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grandes enterprises de l'agroalimentaire - hear that phrase in this clip of French in real life

Manger ep. 1, Quiz 66: aucune

    Start at any level and improve your listening skills with this clip of French in real life. Hear “aucune” and “dont” – do you know what those words mean? Improve your French understanding with FREE daily clips and quizzes, start today!


    Manger ep. 1, Quiz 65: vont jusqu’à

      Improve your French listening with this clip of French in real life! Start at any level and hear “et d’ailleurs”, “vont jusqu’à”, and “hyper bons”, do you know what they mean? Choose how much of the transcript you see and fill in the blanks with our quiz. Take a few minutes daily to improve your understanding of fast, spoken French in the wild with our FREE daily quizzes.

      Manger ep. 1, Quiz 64: goûter

        Start at any level with today’s clip about when to enjoy cereals. Do you know the words: “Ça veut pas dire”, “de temps en temps”, & “goûter”? Hear them in this clip. Choose how much of the transcript you see and fill in the blanks. Improve your French listening skills with just a few minutes practice daily with us FREE

        hungry again in 2hrs, and what will you reach for? improve your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life

        Manger ep. 1, Quiz 63: dans la mesure

          “dans la mesure” and “très vite”, do you know what these phrases mean? Hear them in this clip of French in real life. Improve your French listening skills at any level (A1 to DALF prep). Listen and fill in the blanks of our transcription quiz


          Manger ep. 1, Quiz 62: c’est clair

            Improve your French listening skills at any level! A1 to DALF prep, start here. Do you know what “c’est clair” & “pas du tout” mean? Hear them in this clip of French in real life, listen and fill in the blanks of our daily listening exercises.

            Manger ep. 1, Quiz 61: faut

              How do you use the word “faut”? Hear it in this clip from French in real life. Start at any level and fill in the blanks of our transcription quiz. Improve your French listening skills with real life French.

              Improve your French listening skills with this clip from Manger, hear about how healthy granola really is and start at any level, fill in the blanks of our transcription quiz

              Manger ep. 1, Quiz 60: forcément

                Do you know what “quand même”, “forcément”, and “assez” mean? Start at any level and hear them in this clip of French in real life. Listen and fill in the blanks of a transcription quiz at your level to improve your French listening skills!

                scale of health where do porridge and granola fall?

                Manger ep. 1, Quiz 59: c’est à dire

                  What does “dans l’échelle” mean? What about “c’est à dire”? Hear them both in this clip. Start at any level and practice your French listening skills. Listen and fill in the blanks in our transcription quiz

                  Manger ep. 1, Quiz 58: faire perdre

                    “perdre 2kg par semaine” what does that mean? And what is not going to cause you to do that? Hear it in this short clip of French in real life. Take our transcription quiz at any level and see how much you can hear.

                    "ça va être super sain". Sauf que non. maybe granola isn't as healthy as we thought, listen to this clip and improve your French listening skills with us

                    Manger ep. 1, Quiz 57: sauf que non

                    What does “sauf que non” mean? Hear it in this clip along with “fait envie”, “tout à l’heure”, and “branché”. Improve your French listening skills with a clip of French in real life.