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moderate (120 to 159 wpm)

à pieds

Vivons Heureux Numéro 1, Quiz 35: après l’entretien

    Improve your ear for spoken French with today’s clip. While slower than the previous posts of the interview, this one offers some challenging vocab, names, and conjugations. Set your level and listen, how much can you pick up?

    des années que ça dure

    Vivons Heureux Numéro 1, Quiz 18: des années que ça dure

      Improve your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life. Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen with our real-time quiz. How much can you pick up? Take on this clip and follow along as your listening comprehension improves.

      vient de là

      Vivons Heureux Numéro 1, Quiz 17: vient de là

        Improve your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life. Choose your level and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Use French in the wild to improve your French listening comprehension!

        même pas

        Vivons Heureux Numéro 1, Quiz 16: même pas

          Wish you could understand more than just your teacher? Take on this clip of French in real life to practice your French listening skills. Set your level and fill in the blanks with what you hear.

          ce coup-ci

          Vivons Heureux Numéro 1, Quiz 15: ce coup-ci

            Improve your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life. Real life often combines the mundane and esoteric – coming home from the store, and defeat – both in shopping and in your own closet. Take a listen and see how much you can fill in to the transcript!

            des soldes

            Vivons Heureux Numéro 1, Quiz 3: des soldes

              Boost your French listening skills with this clip form a French podcast. How much can you pick up? Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen. What words stood out to you? “des soldes”, “la première démarque”, “pas bien glorieux”, “la mode, les tendances, le look”, me préoccupe”, “depuis toujours”, and “trop” for me. Again, while slower that a lot of clips on site, this one still packs a punch!


              Vivons Heureux Numéro 1, Quiz 1: surnager

              Improve your French listening skills with this clip from Vivons Heureux podcast. It’s a moderate pace, but still filled with some challenging vocab. Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen, how much can you pick up? Some vocab that stood out to me: “heureux”, “la fin du monde”, “pistes”, “surnager”, and “ce qui remets en cause”.


              Audible Ad from podcasts, quiz: offert

                This ad appears in’s podcasts. Audible advertises in American podcasts too, so you may have heard this same ad in English before. It’s not fast, but it is French in real life. It’s targeting the French speaking audience who listens to this podcast. How much can you pick up? Take our quiz, set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen!