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From Podcasts

The best podcasts for learning French are the most interesting. Use snippets from podcasts to improve your ear for French without losing focus. Start here to discover podcast clips under a minute in French.

quand même

Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 41: quand même

    Only 34 words, but oh, the phrases they pack! Can you spot them all? From the elusive “Sans forcément” to the melodic “comme vers,” not forgetting the classic “le sens” and ever-so-useful “quand même”. How about “on a tendance” and “un bilan”? Which ones ring a bell and which ones sound like jibberish? Test your ears and your memory with our transcription quiz. Tune into the audio clip, grab your virtual pen, and fill in those blanks. Ready, set, écoutez!

    et vous, vous vous

    Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 40: et vous, vous vous

    Slow it back down with today’s clip. Can you hear all these phrases we’ve marked? “Et vous, vous vous”, “pour revenir”, “ce jour-là”, and “également” Listen to the clip, fill in the blanks, and improve your French listening skills with us!


    Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 39: surtout

      Hear in this quiz: “surtout”, “mes proches”, “bien sûr”, and “il n’est pas si différent”. Can you understand them all in this faster clip from Passerelles. Keep your practice habit going with today’s free listening practice.


      Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 38: ça me met

        Do you know “ça me gene”, “ça me met”, and “mal à l’aise”? Hear them all in this quiz from a clip of the Passerelles podcast. Set your level and fill in the blanks while you listen. Practice in just a few minutes with French in real life

        pas encore

        Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 37: pas encore

          So many great phrases in this quiz & clip! Do you know: “pas de problème”, “le fait de”, “pas encore”, “ça va”, “c’est juste que”, & “je peux pas”? Can you catch them all in French in real life and use them in your own speaking? Try it all in today’s quiz. Set your level and fill in the blanks while you listen!


          Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 36: mon rapport à tout ça

            Do you know the phrases “mon rapport à tout ça” and “j’aime pas trop”? Hear them both in this short, slower clip from Passerelles. Follow along with the level you set and fill in the blanks in today’s quiz.

            au-delà de

            Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 35: au-delà de

              Improve your ear for French in real life. Do you know the phrases: “au-delà de”, “le rapport à soi”, and using “toutes et tous”? Hear them all in this clip from Passerelles. Take just a few minutes and improve your French listening skills with us.

              un coup de

              Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 34: un coup de

              Do you know “retrouve”, “un coup de”, and “déprimée”? Hear them all in this clip of French in real life. Listen and fill in the blanks to improve your French listening skills. Start at any level with this moderately fast clip.

              autour de

              Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 33: autour de

                What do “autour de”, “en plus de tout ça”, and “sans rentrer dans les détails” mean? Hear them all in this clip of French in real life. Immerse in a short clip, fill in the blanks as you listen, and improve your French listening skills.

                c'est que

                Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 32: c’est que

                  Do you know “ce que”, “de tout ça”, “c’est que”, and “selon”? Can you hear them all in this moderately fast clip? Take a listen and test your ear with these important colloquial expressions! Choose your level and fill in the blanks, daily with our dictées of French in real life!


                  Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 31: aussi

                    You may already know “aussi” and “en partie” but hear them both again in this clip of French in real life. Choose how much you can see of the transcript, then fill in the blanks with what you hear. Practice daily with free quizzes updated at 12am NY time, and improve your French listening skills with us!

                    penser aux

                    Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 30: penser aux

                      Will you pick up “très peu”, “penser aux”, and “etc” in a clip of French in real life? Do you know how to say “etc” in French? Find it all and more in today’s clip of French in real life. Start from any level. Choose how much of the transcript you can see and fill in the blanks as you listen. And improve your French listening skills!