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Inner French ep. 001, quiz 53: n’arrivez pas à

    Improve your French listening skills with this clip, start here no matter your level! It’s 50 words in 20 seconds, how many can you hear? Choose how much of the transcript you see and fill in the rest.

    This clip is from the Inner French podcast Episode 001. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Find the full podcast here.

    20 seconds, 50 words

    Press play and take the transcription quiz to practice your French listening comprehension.
    (You can use the ⋮ to adjust playback speed)

    The above audio sample and transcription is from the Inner French podcast episode 001. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.

    Not able to

    I love the addition of “yet” to anything with unable to. I hope you roll that out too. I flipped on the TV the other day and it was something in French, I’m in Tokyo at the moment, so that’s remarkable. But, I was only able to pick up a little bit. Still a ways to go. My next podcast on this site will definitely be something faster, and we’ll see how that changes!

    There are a lot of things I’m not able to do, and I like to throw on “yet” to keep it positive. It’s only a matter of time and effort…

    What’s opening up for you in this clip? I’m open to any and all feedback, as always. Let me know.

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    D’abord, ça vous permet d’identifier les problèmes. Quand vous voyez qu’il y a une chose que vous n’arrivez pas à dire, que vous n’arrivez pas à exprimer, alors vous allez chercher une façon de le faire. Et en cherchant cette façon de le faire, vous allez apprendre une nouvelle structure.

    First, it allows you to identify problems. When you see that there is something you can’t say, that you can’t express, then you will look for a way to do it. And by looking for this way of doing it, you will learn a new structure.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “n’arrivez pas à” mean?

    The phrase “n’arrivez pas à + (a verb in the infinitive)” is a common French expression that can be translated as “can’t manage to” or “can’t succeed in”. It is used to express difficulty or failure in accomplishing a certain task or action.

    For example, “Je n’arrive pas à dormir” means “I can’t manage to sleep” or “I can’t sleep” in English. Similarly, “Il n’arrive pas à dire ce qu’il ressent” means “He can’t manage to say what he feels” or “He can’t express his feelings”.

    This expression is often used in everyday conversation, both in formal and informal situations. It can be used to express frustration, confusion, or simply a lack of ability to perform a certain task.

    Some fun facts about this phrase are that it is part of the larger group of French expressions that use the verb “arriver” to indicate the ability or inability to perform an action, and it is often used in combination with other verbs to indicate different levels of difficulty. For example, “J’arrive à comprendre” means “I manage to understand”, while “Je n’arrive pas à comprendre” means “I can’t manage to understand”.

    What does “d’abord” mean?

    “D’abord” is a French adverb that translates to “first” or “firstly” in English. It is often used to introduce a sequence of events or actions.

    Here are some examples of how “d’abord” can be used in a sentence:

    • D’abord, nous allons visiter le musée. (First, we will visit the museum.)
    • D’abord, il faut que tu termines tes devoirs. (Firstly, you need to finish your homework.)
    • D’abord, je vais prendre une douche. (First, I’m going to take a shower.)

    In addition to its functional uses, “d’abord” can also be used to express impatience or annoyance. For example:

    • D’abord, où es-tu passé ? (Firstly, where have you been?)
    • D’abord, pourquoi tu n’as pas répondu à mes appels ? (First, why didn’t you answer my calls?)

    One fun fact about “d’abord” is that it can be combined with other adverbs to create new expressions, such as “tout d’abord” (first of all) or “rapidement d’abord” (quickly first).

    What does “une façon” mean?

    “Une façon” is a French noun that translates to “a way” or “a manner” in English. It can be used in various contexts to describe different ways of doing something, or to express a particular style or approach.

    Here are some examples of how “une façon” can be used in a sentence:

    • C’est une façon intéressante de voir les choses. (It’s an interesting way of seeing things.)
    • J’aime ta façon de cuisiner. (I like your way of cooking.)
    • Il y a plusieurs façons de résoudre ce problème. (There are several ways to solve this problem.)
    • Sa façon de parler est un peu agaçante. (His way of speaking is a bit annoying.)

    “Une façon” can also be used in idiomatic expressions, such as:

    • De toute façon – Anyway
    • À ma façon – In my own way
    • De cette façon – In this way

    One fun fact about “une façon” is that it is often used with the verb “avoir” (to have) to express a certain attitude or demeanor. For example, “avoir une façon de parler” can mean “to have a way of speaking” or “to have a certain manner of speaking.”

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