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un rendez-vous

Transfert s01e22, Quiz 25: un rendez-vous

    Hear a couple of phrases related to work and getting a job in this short clip. Can your ear catch them all? “un rendez-vous”, “en région parisienne”, “de m’engager”, “à joindre son équipe”. Listen and fill in the blanks of today’s transcription quiz at your level!

    en bons termes

    Transfert s01e22, Quiz 24: en bons termes

      Dive into a whirlwind of past romances with this fun French podcast snippet from Transfert s01ep22! 🎢💔 From breezy goodbyes to tricky farewells, uncover what “je suis restée en bons termes” really means and boost your French flair! 🇫🇷✨ Catch the clip here and fill in what you hear in our transcription quiz!

      cest pas grave

      Transfert s01e22, Quiz 23: c’est pas grave

        Take on this clip from Transfert. It’ s a fast clip with some great expressions. Do you know “le cheminement”, “tiens”, “c’est chouette” and “c’es pas grave”? Hear them all and more and fill in the blanks as you listen!

        un tournant dans la vie

        Passarelles ep. 1, Quiz 69: un tournant dans la vie

        Ever thought of birthdays as existential crossroads? Learn the meaning behind phrases like ‘peut être,’ ‘parfois,’ and ‘un tournant dans la vie’ in this 29-word clip from ‘Passerelles.’ What’s opening up for you in this clip? Dive in, hear these phrases in context, and fill in the blanks as we explore the depth behind celebrations in French culture.

        ça veut pas dire que

        Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 67: ça veut pas dire que

          In just 29 words, this clip from ‘Passerelles’ navigates the delicate balance between individual desires and societal expectations. What do phrases like ‘pas vécu,’ ‘-là,’ ‘ça veut pas dire que,’ and ‘liées’ reveal about this tension? Join us as we unpack these French nuances that make all the difference.

          en tout cas

          Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 66: en tout cas

            Unlock the real essence of French conversations by understanding common phrases like ‘en tout cas’ and ‘bien installé.’ Today’s quiz offers a glimpse into how life stages have changed over time in French culture. Navigate through love, career, and personal growth while enhancing your vocabulary and comprehension. Take the quiz now!

            passer vite

            Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 64: passer vite

              Dive into some common and useful expressions and look at nuance with “vite” in today’s quiz. It’s moderately paced and 32 words long. Dive in and fill-in-the-blanks with what you hear.

              quand même

              Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 41: quand même

                Only 34 words, but oh, the phrases they pack! Can you spot them all? From the elusive “Sans forcément” to the melodic “comme vers,” not forgetting the classic “le sens” and ever-so-useful “quand même”. How about “on a tendance” and “un bilan”? Which ones ring a bell and which ones sound like jibberish? Test your ears and your memory with our transcription quiz. Tune into the audio clip, grab your virtual pen, and fill in those blanks. Ready, set, écoutez!


                Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 38: ça me met

                  Do you know “ça me gene”, “ça me met”, and “mal à l’aise”? Hear them all in this quiz from a clip of the Passerelles podcast. Set your level and fill in the blanks while you listen. Practice in just a few minutes with French in real life


                  Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 36: mon rapport à tout ça

                    Do you know the phrases “mon rapport à tout ça” and “j’aime pas trop”? Hear them both in this short, slower clip from Passerelles. Follow along with the level you set and fill in the blanks in today’s quiz.

                    un coup de

                    Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 34: un coup de

                    Do you know “retrouve”, “un coup de”, and “déprimée”? Hear them all in this clip of French in real life. Listen and fill in the blanks to improve your French listening skills. Start at any level with this moderately fast clip.

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