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moderate (120 to 159 wpm)

je pars aux

Transfert s01e22, Quiz 45: je pars aux

    Improve your ear for French with French in real life! Follow along with this clip about what she did and her big decision. 53 words in 21 seconds, can you catch them all? We highlight: “je me suis dit”, “je pars aux”, and “près de lui”

    qui souffre

    Transfert s01e22, Quiz 44: qui souffre

      Improve your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life. It’s not a fast one. See if you can catch all 50 words in the clip. Set your level and fill in the blanks fo our listening quiz as you go.

      donc quoi

      Transfert s01e22, Quiz 37: quoi

        Can you catch all 7 filler words in this clip of 36 words? That’s basically 20% filler words and might be more common than your teacher will let you believe in fast spoken French. This demonstrates how someone might speak through a more difficult topic like the death of a parent. Take a listen and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Start from any level, simply choose how much of the clip you can see to start!


        Transfert s01e22, Quiz 32: bon

          Improve your French listening skills with clips of fast French in real life. Take on this slower clip of French in real life, with all the stops and starts you’d expect. Can you pick up “bon, d’accord” and “on s’organise” in the clip? Listen and fill in the blanks with what you hear!

          un coup de fil

          Transfert s01e22, Quiz 31: un coup de fil

            Will you catch all of this in today’s clip? Hear: “interviews”, “m’est affectée”, “un coup de fil” and “malade”. Fill in the blanks as you listen and improve you understanding of fast spoken French. Join us as we continue through this podcast episode!

            un rendez-vous

            Transfert s01e22, Quiz 25: un rendez-vous

              Hear a couple of phrases related to work and getting a job in this short clip. Can your ear catch them all? “un rendez-vous”, “en région parisienne”, “de m’engager”, “à joindre son équipe”. Listen and fill in the blanks of today’s transcription quiz at your level!

              bien évidemment

              Transfert s01e22, Quiz 19: bien évidemment

                I love the speed changes in this clip. It starts slow then dives into a real fast clip. There are three words she stumbles over and repeats at the end of the clip. What are you hearing? Dive into some helpful expressions in this clip.

                assex imposant

                Transfert s01e22, Quiz 18: assez imposant

                Improve your ear with this clip from Transfert. Diveinto words like “gros nounours”, “assez imposant”, and “faire du mal”. Can you hear them all in this clip? Use our fill in the blanks quiz to improve your ear for fast spoken French!

                on se doutait

                Transfert s01e22, Quiz 15: on se doutait

                Dive into today’s clip – do you know “à la fois” this use of “exhibitionniste”. “on se doutait” and “une sieste crapuleuse”? Hear them all in today’s clip and practice your listening comprehension with French in real life!

                je me suis toujours dit

                Transfert s01e22, Quiz 9: je me suis toujours dit

                  Some great phrases fill this moderately fast quiz: “Je me suis toujours dit”, “pas comme les autres”, and “j’arrivais pas à toucher”. Do you know them all? Take on today’s quiz and fill in the blanks as we begin this story…