareil” which is an adjective meaning “the same” or “identical.” It’s a way to express that two things are similar or identical.


    • “J’ai acheté cette robe hier, mais c’est pareil que celle que j’ai vu chez toi hier soir” means “I bought this dress yesterday, but it’s the same as the one I saw at yours last night”

    It can also be used to express agreement or that something is common, similar to saying “That’s right” or “Same here” in English.

    Example: “Je suis fatigué aujourd’hui” “C’est pareil pour moi” means “I’m tired today” “Same here”

    It can be used in different context and it’s important to pay attention to the context to understand the meaning.

    • plutôt

    “Plutôt” is an adverb in French that can be translated to “rather” or “instead” in English. It is used to indicate preference or to express a contrast between two options.

    For example, “Je préfère manger des pommes plutôt que des poires” (I prefer to eat apples rather than pears).

    It can also be used to express that something is more likely to happen than another thing, “Il fera plutôt beau demain” (It will be rather nice tomorrow).

    It can also be used to express the degree of preference. “Je préfère plutôt les chats aux chiens” (I prefer cats to dogs)

    It’s a versatile word that can be used in many different ways depending on the context.

    • Gnagnana

    Ok, this one is not really a word in French. But it is a sound that can be made with your mouth. And what a great one.

    • ça pique les yeux

    “Ça pique les yeux” is a French phrase that means “it stings the eyes.” It is used to describe something that is causing discomfort or irritation to the eyes, such as a bright light or strong winds. It can also be used to describe something that is visually disturbing or hard to look at, such as a bright or flashy object.

    For example, “La lumière de ce projecteur est tellement forte qu’elle pique les yeux” (The light from this projector is so strong that it stings the eyes). Or “Cette robe est si tape-à-l’œil qu’elle pique les yeux” (This dress is so flashy that it stings the eyes)

    It’s an idiomatic expression that emphasizes the discomfort or annoyance caused by the thing described.

    • Non et puis genre

    “Non et puis genre” is a casual phrase in French that is used to express disbelief or to reject something. It is similar in meaning to saying “No way” or “No, and then like” in English.

    “Non” means “no” in English, and “puis” is a conjunction that can be translated as “and then.” “genre” is a slang term, it’s a shortened form of “en gros” which means “roughly” or “in general.” So “genre” is used to indicate that the speaker is not being precise, but just giving a general idea.

    When used together, “non et puis genre” means something like “No, and then like, I don’t believe it” or “No, and then like, that’s not possible” or “No, and then like, I don’t agree with that”

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