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Manger ep. 1, Quiz 92: remange

    How much of this clip can you hear? Try your ear no matter your level. Choose how much of the transcript you can see, then fill in the blanks while you listen.

    This clip is from Manger Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    8 seconds, 35 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Manger ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

    eating it again

    What’s opening up for you in this clip?

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Mélissa, je crois qu’on peut donc dire qu’on s’est libéré du marketing des céréales de notre enfance, même si pour ma part, la rechute n’est pas loin, dès que j’en remange, comme tout à l’heure.

    Mélissa, I think it’s fair to say that we’ve freed ourselves from the cereal marketing of our childhood, even if for me, relapse isn’t far off, as soon as I start eating it again, as I did earlier.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “je crois qu’on peut donc dire” mean?

    The phrase “je crois qu’on peut donc dire” translates to “I believe we can therefore say” in English.

    Let’s break it down:

    • “Je crois” means “I believe.” It indicates that the speaker is expressing their personal opinion or belief about something.
    • “Qu’on peut” is a contraction of “que l’on peut” and means “that we can.” It introduces the idea or statement that the speaker believes to be true or valid.
    • “Donc” means “therefore” or “so.” It indicates a logical consequence or inference based on the preceding information or reasoning.
    • “Dire” means “to say.” It represents the action of expressing or stating something verbally.

    Putting it all together, “je crois qu’on peut donc dire” expresses the speaker’s belief or opinion that a particular statement or idea can be concluded or asserted based on the preceding information or reasoning.

    The phrase is commonly used when presenting an opinion or drawing a logical conclusion in a discussion or argument. It signifies that the speaker believes that their statement follows logically from the information or reasoning that has been presented. It adds confidence and conviction to the assertion being made. It’s important to note that “je crois qu’on peut donc dire” is a phrase used in spoken and written French to express personal beliefs or opinions.

    What does “la rechute” mean?

    “La rechute” is a French noun that translates to “relapse” in English. “La rechute” refers to the recurrence or return of a previous condition, especially in the context of illnesses, addictions, or behavioral patterns. It denotes the deterioration or setback after a period of improvement or recovery.

    “La rechute” is commonly used in the medical and psychological fields to describe the return of symptoms or the worsening of a condition that was previously under control. In the context of addiction, “la rechute” refers to the resumption of substance use or engagement in addictive behaviors after a period of abstinence or recovery.

    While she uses it here to signify control of sugar addiction, it’s important to note that this word may refer to serious addiction and abuse issues. As a learner, be careful how you use it.

    What does “remange” mean?

    The phrase “remange” is composed of the pronoun “je” (I) and the verb “remanger.”

    The verb “remanger” is derived from the verb “manger,” which means “to eat.” The prefix “re-” indicates repetition or doing something again. Therefore, “remanger” can be translated as “to eat again” or “to have another meal.”

    “Je remange” conveys the idea of eating again, typically referring to having another meal or consuming food after a previous meal or period of not eating.


    • “Je remange un morceau de gâteau” (I’m having another piece of cake)
    • “Après ma sieste, je remange un peu” (After my nap, I eat again a bit).

    What does “dès” mean?

    The word “dès” in French is a preposition that is often translated as “from” or “as early as” in English. It indicates the starting point or the moment something begins or happens.

    Here are a few examples to illustrate its usage:

    • “Dès demain matin, je commence mon nouveau travail.” (From tomorrow morning, I start my new job.)
    • “Dès son arrivée à l’aéroport, elle a été accueillie par sa famille.” (As soon as she arrived at the airport, she was greeted by her family.)
    • “Dès le début du spectacle, le public était captivé.” (From the beginning of the show, the audience was captivated.)
    • “Dès que tu auras terminé tes devoirs, nous pourrons sortir.” (As soon as you finish your homework, we can go out.)

    In these examples, “dès” indicates the starting point or the moment something begins or occurs. It emphasizes the immediate or early nature of the action. It can be used with different time references, such as specific moments, dates, or conditions. It helps to express a sense of immediacy or promptness in relation to an event or action.

    Remember that “dès” is followed by a time expression, a noun, or a clause to indicate when something starts or happens.

    What does “tout à l’heure” mean?

    “Tout à l’heure” is a French expression that can be translated as “just now,” “a little while ago,” or “earlier.” It refers to a recent past moment in time. I know I recently had this one in another post, but I forgot it and wanted to include it again.

    For example:

    • “Je l’ai vu tout à l’heure.” (I saw him/her just now.)
    • “Nous avons parlé au téléphone tout à l’heure.” (We spoke on the phone earlier.)
    • “Je viens de rentrer chez moi tout à l’heure.” (I just got home a little while ago.)

    To use it effectively, think of “tout à l’heure” as a marker for recent past events. When you want to refer to something that occurred not too long ago, use this phrase to indicate the time frame. With the help of the magical clock in your mind, you can easily recall and use “tout à l’heure” in your conversations.

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    How much of this clip can you hear? Try your ear no matter your level. Choose how much of the transcript you can see, then fill in the blanks while you listen.

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