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Paris o’clock 042920 Quiz36: Il a très peur

The best way to improve your ear for French, listen to this snippet from Paris o’clock podcast. It’s 52 words in 34 seconds. Test your listening comprehension and understand French better with us.

Learn French with a podcast! This clip is from Paris o’clock 29 April 2020 Episode. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Find the full episode here.

34 seconds, 56 words

The above audio sample and transcription is from Paris o’clock Podcast 29 Apr 2020 Episode. We do not own this content, nor do we pretend to own it. The above is for entertainment and educational purposes only. Register on Paris o’clock site to read the full text and hear the full audio.

He is very afraid

I hesitated about which phrase to pick for this lesson. The snippet looks at Monet’s end of his life. The fear of an operation on his eyes, the real moneymakers for him, his final work, and his last days.

Why did I settle on fear? Greatness, adventure, fun, everything comes from getting outside our comfort zones. That’s my belief. And the main hurdle is usually fear. According to the snippet, following the surgery, he was able to finish his collosal final works. Those are the works he’s remembered for (by most people). And they are the ones we started this lesson with, earning top dollar.

That’s why I chose fear. We have to put ourselves out there, get out of our comfort zone. I’m not saying jump off a bridge or out of a plane… just to take a baby step into the less comfortable. That’s why I continue to post these mini quizzes here. It’s why I look to study, and speak up in class even if I make mistakes. It’s why I try to order baguettes and espressos in France in French. Even if I make mistakes, I’m putting myself out there and improving.

I hope you can too.

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The snippet in English

Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

Avec l’âge, Monet développe une double cataracte et commence à perdre la vue. Il a très peur de l’opération, mais il finit par se faire opérer.

Et il va mieux, il peut alors terminer sa dernière œuvre : la gigantesque série des Nymphéas qui sera exposée au musée de l’Orangerie à Paris.

Il passe ses derniers jours à s’occuper de son jardin et il meurt à l’âge de 86 ans.

With age, Monet developed a double cataract and began to lose his sight. He is very afraid of the operation, but he ends up having the operation.

And he improved, he can then finish his last work: the gigantic series of Water Lilies which will be exhibited at the Musée de l’Orangerie in Paris.

He spent his last days tending to his garden and died at the age of 86.

The above text translated using Google Translate. Translation Link. The content in French is courtesy of Paris o’clock.

What words did I look up in this snippet?

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perdre la vue

Il a très peur

sa dernière œuvre

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