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je me suis toujours dit

Transfert s01e22, Quiz 9: je me suis toujours dit

    Some great phrases fill this moderately fast quiz: “Je me suis toujours dit”, “pas comme les autres”, and “j’arrivais pas à toucher”. Do you know them all? Take on today’s quiz and fill in the blanks as we begin this story…

    un bout de

    Transfert s01e22, quiz 8: un bout de

      Take on today’s clip introducing this next podcast episode from Transfert. Do you know all these phrases? “quelqu’un à qui”, “la moitié de sa vie”, “un bout de”, & “infiniment”, hear them all in today’s quiz. Fill in the blanks as you listen and improve your ear for French.

      un point de

      Transfert s01e22, quiz 7: un point de

      Improve your ear with this clip of French that is fast and possibly a bit poetic. Some esoteric words and phrases to hone your ear with. Do you know “comme une béance” or “nous a entravés”? Hear them and others in this 12 second phrase. Take today’s transcription quiz! And what does your ear hear “un point de …”


      Transfert s01e22, quiz 6: dont

        Take on a short clip today, just 5 seconds long with 20 words. Can you catch all of the 240 words per minute? Nothing too tricky for grammar or nuance in this clip. How do you find it? Let’s continue with today’s transcription quiz, keep up the habit

        du côté des

        Transfert s01e22, quiz 5: a-t-elle dit

          Continue with French in real life with this episode from Transfert. Can you pick up: “a-t-elle dit”, “du côté des”, and “les vrais”? Try to fill in all 100% of the transcription in today’s fast clip.


          Transfert s01e22, quiz 4: d’accueil

            Improve your ear with French in real life. Hear this quote from an acceptance speech repeated in the Transfert podcast. How much can you pick up? I highlight the word “d’accueil” for its nuance. What else would you highlight and dive into? Take on today’s clip. It’s fast and repetitive, perfect for practicing. Use the transcription quiz and improve your ear for fast spoken French.

            nous manquent

            Transfert s01e22, quiz 3: nous manquent

              French irl doesn’t get much more real than what someone said in their award acceptance speech. Esoteric and nuanced, can you pick it all up? Hear words like “les récits” and “nous manquent” among others. How much of this short clip can you follow? Hear it and take the transcription quiz today!

              un foyer

              Transfert s01e22, quiz 2: un foyer

                I’m loving some of the nuance in this clip. Hear phrases like: “débarque”, “un foyer”, “auprès des”, and “malmenés et meurtris”. I wanted to highlight foyer because it is different from our word foyer in English, even our use of “hearth” in English doesn’t contain the depth of meaning here. Take on today’s fast quiz!

                cesar multiple new2

                Transfert s01e22, quiz 1: sur scène

                Improve your ear for French with this snippet from Transfert podcast. It’s 28 words in 8 seconds, how many can you hear and understand? Short clips are the best way to improve your French listening comprehension. Try it today!

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