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Transfert s01e22, Quiz 16: Il n’y a jamais

    What does she mean by vulgar? I’m not sure we’ll know, but see if you can pick up “vulgarité” and “vulgaire” in this 7 second clip. Fill in the blanks and improve your ear for fast spoken French!

    peut-être que

    Transfert s01e22, quiz 10: peut-être que

      Take on French in real life, with the starts, stops, and colloquialisms you can expect from NOT your teacher’s French. Can you catch phrases like: “jusqu’à ce que”, “je ne me suis jamais dit”, “peut-être que”, & “Jamais !” ? Hear them all and more in this fast clip from Transfert.


      Transfert s01e22, quiz 6: dont

        Take on a short clip today, just 5 seconds long with 20 words. Can you catch all of the 240 words per minute? Nothing too tricky for grammar or nuance in this clip. How do you find it? Let’s continue with today’s transcription quiz, keep up the habit

        nous manquent

        Transfert s01e22, quiz 3: nous manquent

          French irl doesn’t get much more real than what someone said in their award acceptance speech. Esoteric and nuanced, can you pick it all up? Hear words like “les récits” and “nous manquent” among others. How much of this short clip can you follow? Hear it and take the transcription quiz today!

          Transfert s01e22, quiz 1: sur scène

          Improve your ear for French with this snippet from Transfert podcast. It’s 28 words in 8 seconds, how many can you hear and understand? Short clips are the best way to improve your French listening comprehension. Try it today!

          rouler par

          Anti Smoking Pub, Quiz 5: rouler par

            We dive into toxic chemicals… but don’t worry about those, what about the words “pires” and “rouler par” in the context of this clip? Hear it all and see if you can pick it out. Type in what you hear to our transcription quiz!

            Passarelles ep. 1, Quiz 90: propre rythme

            Hear the phrases “parfois”, “propre rythme”, and “à travers” in context. Take on this clip as we nearly finish the first episode of Passarelles. Listen and fill in the blanks as you go.

            entourés de

            Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 84: entourés de

            Listen for the phrases: “entourés de”, “cierges”, and “qui devaient”. Can you hear them all in this short clip from Passarelles? We’re getting to the end of this episode. Continue your listening journey and improve your French listening comprehension with our daily quizzes! Take on today’s…

            la chasse

            Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 82: la chasse

              Dive into “À cette époque” and hear how it sets the scene. Listen for “vénéraient” and the importance of “des dieux et des déesses”. Don’t miss out on ‘la chasse’ too. Test your ears with our quiz. Can you catch all these phrases in real French talk?

              pour la petite histoire

              Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 81: pour la petite histoire

              Dive into the depths of history with “il faut remonter”, as we journey to uncover a tale from “la Grèce antique”. Ever wondered about the origin of birthday candles? “Pour la petite histoire”, it’s a tale that stretches back millennia. Join us to unravel this captivating story.