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tous les trois

Transfert s01e22, Quiz 52: tous les trois

    Take on another clip of French in real life and improve your listening comprehension skills. This clip is far slower than the average for clips on site. Can you follow along with everything? Set your level and fill in the blanks with what you hear!

    à la fois

    Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 78: à la fois

      Catch a glimpse of how “L’âge désigne un temps écoulé” intertwines with the intricate layers of time. Delve deep into expressions like “à la fois” and let “qu’on m’a posée” stir a moment of introspection. Take today’s quiz, fill in the blanks as you follow along.

      Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 72: n’oublient jamais

      A long one, and slow paced. Follow along with 50 words and many many questions. Follow along with: “pose plusieurs questions”, “ceux des autre”, and “n’oublient jamais”. Fill in the blanks and hone your ear for French questions.


      Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 63: paraître

        What do the phrases: “d’une part”, “se rajeunir”, “c’est-à-dire”, “paraître”, “vieillir jeune”, & “entre guillemets” mean? Hear them all in today’s clip. Wow. That is a lot. This clip is slower paced, try to catch all 27 words in it.

        choisir au hasard

        Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 49: choisir au hasard

          “pour dire les choses autrement”, “percevoir”, “choisis pas au hasard”. and “prendre une décision”. How many of those phrases do you recognize? How many can you pick up in this slow paced clip from Passerelles? Hear them all and explore their meaning in today’s quiz.


          Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 31: aussi

            You may already know “aussi” and “en partie” but hear them both again in this clip of French in real life. Choose how much you can see of the transcript, then fill in the blanks with what you hear. Practice daily with free quizzes updated at 12am NY time, and improve your French listening skills with us!

            À partir de

            Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 29: à partir de

              What do: “Par contre”, “assez récente”, “à partir de” and “s’est répandue” mean? Hear them all and more in this clip of French in real life. Start at any level, choose how much of the transcript you can see and fill in the blanks. Understand more than just your teacher!

              être fier

              Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 27: être fier

                Let’s get a little heavy. Are you ready? What do “chez les chrétiens”, “un péché”, “l’orgueil”, and “être fier” mean? Hear them all in today’s clip. Start from any level, choose how much of the transcript is hidden, and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Use our listening quiz to improve your understanding of French in real life.


                Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 26: plutôt

                  Are you confident you can use all of these A1 words? Do you know all their meanings in different contexts? Hear these “simple” words along with more challenging vocab in today’s clip. Find words like “À l’origine”, “dans”, “comme”, “plutôt”, and “ou”. Start at any level with our transcription quiz, choose how much of the transcript you can see. Then fill in the blanks to improve your listening skills!

                  autrement dit

                  Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 20: autrement dit

                    What do “un rite d’intercession”, “qu’est-ce que”, “autrement dit” and “tout simplement” mean? Hear them all in this clip of French in real life. How much can you hear in today’s clip? Set your level and fill in the blanks in our transcription quiz.