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Practice your ear for French with clips from podcasts, the news, and music.

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Transfert s01e22, quiz 4: d’accueil

    Improve your ear with French in real life. Hear this quote from an acceptance speech repeated in the Transfert podcast. How much can you pick up? I highlight the word “d’accueil” for its nuance. What else would you highlight and dive into? Take on today’s clip. It’s fast and repetitive, perfect for practicing. Use the transcription quiz and improve your ear for fast spoken French.

    nous manquent

    Transfert s01e22, quiz 3: nous manquent

      French irl doesn’t get much more real than what someone said in their award acceptance speech. Esoteric and nuanced, can you pick it all up? Hear words like “les récits” and “nous manquent” among others. How much of this short clip can you follow? Hear it and take the transcription quiz today!

      un foyer

      Transfert s01e22, quiz 2: un foyer

        I’m loving some of the nuance in this clip. Hear phrases like: “débarque”, “un foyer”, “auprès des”, and “malmenés et meurtris”. I wanted to highlight foyer because it is different from our word foyer in English, even our use of “hearth” in English doesn’t contain the depth of meaning here. Take on today’s fast quiz!

        Transfert s01e22, quiz 1: sur scène

        Improve your ear for French with this snippet from Transfert podcast. It’s 28 words in 8 seconds, how many can you hear and understand? Short clips are the best way to improve your French listening comprehension. Try it today!

        rouler par

        Anti Smoking Pub, Quiz 5: rouler par

          We dive into toxic chemicals… but don’t worry about those, what about the words “pires” and “rouler par” in the context of this clip? Hear it all and see if you can pick it out. Type in what you hear to our transcription quiz!

          tous les coups

          Anti Smoking Pub, Quiz 4: tous les coups

            Dive into a French language PSA and see how much you can follow. I love this episode as it goes from formal to colloquial. Hear this colloquial bit of French with “les gars:”, “ça marche à tous les coups”, “truc là”, “assez bien”, and “bah rien”. Oh yeah, and a swear, but you probably already know that word. Hear them all and follow along with our quiz of boardroom colloquial French with today’s 4th installment of a PSA!

            se rendre compte

            Anti Smoking Pub, Quiz 3: se rendre compte

            Follow along with the next clip of this French PSA, it’s the pitch of an idea. Can you track all these words in fast spoken French: “des trucs dégueulasses”, “se rendre compte”, “le plus tôt possible”? Follow along with our fill-in-the-blanks transcription quiz perfect for learners at any level, even when the clip is

            sur le dos

            Anti Smoking Pub, Quiz 2: sur le dos

              Hear a bunch of ideas pitched to the boss. Can you follow along? Listen for “on peut pas ?”, “une usine de retraitement”, “la dernière fois”, enfouir discrètement”, “les écolos”, “sur le dos”, & “moins regardant”. Take on today’s quiz and improve your ear with fast spoken French in real life!

              sur les bras

              Anti Smoking Pub, Quiz 1: sur les bras

                Practice your French listening with a PSA about smoking. Whether you agree or not, it’s important to understand PSAs and other announcements in French. What about this one in a business meeting setting? Can you pick up the phrases “fair venir en urgence”, “déchets toxiques”, “sur les bras”, “il faut absolument”, & “et vite”? Take a listen and follow along with our French listening quiz.

                jusqu'à la fin

                Passarelles ep. 1, Quiz 92: jusqu’à la fin

                  Take on this clip perfect for any starting level to intermediate level. Do you know the phrases “jusqu’à la fin”, “en attendant”, “je vous remercie”, and “à très vite”? Hear them all in this longer clip and practice your French listening skills. Take on today’s quiz with us!

                  en parler autour de vous

                  Passarelles ep. 1, Quiz 91: en parler autour de vous

                  You may know “voilà” and “comme d’habitude”, but what about “en parler autour de vous” and “mettre une note”? Hear them all in this penultimate quiz from Passarelles ep. 1. Fill in the blanks as you listen and surprise yourself as you listen.

                  Cycle Passing Through Zebra Crossing

                  Passarelles ep. 1, Quiz 90: propre rythme

                  Hear the phrases “parfois”, “propre rythme”, and “à travers” in context. Take on this clip as we nearly finish the first episode of Passarelles. Listen and fill in the blanks as you go.